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A panicked Seokjin hurried into the dinning area where Namjoon was clutching his right hand while sobbing loudly, almost wailing because of the pain. His hand was crushed by the chair when it fell, leaving it to be an ugly red blueish color. 

The older put his phone aside before crouching in front of the younger man. 

"What happened bud?"

The latter quickly latched onto the male, his arms circling his neck while he buried his face into the crook of his neck.

"Wan-wanted to get k-koala but-but" A sob racked through his body, forcing him to stop talking for a moment,"I fwell!!"

The caregiver caressed the boy's back in a caring manner while giving a peck to the top of his head, gently rocking them back and forth. He managed to carry the man to the couch in the living room as Namjoon's legs were secured tightly around his waist.

Seokjin sat on the couch where he installed the little in his lap, allowing him to hug his caregiver even more. 

"Daddy!! It hwurts!!" The little started crying again. The caregiver shushed him, running a hand through his hair soothingly, guilt creeping in his heart as he wasn't there to avoid the accident. The two of them stayed on the couch, Namjoon eventually falling asleep in Seokjin's embrace. The latter watched the younger with a fond look, brushing a bang out of face.

He carried him into his own bedroom, not knowing if Namjoon would wake up in his headspace. He put him under the covers of the king size bed, making sure that he would be warm. He stared at him for a moment with a smile on his face before he pecked his forehead, shutting the door behind him.

In Seokjin's mind, he couldn't be any happier. Since he surprised his previous little with another man and he confessed that he was just using him for his money, the man had lost hope to find a partner. His heart was broken in a million pieces, and he had to get away for a few weeks to clear his mind. But with the help of his friends, he got over it in a few months.

The first time he saw Namjoon, he sweared that the world stop for a second. He was the most beautiful man he had ever seen, and when he left the company's building that day he wondered if he would ever see the man again. 

Luckily, his wish had been fulfilled, and now the beautiful boy was laying in his bed, sleeping with a content smile on his face.

After deciding to check Namjoon's wound later and to let him rest, Seokjin was finishing some paperwork in his office. He was almost finished when footsteps were heard on the other side of the door, followed by a knock.

"Come in."

A shy looking Namjoon entered the room as he made a bee line to his caregiver, immediately climbing on his lap, not giving Seokjin much of a choice but to let him. He put his work aside to adjust the little on his lap, carefully grabbing his wounded hand.

"Does it still hurt baby?" The man had quickly realized that he was still in his headspace. The latter nodded his head vigorously, his lips forming a pout.

Fortunately the chair hadn't fell onto his fingers, so it wasn't broken. However, the wound onto his hand had turned an ugly blue color, making Seokjin frown at the sight.

"Want me to kiss it better?" The little agreed eagerly, pushing it in front of his face.

"Calm down baby." He chuckled before approaching his lips to give a peck on the wounded area, earning a giggle from the latter.

"What's so funny, huh?" He proceeded to tickle Namjoon's sides, earning from him a fit of giggles as Seokjin broke into a grin.

The two of them went into the kitchen to fetch ice to put on his hand. The younger grimaced at the cold contact as he made a move to retrieve his hand, but the other man was quicker and held it steadily.

"It'-it' too cwold!!" Namjoon whined as tear welled up in his eyes. The latter cooed before he gave him a kiss on his cheek, bringing them to the living room where they sat down, bringing the little into his warm embrace. 

"It won't stop hurting if you don't treat it, bub." The younger sniffled quietly before moving further into his chest, wrapping his arms around the older's neck.

Seokjin put on a cartoon on the TV, hoping to distract Namjoon from the pain. And it worked, as the little curious eyes noticed the bright colors on the screen that he loved so much. His mouth was hanging open as the other watched him with a fond look in his eyes. 

When evening came, Seokjin had to bring the high chair to the dinning table since Namjoon felt uncomfortable on a normal chair. The room was quiet beside the occasional giggles and the praises from Seokjin as he fed the latter.  

After dinner, They returned to the living room where they resumed the show they were watching, well, that Namjoon was watching. After a couple of minutes though, while Seokjin was sneakily surfing the internet on his phone, the younger's head fell onto his lap, soft puffs of air coming out of his mouth.

The caregiver carried him into his bedroom with little struggle. He laid him onto the bed and proceed to change him into one of his oversized shirts, since he was too lazy to get a pajama from the nursery. The little had subconsciously put his thumb in his mouth, sucking gently. Luckily, Seokjin had kept a pacifier in a drawer of his bedside table, and went into his own bathroom to wash it quickly before putting it into Namjoon's mouth.

When Seokjin was finally ready for bed, he slid in bed before putting the covers over the both of them, pulling the younger close to his chest as he shut his eyes, his mind slowly drifting into a deep sleep.

Hi! Hope you liked this chapter. As always, don't hesitate to vote or comment your opinion on this story so far. Also, if you have any idea for further chapters, let me know ;)


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