Chapter 12

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~He Comes at Night~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I lied in bed, I was awake, but my eyes were closed. It was a bit later then midnight I guess, I have woken up just a while ago, so I wouldn't know. I just couldn't sleep for some reason. With a sigh, I opened my eyes and sat up, stretching a bit. I smiled sleepily and screeched when I saw the figure in the darkest corner of my room.

I recognized the figure of course, it was EJ, my knight in shining amour, but without an armour meaning with hoodie and pants instead, and of course his most peculiar feature, the deep blue mask with permanent black tears slipping down, his hood was up too, like most of the time I had seen him, but I know his hair are auburn, like Jack...

"What are you doing here?!" I noticed my open window as I again went to look at him with a frightened face.

"Watching you" he spoke as if it were normal and not creepy at all, or simply put, bluntly.

"Idiot! Don't say it like its normal!" I shouted at him, angry and embarrassed, I don't even want to think just what he saw or heard. (A/N: we fart and snore when asleep without knowing, he could have hea- *gets tacked to the ground by Edna*
Edna: sorry about her, she has no common sense whatsoever, continue)

"Is..... It not?" He asked, seemingly confused. I did an epic facepalm.

"Of course it is!" I shouted out, hurling my pillow at the inhuman human eater.

He ripped my pillow apart as it was about to hit him, and growled threateningly, but it was kind of hard to get afraid when he is covered in white feathers and synthetic stuffing. I snickered.

"You look like a pigeon in a cotton nest, without the poop and shit" I told him, covering my mouth. EJ growled again as he went to take off all the thread, stuffing, and feathers.

Turns out, he is as bad as at it he is good with bandages. I laughed when he growled again, he was tied up in stuffing, feathers and thread, somehow.

"Come here, I'll help" I motioned him closer.

"Can't you just come here? I'm in a bit of situation" he grunted as he struggled, but to no avail.

"I'm on bedrest EJ, since I can't move and all" I motioned to the bandages around my legs.

"Tsk" he clicked his tongue and somehow, he managed to jump to me, tipping at the last jump, falling face first. "I think I broke my nose" he muttered as he turned so his back WS on the floor. He was right beside the bed, so I stared down at him.

"Sit on the bed EJ" I rolled my eyes.

Eyeless Jack was envious of your eyes, he wanted them too so he could roll his eyes, but he didn't have them and he felt annoyed without them. Luckily, he was able to see pretty well, even more farther than a human could, so it was a plus. However, he still had no idea how he became... Him, like this, eyeless and grey. Except his food habits, he has all the features of a human, including eye holes, so its possible he was a human too, right?

He somehow stood up, only to fall back on the bed, beside me. I chuckled and worked on freeing. Within a couple hours, he was freed and flexing his body as he sat on the bed in front of me. I chuckled again and shook my head, reaching for his mask.

He suddenly grabbed my hand hard, making me jump.

"What are you doing?" He growled, and this time I was scared.

"You said that you broke your nose" tears unwillingly welt up in my eyes "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." I turned my head away and looked down in sadness, my chest feeling a huge pang of hurt. EJ let go of my wrist. I rubbed it, he did clutch it hard.

Now Eyeless Jack felt terribly guilty, he felt like apologizing to you right there and then, and he even opened his mouth, but closed it stopping in time. What is he doing? Is he going soft? How? You're his food, so it doest matter how you feel, right? He is a merciless organ eater, he can't go soft, he is Eyeless Jack, Jack thought to himself, but one look at your face changed his mind. Those teary eyes let a tear drop fall to the bed, where it got absorbed by the sheets. Jack sighed at your heartbroken expression.

"I'm sorry" EJ apologized to me as my head turned to him in shock. "I'm just not comfortable with showing my face to anyone, hence the mask" he spoke, looking at me. My features then softened as I smiled a little.

"Its fine, its my faut too for not asking you first. I'm sorry too" I also apologized, feeling a bit lighter. EJ nodded.

"I still don't see how watching you is not good, after all, it saved you from being raped, and from being killed too" EJ spoke and I mentally sweatdropped. So he stalks me? Along with the other creature, blasphemous.

I let my eyes wander at his comment, only to notice a tentacle like thing behind my window. I gasped and got off the bed, only to fall down as my legs screamed in pain.

"Ah!" I screamed a little as I fell on my stomach, saving my face with my hands.

"Are you okay?" EJ asked from the bed, glancing down at me. I curled up on the floor and waited until the pain dissipated fully.

I sat up when it did, careful not to move my legs.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sighed as I looked up "although I do need a little help getting back to bed" I held out my hands. EJ rolled his eyes behind his mask, or I think he did, since I can't see his eyes, obviously.

He climbed down and picked me up gently, and settled me on the bed.

"So, what made you try to dash away?" EJ asked me as he rested his hands on his waist.

"I saw a...." I pointed to the window but dropped my hand, I don't know if he'll believe me.

"What?" EJ asked, perhaps raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing" I looked away.

"Come on, speak up" he say behind me, as if consoling me, why though?

"You won't believe me" I saddened a bit.

"Trust me, I will, even if its about you being a lesbian, or perhaps you seeing ghosts, or that one is behind me" EJ tried to encourage me. I gave him a funny look.

"I'm not lesbian EJ, and why does it bother you anyways?" I puffed out.

"Just say it" EJ's toe dropped coldly and goosebumps rose across my body.

"I saw a black.... Tentacle like thing outside my window" As I said that, I practically felt the temperature of the room dropping, and it was not just the wind entering my room from my open window.

"This is serious (y/n), no matter what happens, no matter what, don't go to the woods, absolutely don't, not even of you hear cries or anything, just don't go there" EJ spoke very seriously.

"W-why?" I was scared, but what he spoke next, terrified my very core.

"Because he will hunt you down, and he will get you" he spoke grimly, and dead serious.

~To watch over~

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