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The constant ringing of the telephones and the incesant talking were giving a headache to Namjoon, as he looked at the pile of documents lying on his desk, wondering how he would manage to complete all of this by the end of the day.

Of course, he knew he would probably have to stay the night again to finish the paperwork. After all, his boss was a very exigent man, and Namjoon had the luck to be on his bad side. A while ago, he lost an important file on a new project that would've brought a lot of money in the company's pocket. Since then, the boss was doing everything he could to make his life a living hell.

A sane man would quit his job, but quitting would mean starting at the bottom again. Beside, the overtime he did brought him a lot of income.

Anyway, Namjoon was used to working hard. When he was young, he and his brothers had ran away from home because his mother had died from an overdose. He started stealing things to provide food for his siblings, and at a time he started doing corners, although he quitted when he had the age to work.

To Namjoon, as long as his brothers were happy, he was happy. Now at 24 years old, it's been a long time since they moved out, both living their lives with their significant others.

Yoongi was in a relationship with Hoseok and Jimin. It took quite some time for Namjoon to get used to him being in a relationship with two men, but he learned to accept it, and the two men turned out to be good friend. Along with Jungkook, Taehyung's boyfriend.

Since it has been a long time since they saw each other, they planned a dinner tomorrow night, with their boyfriend as well, at Yoongi's. Namjoon couldn't wait to see how his brothers were doing, and finally be able to have a good time without stressing out about paperwork.

As the day went on, the pile slowly went down, relieving the hard working employee. 

At 10pm, Namjoon thought he would probably be able to go home in an hour, when his boss passed by on his way out. He stopped by Namjoon's desk, dropping a pile of documents on it.

"I forgot to give you these, I hope you don't mind. Don't forget to finish them by tomorrow, they're really important."

With a reluctant 'yes sir', Namjoon continued working, passing a hand through his hair occasionally, tired sighs leaving his lips.

By the time he was finished, his computer showed 2am on the side of the screen.

Three knocks on the door were heard, as loud chatting was filling the living room. The short man walked up to the door to reveal a tall, tired lanky man standing in the doorway. The light coming from the entrance was revealing bags under his eyes. 

"Hey man."

The tall man gave a hug to his brother, happy to finally see him after such a long time. They joined the others in the living room, sharing greetings and chatting about the latest news. 

After a while, Hoseok called everyone for dinner, as they set the table ready, a delicious aroma filling the kitchen, who also comported the dinning room. The men happily dig into their servings, the sound of forks hitting the plates and the occasional talking giving life to the room.

"So Jungkook, how is the company doing?"

Namjoon chew his food while he looked at him expectantly. The said man finished his bite before showing a content smile.

"It's doing great actually. Since Hoseok and I joined our company together, the numbers have been raising constantly. But I couldn't have done it without Tae's support." He kissed the top of his lover's head, who sat beside him, gazing at his boyfriend with love in his eyes.

The conversation continued as the group learned about Jimin now giving dance classes in a prestigious school, no longer having to travel outside the city to work in a crappy dance studio as a janitor. 

"Me, Jimin and Hoseok have something to tell you guys."

The attention landed on the three men, as they shared knowing smiles. Jimin sent a reassuring glance at his lover, as Hoseok gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Yoongi took a deep breath before continuing.

"Since a long time, producing music has gave me a lot of stress due to meeting dead lines and all, and Hoseok came across something on the Internet that can help me cope with that. It's called 'little space'."

The boys each took turns at explaining. Basically, Yoongi regressed in a younger state of mind, and Jimin and Hoseok were taking care of him, being his 'caregivers'. The happy look on their brother's face reassured Taehyung and Namjoon. Silence filled the room as the others were processing the new information. After some time, Namjoon spoke up.

"Well, if it makes you happy, I don't see why I would have a problem with that." A relieved look appeared on Yoongi's face.

"I agree with him, as long as you're happy, we're happy."

The night went on with laughter as they played cards and board games, Namjoon seeming happy for the first time in a long time. unfortunately, the fun was cut short as he received a phone call. He frowned as he read the caller ID, before exiting the room to answer the call.


"Namjoon! You forgot to complete important files, and I need them for tomorrow! Come down immediately to the office to finish the paperwork, or I will cut your pay, are we clear?"

He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair as he replied.

"Yes sir, I'll be down in a few minutes."

He ended the call before announcing the news to the others. They couldn't believe what he was saying.

"You're not serious are you? That's absurd, you should quit!" Taehyung was outraged by the situation, he stated that his boss was an asshole.

"You know I can't Tae, I need the money. Thank you for the dinner, it was great to see you guys."

On this note, he went to grab his coat in the living room before closing the door on his way out, leaving the group of men stunned.

Later in the evening, when Tae and Jungkook left, the three men were laying in bed. Jimin had his arm dropped on Yoongi's waist, Hoseok finishing some work on his laptop before going to sleep.

"I don't know what to do."

The two other males both knew what he was referring to. Hoseok closed his computer before setting it on the bedside table, turning on his side to face his lovers. Several minutes passed as they were all thinking of different ways to help Namjoon.

"I think I got an idea," Jimin said after some time," But I don't know if he will agree."

After they talk it through they agreed on the idea, and slowly started to form a plan...


Hi fellow reader! Don't hesitate to vote or comment this story, feedback his always a good way to know how to upgrade my books. Also, English is not my fist language, hence why there could be grammar errors.

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