Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Do you know of those times when you're really tired but just can't go to sleep for some reason, it's the same currently. It's almost like.... a week since I've been here, and not a single night have I gotten any sleep.

I had asked him why I had to stay inside with locked doors, since he should lock the doors from outside to prevent me from escaping. I doubt his threat would've been harder on me than the actual reason was.

He told me about the..... creatures that lurk in the forest at night, and even at day. Hence, the forest was not at any cost safe. He decided to have fun by telling me the messed up features of one of the... creatures, and imagining it, I don't think I'll be able to sleep anytime soon unless I am drugged by five shots. The forest wants only full of strange creatures, but also dangerous and hostile animals, and other serial killers, and some of them might not decide to kill me easily. He told me the way of killing of one of those nightmares, and I don't think anyone deserves to the in such a painful way as that, not me for sure.

To sum it all up, EJ had scared me to death... Even further. It's gotten to a point I can't sleep at night. Every smallest noice makes me jump so high that I just can't afford to fall asleep with the danger of something creepy lurking around the house. Hence, I only sleep when EJ is here, in the morning, believe it or not, his presence, knowing he is here, gives me a sense of security. Which I know is false because I'm only here as his... snack, after all, he eats humans like me, and to him I'm just a walking sack of snack. And a easy prey as well. Despite this false sense of security and distrust that I'm forced to drown in, I always notice that EJ doesn't talk much. At one point, I even thought that he was purposefully ignoring me.

He gets pissed easily, if I bother him too much, so I try not to ask him any stuff, unless absolutely necessary. One thing I've noticed, he gets really.... unfriendly whenever I mention his past. I don't what the reason might be, but the expression he gives me makes me want to hide under my bed. He literally everyday reminds me that he is superior than me and can eat me anytime he wishes, without saying it.

Another point to be noticed, I'm actually really scared as to why EJ has given me the independence he has. Sure he told... more like scared me to death to avoid me going out of the cabin at all costs, but he's seen my recklessness himself, and sure he won't trust a human to stay a captive, right? It's obvious that there is something fishy about the fact, but I still need to know what.

Back to the point, I can't sleep because, duh, I'm scared, really, really scared right now. I just heard a scratching noise on the wall behind my bed, and currently, I'm frozen so as to avoid being seen by the entity that might be lurking near my window to spot any.... unfortunate moving victims. I hope I get lucky, but I don't want to take chances. When I was sure the.... whatever it might be outside my window, was gone, I got off my bed, pulled some bedsheets and blankets and pillows close, and slowly tiptoed outside of my room. Since the lock of my room is broken, it's hard to close to properly, and easy to open it. Taking advantage of the fact, I slipped outside silently and crept inside EJ's room as quietly as I could.

He shuffled in his bed, did I mention he was home today? Well, now I did. He claimed that he had... some sort of mission tomorrow, so he will not go for hunt. When I asked him about the mission, he ignored me. I weighed questioning him until he answers, but I figured that might end up giving me more problems than solutions, so I didn't pester him. EJ sat up abruptly, and in a second he was on his feet in a defensive position, his favorite scalpel shining in his hands like a silver knife.

"E...E-J..?" I stuttered out in shock at his quick movements. What shocked me beyond anything was that he made almost no noise at all, even after he took his position. I gulped and backed up slightly, afraid he will attack me, but instead, in the blinding dark I saw his figure visibly relax as he heard my voice. I didn't realize that my muscles were tense, I relaxed my body too.

"(Y/n)?" He spoke out, as if confirming that it was indeed me.

"Y-yea" I looked down at my hands and the stuff I held in them.

"Why are you here so late?" I heard some shuffling, and peeking out from under my lashes, I saw him sitting down in his bed.

"I... heard scratching.... And I got scared" I held the pillows tighter, afraid he will she the back to my room, but he again jumped up.

"Scratching?" He spoke out in mild surprise "where?"

"Outside my room, on the wall behind my bed" I answered. He growled and grabbed something from his bedside table, his mask I suppose. He put it on.... or so I figured as I saw his shadow moving, which was all I could see, his black figure. "Where are you going?"

He didn't answer and exited the room. I shrugged and set up my bed on the floor, by the time I was tucking myself in, EJ came back inside and dived straight in his bed with his mask on. I didn't question him and went to sleep myself, feeling a bit comfortable and safe in his presence.

When I came to, I heard his bedroom door shutting, but not locking in place. I quickly got up and peeked outside of his room, only to see the small cabin being filled with light. I took a moment to steady myself and when I emerged in the living room, I saw the front door open. With careful steps, I peeked outside the door, on the porch, and saw EJ moving along the wall of my bedroom. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I trotted up to him in half asleep state and looked at his tall looming figure.

It's almost impossible that even in the presence of so much light, his figure is completely devoid of it. He looked at me, then back at the wall. I followed his gaze, and jumped back a few feet away with a screech, all sleep gone from my entire body in a matter of seconds.

"What the fuck is that!?!?" I took deep breaths to calm my panicking heart.

"Scratches" EJ answered bluntly. On the wall there were five scratches, seemingly made from one hand. Too big to belong to any animals, it seemed like they were the scratches of overgrown nails of a human hand, yet... the top where the scratches started from was a bit deep as if the doer buried his claws..? Deep to start. They only got shallower till the point they disappeared. EJ clicked his tongue as he examined the wall.

"Is this made by one of the creatures you spoke of?" I asked after a moment of unnerving silence. EJ said nothing for a while, but he hummed with a nod as he turned his head to the front door. Turning his gaze back to the scratch once more, he walked inside the cabin, and I quickly followed.

"I'll be back late, so be careful" he said and picked up a satchel like bag.

"What if that thing attacks me?" I asked him, fearing my life. He only shurgged carelessly as he left the cabin and locked the door. I heard another loud scratching noise, which made me jump up, but I realized that EJ was only messing with me. With a pissed off face, I went to do my morning routine.

He didn't care if I lived or not, it doesn't matter to him, my life doesn't matter to him. It won't make a difference if I die. Suddenly, that thought made me feel lonely, and homesick.

~By Fears~

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