Chapter 14

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~Living a nightmare~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I have started walking again, almost like a normal person, yay. I can run too, so its a plus. The scar however will forever haunt me, ah, the memories never truly leave someone, unless of course your mind decides that its enough and deletes them, which is a pain because you can't remember what exactly happened between that time period no matter how hard you try.

Oh well, so I ended up not going to the forest with Greg but instead to the park that is properly crowded with many people and not abandoned and shitz because Slender man will get his pants in a twist, what a pain.

So, I also ended ignoring the blue masked man that I do not know at all, and thus whenever he came to my room uninvited, not like I ever invited him, I ignored him because I do not know who he is and I have never met him so I am not familiar with that person.

My mood went to pissed from normal in a matter of seconds as I thought of the guy,making Greg turn his attention to me.

"Hey (y/n), are you feeling okay?" Greg asked me, his tone suggested 'you better answer without a lie' and I rolled my eyes.

"Greg" I started "...." I groaned "forget it...I should have studied psychology when I had the chance" I facepalmed, now I'll never know why I feel so comfortable and at peace near EJ, a stranger since I don't anything about him, not even his name, I just know his initials.

"Well... If you want to get some book, the library is always available" Greg suggested confused at my behaviour.

"'re right" I put a finger under my chin in thought then spoke up "we will go to the library after going to the park, is that okay with you?" I looked at Greg who nodded in agreement.

"I think I can manage" Greg said.

"I don't care whether you can or cannot, you will still have to come with me" I smiled sweetly and he gave me the neutral face of displeasure.

"Tsk, you are so controlling, and I, a poor submissive always fall in your evil clutches" Greg fake wails and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Greg, that's even idiotic to think much less speak about" I told him in a blunt tone.

"I know right, it sound better in my head, maybe I need more practice with my drama skills and speaking skills" Greg put his thumb and index finger on the either sides of his jaw.

"As if you need more practice to become queenly over dramatic, it is natural to you" I rolled my eyes again as I eyed the scene ahead of me.

"Oh puh-lease, I'm not a drama queen, I am the melodramatic queen of queens" he posed like some sort of rich woman as he said that in a high pitched voice. I laughed at his sense of humour as everyone looked at us. The bpassers laughed and Greg quickly took his original position with a deep red blush. With his head down, he walked beside me, I held in my chuckles, and he didn't raise his face until we were sitting on the bench in the Wood Paradise park.

"So (y/n)?" Greg looked at me and I hummed, turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at the face he made.

"Can you get us ice cream?" He said in a pleading voice, and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure" stating up, I stretched a little and looked at my brother.

"Mint and vanilla" he said and I nodded. I walked over to the guy and got our ice creams. I got myself (first scoop) and (second scoop) flavoured scoops. After handing my brother his ice cream, I settled down.

The sun was shining brightly like the star it was, the clouds occasionally covered up the sun, and would move out of the way as if playing some sort of fun game, where's the sun? It was nice, personfying every other object, it's not like they shouldn't be, they have every potential to be personified. The trees danced with the winds. The trees in the park are tall, near the entrance they are less, but after that, as they continue further, they get denser. Since our house has a forest close too, I know a shortcut from there to here, but since the past events, Greg and mom don't like me going to the woods, and personally, I've also been avoiding them because of the weird tall guy who watches me, and EJ too. I swear he watched me sleep, that creep.

Talking about that, I heard a shrill scream pierce through the air from directly behind us. We both jumped up in surprise, the only difference, Greg dropped his ice cream while I didn't.

"Aww" he pouted in disappointment as I quickly finished mine in record time.

"We should check it out" I stood up and Greg nodded, still staring at his ruined treat.

"Let's go" I pulled him deeper to where some other people who heard the scream were running to. As we got a bit deeper, our paced picked up and we were jogging, until we reached the scene ahead.

The was a crossed out circle in the middle, and above it was 'watching you', below it was my name. My eyes widened in fear and shock as Greg stared at me and the scene. Tears filled my eyes and I shook my head, wiping them off. The metallic smell of blood hit my nose, mixed with the smell of earth and the trees around.

There must be around seven people, all dead, with their inner and outer body used in writing the letters and the symbol. It was obvious the entire symbol was made of intestines and brain mush. The words above were written of hands, legs, bones, necks, and backbone. My name was made from the heads, and the torso and other organs. The torso was cleanly cut in pieces. But the arms and legs weren't cleanly cut, anyone could tell they were ripped apart from the body.

There were whispers all around from men, as most women had fainted at the mere sight. Some policemen ran in at the scene and looked around. They cleared the area, and I spotted the familiar tall figure in the midst of the tree in the far distance, unseen by everyone.

And then, I woke up. I screamed out loud as my sweat covered body shot up in bed. EJ, who must have been sitting just beside me jumped up with a yelp and took a feral position near my bedroom door. I backed up to the wall behind my bed quickly as he growled in a threatening manner, he looked terrifying. Not like I could see him in the dark anyways. I stayed out as he growled, until he took breaths and almost calmed down, before he was hit hard by the door, making him fly a few feet away. I shrieked and he screamed like bloody murder as Greg busted in.

"Is everything okay!?" He shouted at the top of his lungs with heavy breathing. EJ growled and shrieked as he pounced on my stupid brother. My brother let out a scream.

~Is Anything But Safe~

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