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The day after the incident with Namjoon happened, Seokjin taught it would be a good idea to coax the man into moving in with him, in his penthouse. Moreover, the CEO's son knew that he still hadn't found a job yet. 

The discussion took place a Saturday night when the older took his boyfriend on a date. Namjoon took the offer pretty well. In fact, a couple of days later, the younger called him to tell him that he agree to his plan. It took a week for him to move in, since he still needed to tell his landlord the news and sell some of his furniture. 

In Namjoon's case, he was genuinely happy to move in with Seokjin. Maybe they knew each other for just a month, and maybe they were moving way too quickly. But at the bottom of his heart, the younger just knew he was making the right decision. The worst part was behind him now. 

The day he officially lived with his boyfriend, the penthouse felt foreign to him. He had been here before, but now that he knew that this was his new home, it felt like entered the place for the first time. But a look into Seokjin's beautiful almond eyes made him feel at ease instantly.

The older opened his arms for him to fall into, and that's exactly what he did. The fresh scent of his boyfriend made him sight in content. He knew right then and there that he was at home.

Seokjin was mixing some eggs in a pan the next morning when his lover walked up into the kitchen, his sleepy eyes taking in the scene in front of him.

"Aren't you suppose to be at work right now?",Namjoon's speech was a bit slurred from having just woken up. By now, the eggs were done and the older put them into two different plates before turning off the stove. 

"Nope, I managed to convince my dad to give me a week's off. He almost teared my head off." The latter giggled slightly before sitting at the island. Seokjin took out some cereals before joining his boyfriend to eat. 

The atmosphere was blissful this morning as the couple was still trying to get used to the idea of living together. 

An hour later, Seokjin had encouraged Namjoon to fall into his headspace by presenting him his favorite koala plushie, who Namjoon had named Koya one fateful morning. So, in the evening, the little was playing with some blocks, a pacifier bobbing between his plump lips when his caregiver approached him.

"Baby, I think it's time for you to take a bath."

Now, until then, Seokjin hadn't given the man a bath while he was in littlespace, but the idea popped into his head while he was brushing his teeth this morning. This task required a certain trust between the caregiver and the little, since it placed the latter in a venerable position.

Joonie looked at his caregiver for some time before he nodded his head quietly.

"Use your words, sweetheart." He wanted to be sure that he wasn't uncomfortable with this.

"Yes daddy."

With that said, Seokjin picked up his Joon in his arms before heading towards the bathroom. He helped him to remove his onesie covered with dinosaurs and gave him a kiss on his forehead at the same time, making the latter release a quiet giggle.

The older ran the bath and made sure that the water wasn't too hot for the little's sensitive skin. After some time, he motioned for him to climb into the bathtub while he held his left arm to help him. While the younger played with the water, Seokjin looked through one of his cabinet to withdraw some toys like a rubber duck and some special markers for the bath.

The room was quiet, except for the occasional giggles coming from Namjoon as he moved the rubber duck around the bathtub. Also, since it was quite big, it made the younger feel extra small.

After removing the soap from the little's hair with water, Seokjin picked him up with a little struggle before setting him on his feet. Shivers ran down the latter's back while his caregiver was quick to grab a fluffy towel and wrapping him up in it. The older found the sight a bit funny since he looked like a giant marshmallow and muffled his laughter. 

"Let's get you in your pajamas, yeah?"

He managed to carry him back to his littlespace room where he looked through his closet where numerous onesies, overalls and t-shirts were hanging. During this time, sat criss-cross applesauce on the carpet covering the floor, watching his caregiver with big round eyes.

After going through various clothing items, Joonie finally pointed to an onesie with the Paw patrol characters on it. A light smile played across Seokjin's lips as he helped him climb into it. 

The older brought them back to the living room before he went back to fetch some paper and coloring pencils.

"Baby, why don't you draw me a pretty picture while Daddy goes finish some work, sounds good?"

The little let out a 'Ok dada' before grabbing a sheet and some pencils. He accidentally creased the sheet a little with his clumsy hands and he tried to arrange it while he let out a 'humpf' in frustration. He finally let it be and started drawing.

Half an hour later, turns out Joonie had drawn a tall stick figure holding hands with a smaller stick figure. Clothings were drawn on top of them, while 'daddy' was written beside the tallest and 'baby', beside the smallest.

The soft pitter patter of his feet echoed in the hallway as he walked to his daddy's office. He opened the door slightly only to see the man fast asleep on his desk, his computer screen still opened. 

The little let out an excited squeal before hurrying towards him, tugging his sleeve while his other hand held his drawing. Seokjin steered a bit before he finally raised his head from the hard surface and looked at his little.

"Hi sweeheart, daddy's sorry he fell asleep."

Joonie couldn't care less about what he said and put the picture into the older's face, a bright smile adoring his lips as his dimples made their apparition. 

Seokjin's eyes softened as he took the picture in his hand, admiring the piece of art.

"That's such a pretty picture, baby boy. Daddy is so proud of you." At this point, the little was gleaming with pride.

The two of them headed for the kitchen to hang the drawing on the fridge. The older looked at it for some time as he seemed to be deep in thoughts, before he joined the other in the living room to watch a late night movie.

Little did Seokjin know, that he was already in love with Namjoon.

Hi everybody, I hope that you had a great week! Here's another chapter for you, and don't forget to vote or comment ;) 


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