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The next morning, Namjoon woke up to an arm wrapped around his waist. Confusing filled his mind as he couldn't recall how he ended up here. He tried to turn around but the grip only got tighter as a muffled groan was heard beside him. 

With much struggle, he was finally able to move only to come face to face with Seokjin, who was still sound asleep. He took a moment to admire his features, and a light blush appeared on his cheeks. His plump, pink lips looked inviting and Namjoon unconsciously leaned forward. He was brought back to his senses when Seokjin steered in his sleep, his almond eyes looking at the man in front of him.

A tired smile danced across his lips.

"Good morning." His voice was rough from sleep, slightly affecting Namjoon. A shy smile appeared on the latter's face as he pulled the blanket to hide his blush.

The older cooed at his actions before removing the blanket. Dimples were poking on each side of his mouth, only making him look more adorable.

"Did you sleep well?" The younger nodded, thanking him.

After another good ten minutes, the two man got out of bed to eat some breakfast, Namjoon changing clothes before-hand since he was still in a onesie. 

The both of them ate some eggs with a toast with the television playing in the background. They occasionally talked about their lives since they were still getting to know each other and Namjoon needed to put his trust in Seokjin since he was his caregiver.

After eating, Seokjin brought a sheet of paper with some pens and sat beside Namjoon. The latter gave him a question look.

"What's that?" The older made a line in the center of the sheet before turning his attention back to him.

"We need to establish some rules for when you are in littlespace." He then proceeded to write 'Rules & punishments' on top. He could feel that Namjoon didn't completely understand.

"If I don't put down some rules for you to follow, your 'little' self will soon realize that he can do whatever he wants without consequences, hence the punishments."

After half an hour of discussing the matter and setting boundaries, the two of them finally came up with a list of rules and punishments for the younger.

Rules & Punishments


- No cursing

- Always tell daddy when you are in littlespace

-Don't hurt others or yourself

-No yelling

-Always listen to daddy



-Time out

-No TV

-No Stuffies

After sticking it onto the fridge, Seokjin proposed to go on a walk to the park. Before they left, he sneakily slipped a pacifier into his pocket in case Namjoon went into his headspace.

The walk was filled with chatter as Seokjin told Namjoon a bit about his work and what it consisted of. It turns out that he needed to travel quite a lot to Japan and America to meet the associates of his father, and he described each place to the younger since he's never been there. 

In return, Namjoon told him about how he got miraculously employed in the company since he never went to college. Fortunately, Namjoon had good grades in High school and he had worked part time at a convenience store for about five years. Also, at the time, his current boss was still the adjoint. Of course, he made sure not to mention his childhood to Seokjin

A breeze was blowing softly into the trees, making some leafs fall as the duo finally reached a small park where children were already playing. They sat on a bench beside a small tree where they observe the kids as they were chasing each others.

Seokjin noticed the longing look in Namjoon's eyes as he looked at him. He took his hand gently and made him stand up.

"Wait! Where are we going?"

The latter simply flashed him a grin as he lead him to the swing set on the other side of the playground. 

"Do you want me to push you?"

Namjoon seemed to hesitate for a second before he finally caved in and sat on the swing, his shoes sightly covered in sand. 

At first, Seokjin gave him light push as he swung his feet back and forth to gain more speed. After some time, Namjoon could almost reached the branch of a tree, his laugh echoing as Seokjin occasionally pushed him. 

The sun had now slowly started to set and the only people left in the park were the two men. Namjoon was now sliding down a green slide, Seokjin catching him (or trying to) each time he came down. The older had noticed how late it was and gently grabbed Namjoon's hand to get his attention.

The younger eyes were wide as a pacifier was bobbing between his plump lips. The caregiver slightly crouched in front of him, not before brushing some hair that was blocking the little's sight.

"It's time to go home, little one."

The latter fussed a bit on the way back home since he really enjoyed his time at the park, but Seokjin was quick to scold him for that, threatening him with no television when they got home. Both of them were tired when they finally got back, the caregiver not forgetting to help the little removing his shoes.

Namjoon happily clutched his stuffie in his arms as Seokjin set the TV on before sitting beside him. The younger was quick to cuddle into his arms as his pacifier kept bobbing, His gaze focused once again on the screen in front of him.

An hour later, Namjoon had fallen asleep into his caregiver's arms, who was lightly snoring while subconsciously hugging the little tighter. Unknowingly to them, they had already catch feelings for each other. 

Hellooo! I hope you liked this chapter. As always, vote if you did or comment your opinion. Further more, don't be shy to give some me suggestions for later chapters, I will try to keep an eye out ;)

Also, thank you sooo much for 2.4k reads!! This means so much to me!!


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