Chapter 11

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~The Ever Smiling Man~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was woken up by a shrill, short lived scream. I sat up and stared at the the sleeping figure on the floor beside me, juts beside the empty bed. Edna was asleep. Yep, we had a sleepover, and mind you it was fun.

Turns out, Daina is an amazingly good cook, since her (favorite food) tasted delicious. We played video games, recited some favorite books and talked about everything that has been going on. Until eventually we grew tired and decided to call it a night.

Standing up, I left the room to search for the source of noise, until I heard something shattering downstairs. With furrowed brows, I crept downstairs silently, not noticing the open door of the master bedroom.

I silently walked inside the kitchen and noticed two eyes, shining in the dark, they were green with dilated pupils.

I turned on the lights and saw a black cat, none other than Mamoru, Edna's cat that she picked up from the street when he was a kitten. The black cat jumped off the counter and settled beside the broken glass cup, looking at me apologetically. I sighed and walked to the creature and petted his head.

"Its fine Mamoru" I smiled at the creature as he Nuzzled my face and licked it. I then turned to the cup and gathered all the glass shards carefully so as not to cut myself. Mamoru watched me intently until I threw off the shards, at which point, he tugged on my pajamas.

"What?" I looked at the smaller creature. Mamoru ran away to the stairs and I followed him.

"Mamo-!" I stopped when I heard another scream. This time, I dashed upstairs, not noticing the shadow right outside the window.

I burst in the room and found nothing but Edna, I turned on the lights and stopped myself from screaming, my eyes were immediately filled with tears.

"Edna..." I whispered, walking close to her body, examining her form, it seemed like she was stabbed countless of time in the heart, and a smile was carved on her face. Her face was frozen into a terrified expression that sent chills down my spine. I gently closed her eyes as a few tears dropped down my face.

"Gotcha!" I turned back to see a man with white leather like shining skin, big eyes with eyelids supposedly... Burnt off and a huge smile cut on his face. He wore a white bloody hoodie, black pants, his eyes were small and black, his hair were black as well, and were long and crude looking. He lunged at me as I screamed, closed my eyes and broached myself, but shot up to alert mode when I heard a loud crash and thump. I removed my hands from my face and stared at the scene in front of me.

Two men, the smiley man, and my previous saviour, the masked man, were rolling around on the floor, wrestling. The masked man had glass shards embedded in his body, likely because he broke in through the window.

"What the hell EJ?!" The smiley man exclaimed in rage as he was pinned down, I just watched the two in fear.

"You can't kill her Jeff!" The blue masked man, who is called EJ, spoke.

"Why not?!" The smiley man, who EJ called Jeff, spoke.

"She is Slender's prey Jeff, and you know how he gets when someone takes his kill" EJ hissed out and Jeff silenced instantly.

"Even so, why did do warned me?" Jeff hissed in suspicion.

"Don't get too cocky you ass, I only did it to return the favour you owed me" EJ got off the smiling man and he lied down a bit, till sitting up.

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