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The next morning, Namjoon called Seokjin since they shared their phone numbers and they decided to meet at a cafe for dinner. Seokjin was more than happy to hear news from the man, and he was glad that he decided to consider his offer.

With a hat covering his freshly combed hair, Namjoon exited his apartment to go to his practically second date. During the ride, the man was drumming his long fingers on the steering wheel, anxiety flowing through him.

He finally stopped in front of a nice coffee shop with Namjoon was familiar with, since he used to go there every Sunday to have a cappuccino.

A small bell rang as he passed through the door, and he immediately spotted Seokjin, who was sent him a small wave along with a charming smile. Just like the first time they met, he rose from his seat to pull the chair in front of his so Namjoon didn't have to do it, like the real gentleman he is.

After sitting back down, Seokjin put aside the book he was reading and let out a content sigh. Namjoon thought the rich man looked really out of place in this modest cafe.

"So, you decided to take my offer."

Namjoon scratched the skin beside his eye, a nervous habit he picked up, before he responded.

"Yeah, I would like to try it." A smile appeared on Seokjin's lips.

"Alright then, would you like to stay at my house for a while, so you could get used to it?"

"I don't know, because I still need to go to work and-" Seokjin put his hand on his forearm in a reassuring manner.

"Don't worry about it. I will notice your boss that you won't be at work for at least a week, is that okay with you."

Namjoon looked down at the table, a pink hue appearing on his cheek at the caring words the man in front of him said. Taking a hold of his chin, Seokjin gently lifted his head up, plunging his dark eyes into his own.

"Do you agree with this?"

Namjoon felt small under the man's gaze, his throat suddenly feeling dry. After a few moments, he was finally able to utter a response.


As Seokjin opened the door to his penthouse, Namjoon couldn't help but gasped at the interior of the home as they steeped inside. On his right, giant windows were covering the entire wall, offering a magnificent view of the city. The kitchen was on the left, white cardboards complementing the dinning table set in the middle of the room.

"You like it?"

During his observation, Namjoon didn't notice Seokjin removing his coat and placing his keys in a small bowl on the island of the kitchen.

"Oh! Eh yes. It sure looks expensive tho." The man let out a chuckle, observing Namjoon look around in disbelief.

"I basically own Kim incorporation, so money is not a problem." He let Namjoon take a look around before speaking up.

"Come, I'll give you a tour."

With a hand placed on the man's lower back, Seokjin made him visit the huge penthouse, with Namjoon learned to be the most expensive in Seoul. It had four bedrooms, which one was transformed into an office, three bathrooms, one living room and one Kitchen, along with a dinning area.

He would probably to work till he died to afford this kind of place, Namjoon thought.

The two men finished the tour with the last room, who was beside Seokjin's bedroom. The said man opened the door slowly, letting Namjoon take a peek at the scenery.

A giant crib was installed in the middle of the room, which was painted in a baby blue, with large stickers of animals hanging on the walls. A golden Chest was pushed against the left wall, beside a rocking chair and a mobile for babies was hanging on top of the crib.

"This would be your room, once you get into your headspace of course."

Thousands of questions were running through Namjoon's head, as he faced his soon-to-be caregiver.

"Have you had a little before?" Sadness clouded the man's eyes as he turned to look at the room silently. He sighed before answering the question.

"Yes, but it turns out that he just faked to be in love with me to take advantage of my wealth. That's why it took me a long time to decide to be in another relationship."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, He's long gone now."

Namjoon approached the crib with curiosity filling his mind, wondering how it would feel to sleep here. He let his fingertips touch the soft fabric of a blanket placed on the security fence, Seokjin watching the man with a soft smile.

"Now come, we'll discuss this in the living room with some tea."

And that's how they ended up, Namjoon sitting on on a grey modern recliner and Seokjin sipping his tea on the matching couch. 

"So how is it going to be when I'm not in my headspace?"

He set his cup of tea on the side table made of glass, before crossing his leg over the other.

"Well I would like to know you better, and I'm quite fond of you, so we could act like a real couple, what do you think?" A smile grew on Namjoon's face as his cheeks turned pink.

"That sounds nice."

Seokjin explained more in details how this would work out, telling him about rules they would need to apply when he would be in his headspace. He reassured him, telling him he didn't need to worry.

At one point, the man leaned forward, putting his hand on the other's knee, who quickly looked up at him. Something in the way Seokjin looked at him told him he was safe with him, and for a short moment he forgot all about his worries.

"You don't gotta worry about a thing now, baby boy."

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great week, and don't forget to vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter. See you next time! 


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