Chapter 29

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~Do not forget~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I fidgeted in my seat as the psychologist looked at me. His name, Izet Omeir, a young man with jet black hair and emerald green eyes. He looked at me with soft gentle features.

"So, what relationship do you have with him?" He asked but I refused to answer. It's been a week, they've claimed me insane and trapped me in this.... mental asylum. I've never felt so much hate inside of me, that is, until I came here. The only okay thing is, Jack is with me, in this very same facility which is underground and sucks because it lacks the fresh air I've grown accustomed to these past few months.

It sucks, I miss Jack, and couldn't help but constantly bawl my eyes out because once again, I watched his demise, and once again, I couldn't do anything because I was too weak. I hate myself. And these idiots just won't let me see him. I wonder if I can kill someone and get away with it, because despite my usual calm nature, the homicidal feeling keeps increasing.

Since there are some other few.... similar patients like Jack are here, in the most guarded and lowest section, this building has plenty of security systems. Just because I'm acquainted with a dangerous person doesn't mean I'm as dangerous as him. I probably can't even hurt a lizard or spider unless they scare or hurt me first. Mosquitoes are another thing, those blood sucking monsters can go rot in hell for all I care.

"Look Ms (y/n), if you won't cooperate, we won't be able to help you at all" Izet said.

"I don't need your stupid help" I spoke with spite.

"You do, you are suffering from Stockholm syndrome-" as soon as those words escaped his mouth, I banged my hands on the table as hard as I could, making a loud sound that made him jump.

"I don't have Stockholm syndrome!!!" I shouted out as he froze, and so did I.

I took a deep breath, and settled down again as Izet coughed and fixed his tie, I wish I could strangle him with that.

"Are you feeling okay now?" He asked, concern clear in his voice.

"I would be more better if I get to strangle you with your tie" I tried to be as blunt as possible.

"Why are so being so.... homicidal?" He asked me as he gave me a look of... pity. I turned my head from him with a scoff.

"I don't know why, maybe it's because you are keeping the one person I love, and found again only lose again away from me, and keeping me in this shitty asylum despite me not having any problems. I'm pretty sure anyone would be pissed" I huffed and turned at the man as I heard shuffles. He adjusted himself in his seat, not making eye contact.

"I guess you are right, but, how can you say it's not Stockholm syndrome?" he asked me, tryimg to bind me in the circle of confusion.

"Maybe because I loved him way before when he was actually a human" I rolled my eyes at his failed attempt.

"He was... human..? How...?" The man in front of me was shocked, very shocked.

"That stupid Jenny" I clenched my fists as tears filled my eyes, remembering what had took place all that time ago, the incident that led to this.

"Jenny...? You mean Miss Jennifer?" Izet's eyes widened and I turned to him in surprise.

"Do you know her?" I asked "is she here?"

"Nope, she was, just a month ago, she died" Izet cleared his throat as I processed the fact.

"How?" I asked him.

"Well, she was found hanging in her cell, with her eyes clawed out and...." he cleared his throat "hanging from her sockets" he finished, looking uncomfortable. I feel bad for this man, I've seen things like that, my whole life is literally filled with gore because of my occupation as a doctor.

"Well, she got what she deserved" I huffed, feeling for some reason relieved that she was dead.

"That's.... rude" he muttered out.

"If you had seen what I did, you'd say the same thing if not worse" I rolled my eyes again.

"At least we made some progress" he looked contented.

"Fuck off" I said as the bulb above us flickered and sparked. We both looked at it, wondering if it will blow up, it didn't.

"My my, what shocking language" Izet muttered as I looked at him in disbelief.

"Oh my Lord, I can't believe you just made a pun!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. Suddenly, the bulb burst into a thousand pieces, and we both hid under the table in a second's notice. The room went dark.

"Shit, I blew it" Izet said again breathing heavily, and I facepalmed.

After that incident, some guards came and brought me back to my.... cellar, and not a room. It was completely white, with a white bed, white sheets, and a white bedside desk. I sighed as I laid down, and soon fell asleep.

It seemed like it was late when I woke up, but since I don't have a clock, or any way to find out the time, I won't know. I heard an awfully familiar voice call my name from the barred door. I turned to look at it. Peeking in was Greg, in the guards uniform, and someone else.

"Greg!" I whisper shouted as I hugged him through the door. I teared up "I missed you so much..."

"I know sis, I know" he pecked my forehead as the other guard looked at me with bright eyes and a big smile.

"Hello (y/n), missed me?" He said and I instantly recognized his voice, with his fire red hair, and golden eyes, who can forget the most famous boy of school.

"Jason!" I exclaimed, quite surprised as to why he was here.

"I bet you are wondering how I am here?" He asked me with the same goofy grin, and I nodded. "Well, I started working as a guard, I was originally in sector A, but appointed here to guard the criminals of Alpha M, I saw you being brought here, but I couldn't believe it, you still look fairly sane, so it was impossible for me to believe, they said-" I was interrupted him.

"I know I know, they are right" I nodded at him as his eyes widened "but no, not like they think..." he seemed to calm down "can you get me out of here?"

"What!?" He screamed and shut his mouth, looking around. When he was sure no one was here, he looked at me again. "Do you know what you're talking about!?"

"Before you answer him and you both ignore me, tell me, what is Alpha M?" Greg asked as Jason opened his mouth but I beat him to it.

"Alpha M, full form, Alpha Mythos is a special sector of the FBI department that deals with special criminals which are usually kind of mythical or inhumans" I explained and Jason let his eyes widen to the size of frying pans.

"How do you know about it?! It's a highly classified sector!" He looked at me.

"Jack told me" I spoke bluntly and Greg almost fainted.

"Jack is still alive!?" He exclaimed, shocked. Well, today indeed has really been quite shocking.

"He is" I nodded.

"How did he know about AM?" Jason asked with raised eyebrows.

"Because he is being hunted by them" I made unnatural face of disappointment.

"Why?" Greg asked again. I groaned.

"Because he is Eyeless Jack, after that incident, he lost his humanity and became the notorious organ stealer, and eater, Eyeless Jack" I finished as they both looked at me in shock.

"Look, we need to get him out of here before they do something awful to him, I have to save him" I pleaded to Jason as Greg did the same, with his eyes.

"Fine, I'll get you both out even if it endangers my job, and probably life, but only because you are my friend, and he is your friend" Jason said and pulled out a keycard, unlocking the door with it and letting me out. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much"

~I have always been near~

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