Chapter 22

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~The victim~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke in my bed, in my room, in EJ's home. I rubbed my eyes and looked oustide the window, it was sunny outside, afternoon perhaps. Sitting up, I tried not to make any sound of pain given I've brought this upon myself. My back cracked, sending a wave of pain down my body, as EJ entered my room and meant on the doorway.

"Are you done sleeping?" He asked me with a sarcastic tone. I mentally rolled my eyes but nodded.

"Good then, take a bath and redress your wounds, and come to my lab" he said that much, and left the room. I sighed and stood up, taking a fresh set of clothes form the duffle bag that was peacefully resting at one corner of my room, I grabbed a few towels, and took a bath, properly and thoroughly cleaning myself, and carefully washing mouth wounds. After a shower, I sat down, and bandaged myself. It was tough bandaging my shoulder, so I sighed and went to my room. Taking out some painkillers from the first aid, I went to the kitchen and got some water. Gulping down the meds, I went back to the shower, and towel dried my hair until I couldn't feel the pain any more. I pushed myself the tiniest bit and bandaged my shoulder without any more problems. Clothing myself, I finally felt fresh.

With a relieved sigh, I made myself some cereal, and finished eating in moments.

"Done?" I finally noticed EJ behind me, I jumped and yelped, but caught myself and grabbed the place where my heart is.

"Jeez, you scared me!" I exclaimed as I tried to calm myself down.

"Well?" He referred to his previous question, and I nodded. "Come then."

He led me to his lab, I noticed he was dressed up, and armed up too.

When he opened the door, I saw a figure hunched up in the corner. EJ turned on the lights, and I saw long black hair, tattered outfit with an injured leg, and of course chained ankles.

"Wh-what is this?" With wide eyes, I took a few steps in the direction of the curled up woman in the corner, but was stopped by EJ's hand holding my way.

"That's my victim, that I will take care of later, until then you're supposed to watch over her and make sure she doesn't escape this house, because if she did, then it will be you in the place" he threatened and I nodded with a fearful gulp.

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked him, a but cautiously though.

"I need to go for something, I'll be back in a couple days, if you see any deep gray and very furry creature with a weird skull like head, don't mind it, but if you spot any other creature, make sure you keep yourself safe from it" he added.

"What is that creature? It was there last night when you whistled too" I asked him curiously, seeing as he was actually answering some questions.

"That's Seed Eater, an acquaintance, and by last night tell me what you saw when you got crazy" he crossed his arms and eyed me doubtfully. I told him in details what I saw and he sighed. "You better keep a good distance from the woods, and not stare at them for long."

I nodded to his words as he left me alone in the lab. I looked at the female, and then decided to patch up her leg.

As I exited the lab, I saw EJ exiting his room with his usual mission equipment. I watched him leave and close the door. Going to my room, I took the first aid kit, and went to the lab. I walked close to the female, and poked her.

She didn't move but I could tell she was breathing. I looked her once more, until I realized she must be sleeping. I sighed, and began working on her leg. Hell, she didn't even wake up when I put the alcohol. I patched her leg up and packed up the kit and returned it to my room.

I went to the kitchen to do some chores when I heard rattling of chains. I left them for a while and went to the lab, peeking inside, she was standing up leaning on the wall for support.

"Hoi" I said and she screamed and jumped, and fell down.

"Wh-who are y-you?" She asked me.

"(Y/n)" I spoke calmly as I positioned myself in the doorway.

"I... why am I here? Aren't I supposed to be dead?" She asked, looking around the lab with wide eyes.

"Why would you be dead in the first place?" I asked her in confusion, did she jump off a hill or what?

"That monster, that.... that th-thing! I-it killed my brother!" She snapped as tears immediately filled her eyes " it killed him...."

She hid her face behind her hands and started sobbing. I was surprised, EJ killed someone, and brought that someone's sister to eat her later.... isn't that what he will do to me? Why did... he must.... why?

I walked closer to her and bent down by her side, resting my hand on her back, I began with a soft voice "that thing... I..." I actually don't know what to say at all.

"I-I'm sorry for breaking down like that" she sniffed and wiped her face. All I did was give her a small smile.

"It's fine" I told her.

"Why am I chained?" She raised her feat that was shackled to the wall. I blinked.

"Actually, I dunno" maybe because he didn't wanted you to run away? I looked at them chains, they were pretty... weak.

"What is going on here? Why am I in a lab? And not dead, and why the fuck am I chained?" She pressed me harder.

"Well, to answer that, I'll need to hear from you all that happened" I spoke up and she looked at me. With hesitation she told me what took place. I sighed. "That 'thing' is EJ, and he told me that you're his victim, and about the dying part, I think you only two days more or less, to live, so yay" I spoke simply as she eyed me like an owl. Is that why he left me there? But why would he leave her? I groaned, EJ is so confusing.

"Well at least I'll be meeting up with my bro soon" she sighed and curled up. I patted her back.

"Want something to eat?" I smiled.

~Will always die no matter how hard they try~

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