T W E N T Y - T W O

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Namjoon woke up to the sound of bags being zipped along with soft mumbling, which he recognized as Seokjin's. His mind was still fogged with sleep as heard a few moments later, the door shut quietly. 

He turned on his side while stretching his limbs on the comforter. His eyes stayed shut as he tried to focus on the sounds he heard earlier. He wondered why Seokjin sounded like he was packing, because as long as he remembered, they hadn't plan a trip somewhere. 

After some time, Namjoon finally found the strength and will to get off bed and put his slippers on, which had bunny ears hanging on top. He sleepily walked into the kitchen, where his boyfriend was busy making some eggs. 

The younger sat quietly as possible on the stool by the kitchen island, and his sight was immediately set on the man's strong back. 

Namjoon could now proudly state that he was in a relationship with Seokjin for four months now, and he couldn't be any happier. The man was his anchor, which kept him grounded, and a life without him seemed pointless. 

He was so entranced by the way his back flexed that he didn't notice right away that Seokjin had turned around and seen him checking him out. The older chuckled, bringing Namjoon out of his trance. 

"Don't worry, you can look as long as you want. It's all yours baby." He motioned his body with his hands, a smirk hanging on his sinful lips. The younger gulped before speaking up.

"W-why were you packing this morning?" While he talking, Seokjin had walked around the counter and hugged the man's frame. He kissed his temple before answering.

"I woke you up didn't I? I'm sorry bae." Namjoon felt intoxicated from his boyfriend's presence behind him, but he managed to respond.

"You didn't answer my question." Seokjin sighed and turned Namjoon's stool so that he was now facing him. The older ran a had through his hair as he bit his lip, a frown harboring his features. Namjoon suddenly felt a little hot.

"I didn't want to worry you with that, but I discussed with my mother a few days ago and told her about you. She asked if we could come eat some time, and I agreed." It was now Namjoon's turn to frown.

"But you should've told me." Seokjin sighed and planted a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. 

"I know baby, forgive me, but I thought that I shouldn't stress you with that. Although, I must warn you that my parents are really strict and old fashioned. It took them a lot of time to accept my sexuality, and even now they are still reluctant."

This didn't help Namjoon at all, as he looked at the ground and started to think about the worst case scenarios. Seokjin lifted his chin up and planted his gaze into Namjoon's.

"Don't worry, my love, I won't let them disrespect you, alright?" The younger slowly nodded, letting Seokjin pull him into his arms.

After finally eating breakfast, Namjoon helped Seokjin put the bags into the back of the car. 

"Why do we need to pack, I thought it was just for dinner?" Seokjin closed the door before walking up to him. 

"My parent's home is very far from here, and I thought we could stay in a hotel for the night." Namjoon homed as he walked around the car and climbed into the passenger's seat. Seokjin felt his back pocket, to make sure he had grabbed Namjoon's pacifier in case something happened, and sat behind the wheel.

The ride took five hours in total, as they stopped sometimes to put gas or go to the toilet. Seokjin had kept his hand on Namjoon's tight the whole time as the younger slept for the most part. 

The older reluctantly shook him awake as he entered the long driveway of his parent's mansion. The exterior of the house was quite modern, made with light wooden boards and white bricks. It also had huge windows that offered a beautiful view into the garden in front of the house. The driveway circled half of a big fountain placed at the front of the house.

As soon as Seokjin parked the car in front of the entrance, the main door opened on a old man dressed in a suit and tie, and Namjoon figured he was the butler of the wealthy family.

Seokjin got out of the car and got around it to open Namjoon's door, stretching his hand which the younger gladly took. Once the butler came down the stairs leading to the entrance, Seokjin walked up to him and greeted him with a warm hug.

"It's been so long, Mr. Jung." Namjoon couldn't help but smile when he saw the old man grinning from ear to ear, his thin frame engulfed by Seokjin's. The younger allowed them to talk a bit more as he unloaded the bags from the back. 

When he was done, Seokjin came towards him with Mr. Jung, who he kept his hand on his frail shoulder. 

"Namjoon, this is Mr.Jung, who is the butler of my family and practically raised me like a father. Mr.Jung, this is Namjoon, my lovely boyfriend." Namjoon's heart skipped a beat has he witnessed the look full of love his lover gave him. 

Before Mr.Jung could crouch to grab some of the bags, Seokjin quickly took the matter into his own hands.

"Don't worry, I got this." As he began to walk up the stairs, he continued to talk." I still wonder why you don't quit this job. No offense, but you're becoming too old for this job." The butler kept his hands behind his back as he followed him, Namjoon doing the same.

"I've been working for your family all my life Mr.Kim, and I'll be happy to continue doing so until my last breath." Namjoon couldn't help but feel sad as he realized the aged man hadn't seen all the beautiful things that surrounded the world, only the inside of this mansion.

As Mr.Jung opened the door for Seokjin, a commanding voice echoed in the house.

"It's been a long time, my son."

I'm really, really, really- sorry for the late update!! I lacked time because of my job and exams. It's still no excuse, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless. Vote or comment your opinion, and have a nice week!


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