Chapter 9

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~Stalking Has its Advantages~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Turns out, I'm late, again, and why? Of course, I had to stay overtime, again.

Why, you may ask? Well, because of a certain white haired doctor, a certain someone who goes by the name Arthur. And another certain tomato head who went ahead and named himself Greg.

Of course I'm alone, of course they won't wait for me, since I am not a woman who can possibly get kidnapped at night in the dark, or worse yet, even raped, I hope that won't happen to me. Its painful and terrible, I feel genuinely bad for the rape victims, what a pain in the ass men are. There won't be this much corruption if they weren't so many.

Whoever decided to make women to only be able and functional to give birth and to make men stronger, is the most stupidest creature of power in all the worlds. I hope they feel the pain of being a woman.

And not just the creator, but also the faceless man that has been vandalizing my stuff with the crossed out circles should pay. That... Thing used to be terrifying, but now its just pure annoying finding anything related to it. I clean my room everyday only to have it messed up by that thing, seriously faceless man, fuck off and give a lady her well deserved privacy for life's sake. What the plain hell?

As I ranted in my mind about how pissed I felt, I facepalmed myself, realizing that the pressure of overtime has put me into a state of annoyance and crankiness. I rolled my eyes at myself and packed up my stuff. Grabbing my phone, I made my way out of the office, down the hallways and outside if the hospital.

I looked around, the night was foggy, it was midnight, the street lamps were on, and it was majestic. Except for the fact that I can feel the eyes staring at my perplexed form from the forest lying on my left. Rolling my eyes at the strange presence, I attempted to completely ignore the stalker that just can't leave me alone. What a pain.

As I walked down the road, I realized that if something happened, I'd be defenseless considering my bag is at home, along with my wasp spray. Cursing at myself for my stupidity, I decided to get over with it and get home quickly and safely. However, fate had other plans.

I saw a person down the road where I was heading to, the man, it seemed, was leaning on a street lamp. I furrowed my brows and continued walking. I casted my eyes and head downwards when I neared him, not wanting to stare and be a rude person, which I usually get when I'm cranky. Again, fate was trying to be my enemy it seemed.

"Greetings sweetheart, what are you doing out here all on your own at such a late hour?" The man spoke, his voice was husky, and felt like a dewdrop on a rose petal. It really was like that, but for some reason, I felt dread, the kind you get when your parents are really angry at you for something. I looked up at the man, wishing I hadn't.

The man was tall, like the other suited being, this one wore a trench coat, deep navy blue pants and a fedora. There was a cigarette in his mouth full of shark like teeth. His white paper like skin glistened under the street lamp.

"Ah~ my brother's prey~ I wonder how he will act if I...borrow you for a bit~" the strange creature purred. I screeched loudly.

"A perverted tall faceless mouthed being!!! Escape!!!!" With that said, I escaped and ran away from him as fast as my legs could take me. Once I turned around a corner and couldn't feel his gaze on me anymore, I stopped, I leaned on a wall and panted from all the unneeded exercise.

Meanwhile, Sexual Offender man stared at the back of the retreating girl in surprise. He then grinned and sucked a deep breath of the cigar as he felt the rage of rather familiar seething creature. Puffing out smoke, Offender turned around and disappeared to thin air.

I turned back and noticed that I was a bit deep in some alley. It was the same alley where I met the blue masked man and the corpse, and the same alley where I met him a second time. I hesitated and wondered if I should go in, then decided to just get it over with since I was already (less than) halfway in.

Turns out, luck really isn't on my side as I was soon pinned to a wall by a stranger. He was a muscular man with brown eyes and jet black hair, tattoos covered his both arms as he wore a blue T-shirt that showed off his muscles.

"Oh~ what do we have here? Such a pretty girl, what are you doing here by yourself babe?" The man smirked, he smelled like alcohol, thankfully, his breath wasn't foul. Why is it a surprise?

"Going home duh" I spoke in a blunt tone and struggled.

"And I'd rather have you let go of me" I struggled as I growled a little, trying not to reveal just how scared I was, but my eyes were glossed.

"A feisty woman, I like them, tell me sweet cheeks, come with me and I'll give you a good time" He licked his lips, staring at me with lustful eyes. I furrowed my brows.

"No, you should go and find a prostitute, they live for this shit, I don't, so let go" I struggled harder, the man looked at me and grabbed both of my hands in his left one, pinned my legs to the wall and my wrist above my head. He placed one of his knees between my legs, I teared up in fear, my knees shaking.

"You speak more then necessary, I guess I'll have to show who's the boss here" the man forcefully kissed me and asked for entrance as his right hand roamed up and down my torso, which I denied, only to be pinched on my waist hard, I yelped with tears sliding down my cheeks as the man slid his tongue inside my mouth. I bit his tongue hard and he parted quickly.

"You litt-!" The man was suddenly thrown away from me, since he was holding my hands, I was thrown forwards too, but with less force, and collided with a chest. Looking up, I see the masked man with the blue mask. Relief washed over and as the masked man wrapped an arm around my form, a sense of safety made me relax as I sniffed, burying my head in his hoodie.

"You asshole!" The rapist shouted.

"I should say that! You asshole!" I showed the man my middle fingers of both hands with a disgusted look.

"I really hate it when others touch my stuff" my saviour growled, literally dripping with danger. I decided to ignore this one comment.

The masked man gently pushed me aside and turned to me "I'll say this once, don't look." I gave him a nod.

He leaped at my attacker and I slid down the wall behind me, burying my face in my knees trying to calm myself down. The screams, wailing, growling, ripping, and the masked man's whispering could be heard, I waited till it went silent.

When I looked up, I saw a body, the bloody scent invaded my nose as I examined the body. Eyes gouged out, arms ripped away and turn apart, the rest of the body was literally inside out. Kidneys were missing, there was a hole in the chest, the heart missing, only to be found inside the mouth, beside which stuck his tongue.

And of course, all the blood. As the blood flowed to my direction, I bolted away as fast as I could to my house, snapping open the door, Martha and Greg stared at me.

Martha fainted, Greg dropped the dishes he held. I looked horrible, my hair and clothes were dishelved. Tear stains were present on my face.

Explaining was a lot harder than freshening up.

Martha wasn't happy and Greg was terribly concerned.

And I am terrified.

~Aren't You Just Glad That It Does?~

Yeet people, a timed update, cheers! And of course, enjoy~

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