T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Namjoon played with his slightly sweaty palms as he heard the sound of shoes hitting the floor. His throat felt dry as he waited anxiously for Seokjin's father to show up. The fact that his parents were millionaires didn't help much.

His attention turned to his boyfriend when the latter put his hand on his lower back, moving his thumb in a circular motion to try and soothe him. The older sent him a reassuring smile as he continued his actions, and Namjoon felt a little better.

Someone cleared their throat, causing the couple to turn towards the sound, only to discover a tall man, who seemed in his mid sixties. His aura screamed power as he held his hands behind his back, his posture straight like a tree. 

The man looked at Namjoon first, eyeing him up and down like an hawk, and the younger didn't miss the look of disgust that pass into his cold eyes. It took all his will not to lower his gaze, and finally he turned to his son.

Since Seokjin had shifted his hand on Namjoon's waist when his father arrived, his grip subconsciously tightened around it as he held a staring contest with his father. 

It seemed like an eternity passed when Seokjin's father finally spoke up.

"It's good to see you Seokjin." The latter stance relaxed as his hold on Namjoon softened. 

"You as well father." The older man allowed a tiny smile to cross his lips and took a few steps forward.

"I heard my company is still doing well. I suppose I should congratulate you for that." Namjoon only wished he could slap the shit out of him. How does one treat his son like that? 

Seokjin only nodded, His features unreadable as he listened to his father's words. The man's attention once again fell onto Namjoon.

"I figure you brought your... Boyfriend with you." The word 'boyfriend' was said reluctantly as he looked back at his son, a look of reproach directed at him. But Seokjin was not one to back down.

"Yes, mother told me I should bring Namjoon with me so I could introduce him to the family. I thought she told you." A frustrated sigh left his father's lips.

"No, she didn't..." The rest of his speech stayed inaudible. Finally, he rose his head and motioned for them to follow him. Mr.Jung had gone upstairs a while ago to one of the guest rooms with the suitcases, he was probably doing some house work by now.

Namjoon was amazed by the expensive furniture filling the rooms and corridors. It was very different from what he grew up with, living in the streets with his younger brothers. He was pulled from his thoughts when they entered what appeared to be the living room.

One of the walls was covered by windows, lighting the room and leaving nothing to the imagination. There was a lot of space, with a piano in one of the corners and a couch, along with modern recliners sitting in front of the large TV, who was set on the opposite wall of the windows.

High heels clicked against the marble flooring as a svelte woman approached them. She was undeniably beautiful, and Namjoon knew that's where his handsome boyfriend got his charming looks.

She held the same aura as her husband, for she was Seokjin's mother without a doubt. Her cat like eyes set upon Namjoon, and the younger felt nervous under all the attention.

She stood in front of Seokjin, as a smile slowly appeared on her face. She pulled him into a hug, and Namjoon could see that his boyfriend was reluctant to return the gesture. 

"I'm so happy that you came, Jin."

When she stepped back, she grabbed her son's shoulders and examined his face. All this time, Seokjin's father stood at the side, watching the scene unfold.

The woman took a few steps towards Namjoon and held out her hand.

"And you must be my son's boyfriend." Namjoon shook her hand and bowed slightly, silently hoping she wouldn't notice how sweaty it was.

"Yes ma'm, it's nice to finally meet you." She only smiled.

"Well, I'm Kim Jae Wa and this is my husband, Kim Byunsoo." The younger turned to the said man and bowed, but the man stayed expressionless. The air was filled with tension, and the silence was broke when Seokjin's mother ushered them to the dinning room. 

The two lovers walked behind them while they held hands, and Namjoon almost thought it wouldn't be that bad when he heard Jae Wa mumble to her husband.

"That's a shame he didn't bring a girl, I thought he'd come to his senses."

Namjoon would've enjoyed the delicious food even more if the dinner wasn't that awkward. It was obvious that Seokjin wasn't close to his parents, and so the party kept silent for the most part. Finally, when Seokjin's mother was finished, she turned to Namjoon.

"So, I believe we forgot to ask your name." Namjoon set his chopsticks down and cleaned his mouth with a napkin. 

"I'm Kim Namjoon ma'm." The woman nodded slightly while eyeing him up and down. Seokjin had stop eating and was listening to them while his father did the same, grabbing his wife's hand who sat beside him.

"And what are you doing in life, Namjoon?" He looked briefly at his boyfriend, who sent him a reassuring smile and caressing his tight under the table.

"Hum," He cleared his throat before answering,"I'm currently unemployed but-"

"Unemployed?! Dear god, what are you doing with him Seokjin? This, this boy is clearly not made for you!" Seokjin's father almost jumped over the table and held a furious face, showing his displeasure for the first time this evening. Namjoon felt his boyfriend tense beside him.

"I love Namjoon with all my heart, and I will date him whether you like it or not." Byunsoo scoffed at this.

"Love? Please, you know nothing of love. If you did, you wouldn't be in a relationship with a low life like him, let alone a guy!" Namjoon felt his heart clench as he held the strong need to cry. By now, Seokjin was furious.

"If that's all you have to say, we're leaving." He grabbed Namjoon's hand and help him stand up as they began to walk towards the exit. 

"If you walk out of that door, I'm removing your position as CEO of the company!" Seokjin halted his steps and turned around, wearing a daring look.

"Fine, do whatever you want, I'm done with you." They walked out of the room and the last thing that was heard was the sound of a door closing shut.

Hi! Here's the continuation of the last chapter, so vote or comment if you enjoyed it. Also, I hope you have awesome summer vacations! Bye~!


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