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The caregiver looked at the little with a scowl on his face.

"You're going to stand in the corner for ten minutes and then tell me what you did wrong." 

Normally Joonie would've said what he was told, but the truth is that he hadn't had much sleep last night since he was so excited for the playdate with his brothers. So the little stomped his foot on the ground with a frown on his face.

"B-But I grabbed the rwed first! No fair!" The loud voice of the younger rang into Seokjin's ear and he turned rigid.

"Go stand in the corner. Now." His tone left no room for argument and he was done with his little's attitude. Frustration filled Joonie's mind as he stomped repeatedly on the floor while moving his arms around.

"No, no, no, No! Jonnie no go!!" Seokjin had had enough of his bratty attitude. He grabbed his arm and lead him to his bedroom. He sat on his bed before processing to pull down the little's pants. He struggled a bit since Joonie wouldn't stop fidgeting while he was still screaming. Seokjin was finally able to pull the shorts down to his ankles.

Namjoon laid on his caregiver's lap with his bare bottom facing the man while tears of frustration stained his cheeks.

"I'm gonna give you ten spanks, and I want you to count them okay?" Seokjin didn't want to do this, but he had left him no other choice. Joonie sniffled a bit before he uttered a quiet 'yes daddy'.

The first one startled him and he choked on a sob before responding. "One"

The spanks grew more and more painful as they passed and the little found it difficult to talk because of the pain he felt on his ass cheeks. The last one was the most painful though as tears were flowing like a river and sobs racked his body.

The caregiver carefully laid Namjoon on the bed before he reached one of his drawers for some lotion to soothe the sting. After rubbing the cream carefully on his sore bottom, Seokjin brought him back on his lap where he hugged his little tightly.

"Daddy's so sorry baby." He planted a kiss on Joonie's cheek while he was still crying.

"N-no," A sob escaped him before he continued,"I sorry that I yell a-and was mean to Yoonie and Tae tae." He let out a wail and his caregiver whispered sweet nothings to him while rocking them back and forth. The couple stayed in each others embrace for awhile before Seokjin glanced on his digital clock on his night stand, with showed 12am.

"Ok little one, how about we go fill up your little tummy hm?" With that said, Namjoon let out a chorus of 'yes' before jumping off the bed and running to the kitchen.

"Don't run baby!"

The little's eyes grew wide like saucers as he watched the plate of dinosaur shape like nuggets being placed in front of him. He subconsciously sticked his tongue out and was about to grab a nugget before his caregiver stopped him.

"Ah, ah, ah." The man tied up a bib around the younger's neck to prevent a stain on his clean shirt. 

Joon eagerly grabbed a chicken nugget before dipping it into some ketchup and putting it into his mouth. Seokjin wiped off some ketchup on the corner of his mouth with a small chuckle, watching him eat with a fond smile.

The caregiver eventually had to help the little eat since he was making quite a mess, and lunch time was filled with giggles coming from Namjoon as Seokjin made silly faces. After Seokjin finished washing the dishes, he joined his little who was playing in the living room.

"How about you take a nice bath huh baby?" The younger put a finger to his chin while pretending to think, making his nose scrunch up. The caregiver stifled a chuckle.

"Okay daddy!"

Seokjin proceeded to carry him to the bathroom, where he drew a bath while Namjoon was struggling to remove his clothes.

"Let me help you baby." The caregiver approached him with a small smile.

"Arms up." The little obeyed, putting his two arms high above his head with a grin. After successfully taking his shirt off, he made Namjoon lean on him so he could remove his shorts along with his boxers. The younger was about to climb into the bath but Seokjin stopped him.

"I think you're forgetting something sweetheart." The little looked up to his caregivers with a confused look before turning on himself to look around for something suspicious. The older laughed before speaking up.

"You should remove your socks bud." Namjoon gasped before jumping on one leg to attempt to take off his shocks. With again some help from Seokjin, he was finally able to sink into the warm water. The caregiver grabbed the rubber duck in the drawer before giving it to his little, who was splashing the water in the mean time.

It was quiet for a while, with Seokjin washing the younger but after some time the latter spoke up in a questioning tone. 

"Daddy, could I have bubbles please?" He dragged out the 'e' at the end before giving puppy dog eyes to his caregiver, who in returned showed a wide grin.

"Of course sweetheart, give me a second." He got back on his feet before grabbing a bath bomb who was laying in a small basket on the counter top. He settled back down beside the bathtub before dropping the round object in the water. 

The little watched with amazement as the bath bomb diluted in the water, turning the whole water into pink. He clapped his hands while giggling before looking at his caregiver and pointing at the water.

"Look daddy, look!" Seokjin laughed and ruffled Namjoon's hair.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. Like you, my little angel." The latter blushed before hiding his face into his hands.

Later in the evening, both caregiver and little settled on the couch in front of the TV. Seokjin had asked which movie they should watch and Namjoon had voted for Spirit. The caregiver was quite okay with it since it was a great movie, even though it was for children.

Seokjin opened his arms for the little to fall into before draping a blanket over themselves. He pressed play and soon vivid colors appeared on the screen.

They were about Half an hour into it before the caregiver noticed that Namjoon had stopped gasping and giggling at scenes. He looked down only to be met with an asleep little, contently sucking on his dummy. A smile graced Seokjin's lips and he pecked his soft bed of hair. 

It didn't take a while before Seokjin fell asleep too, and the couple slept together contently on the couch, snuggle into the the warm blanket.

Hey! Here's an early update for you. By the way, I'd be really grateful if you could check out my new book called 'The pretender'. It's a bottom Yoongi AU. 

Also, thank you so much for the love and support on this story. This makes the whole experience of writing even more enjoyable knowing that some people appreciate my work. As always, have a good week and see ya for the next update!


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