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The day didn't start very well for the couple.

Although it was suppose to be a business trip along with a vacation, Seokjin wasn't relaxing at all right now.

The older had woken up at four in the morning upon hearing wails coming from Namjoon. After he had cradled him into his arms, he had tried to ask him what happened, but only short babbles and gibberish answered his question. It was only when drool started to fall down his chin that he realized in horror that the younger had fallen into babyspace.

It was now 6:05 am, and Seokjin finally managed to get Namjoon back asleep after he gave him a bottle of warm milk. He had also wrapped up, with a lot of kicks and punches thrown, the baby in a blanket covered with Paw patrol characters.

Seokjin knew he couldn't leave the little alone in the hotel room, never mind ask his assistant to keep an eye on him since he didn't know if she could take care of Namjoon.

He was sitting on the edge of the queen size bed as he contemplated his options while Namjoon was subconsciously sucking on his pacifier during his sleep. Seokjin concluded that he only had one solution since he couldn't cancel his meeting.

He had to bring Namjoon with him.

After cleaning the boy's chin which was covered in drool, the older tried to coax the little into some jeans and a black and grey stripped sleeved shirt. Unfortunately, the baby wasn't coopering at all and was kicking and screaming at his caregiver.

The tired man finally caved in and dressed Namjoon into some grey sweatpants along with a loose shirt with something written on it. Luckily, the younger was exhausted from his tantrum and stayed still while looking at the ceiling and babbling quietly.

After going to the adjacent bathroom to wash both his and Namjoon's teeth, they left the room in direction of the main entrance of the hotel. Earlier, he succeeded in bringing Namjoon into an older headspace, which was around four years old. This made Seokjin's task much more easier. 

Once outside, Seokjin crouched in front of Namjoon, making the little feel smaller. He held both of the younger's arms and his gaze was locked with his.

"Listen to me baby, Daddy wants you to be a big boy okay? Daddy has a big~ meeting that he needs to attend and he wants his baby boy to behave, alright?" A bright smile appeared on Namjoon's face as he nodded firmly, though Seokjin knew he probably didn't understand a single thing he said.

After taking Namjoon's hand, he called a cab. When the car pulled over, Seokjin opened the door and ushered the little inside before climbing in after him. The older told the driver the address and put Namjoon's small backpack on his knees, which contained some littlespace items they brought on their trip.

Half an hour later, the couple walked into the lobby of the affiliate's building. The younger was glued to his caregiver's side as he watched people walked around in different directions. Seokjin announced his name to the secretary and she told him the location of the meeting.

Once in the elevator, Seokjin hugged Namjoon close to him and pecked the top of his head.

"You're going to be a good boy for daddy, hmm?" The little nodded before speaking up.

"Yes dada, Joonie good boy."

Once they entered the designed room, Seokjin immediately spotted a familiar man. He walked up to him and smiled while shaking his hand.

"It's been a while, Michael." The said man smiled too, putting his other hand onto Seokjin's bicep.

"Yes, too long."

By the door, Namjoon wasn't pleased with the fact that another man was touching his daddy. He crossed his arms while tapping his foot impatiently on the carpeted floor. After a while, the little gave up and took long stride to his caregiver. He stood close by his side which made Michael notice him for the first time.

"And you are?" Namjoon was about to give him a piece of his mind, but was cut off by Seokjin before he could say anything.

"He's my boyfriend, Kim Namjoon." Seokjin looked at Namjoon with insistence, as if to say 'Behave, baby boy'. Luckily, the younger only huffed in annoyance and grabbed the man's hand, which was stretched before him.

The tall man only chuckled a bit at Namjoon's behavior before turning his attention back at Seokjin. The older sneaked an arm around his boyfriend's waist before speaking up.

"Do you have a spare room where Namjoon could stay during the meeting. He needs to finish some work on his laptop and that'll distract him for the time being." The little looked up at him with interrogation in his eyes, only comprehending 'work' and 'laptop'.

"Oh of course, follow me." While Michael walked ahead of them, Seokjin took this opportunity to lean towards Namjoon's ear.

"Don't worry baby. You can color while daddy his gone alright." He pecked the top of his head, making Namjoon grin widely.

The man before them opened the door of a small office before ushering the couple inside.

"He can complete his work in this office." Seokjin thanked him and told him to go first, because he needed to talk with Namjoon.

The caregiver crouched in front of his baby after helping him remove his backpack from his shoulders. 

"Daddy is going now, you promise to be a good boy?" A loud 'yes dada' came from the little before he hugged the older man. The latter chuckled before embracing him just as tightly.

After helping him install his things on the wooden desk, Seokjin gave his boyfriend a lingering kiss before leaving the room. Without a care in the world, the little grabbed the first coloring pencil he saw and began to fill the picture with colors.

Two hours later, just as Namjoon was getting bored from coloring and playing with the few toys he brought with him, a few knocks were heard on the door before it opened, revealing an exhausted Seokjin. 

"Daddy!" The little quickly scrambled out of the chair and ran to his caregiver, tackling him into a tight hug.

"Ah~ my sweet baby boy, how I've missed you." He peppered his boyfriend's face with kisses as he raised him sightly in the air, making the latter giggle uncontrollably. After playing with him some more, the older put him down on the ground and caressed his cheek gently, pure love filling his eyes.

"How about we get back to the hotel, hmm?" On that note, the two men walked hand in hand out of the building.

Hi~ here's an update for you. I feel as if I messed this chapter up a bit, but anyway, don't forget to vote and/or comment. Have a nice week everyone and best of luck!


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