T W E N T Y - O N E

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Seokjin could't find it in himself to stop Namjoon from pinching his cheeks, forcing the older to make strange faces. The little one was a giggling mess as he played with his caregiver's face while he sat on his lap, facing him with his legs dangling on both sides of the chair.

The couple was currently at the airport, waiting for the time to get onboard. 

Eventually, Seokjin grabbed Namjoon's hands brought them down, chuckling at the pout forming on the younger's features. 

"I think my skin is stretched enough baby." The latter puffed out his cheek in anger, making his caregiver's heart swoon at the cute sight. 

The older ended up taking out a pacifier from the backpack he was carrying with little Jonnie's stuff. Namjoon immediately opened his mouth for the small object, which Seokjin popped into his mouth. The little one started sucking contently on it, leaning over so he could rest his head onto Seokjin's chest.

One hour later, the older woke up Namjoon from his nap since it was time to get on the plane. He fussed a bit from being woken up so suddenly, but he quickly complied upon seeing his caregiver's stern look.

During the flight, the little was quite fussy. Seokjin had figured that he was still jet lagged from their first flight, and tried to get him to sleep, but the younger was having none of it. He kept squirming in his seat and was almost shouting at him as refused to listen.

When Seokjin had had enough of his behavior, he approached his face close to the younger's ear.

"As soon as we get home, you're gonna face a punishment little one." His tone was deep and filled with authority, making Namjoon finally seat still and ask politely for his pacifier. The little eventually fell asleep while sucking on his pacifier every so often.

Namjoon hastily entered the apartment after Seokjin had unlocked the front door. The latter followed as he carried two suitcases and his briefcase. There were still some luggages in his car so he made a mental note to get them later.

The younger ran into his room and picked an armful of his stuffies placed in a large basket. He squeal in delight and rubbed his cheeks on the soft material.

"J-Joonie mwissed you~" Of course, Namjoon took the time to ask each of his friends what they did in his absence as he placed them on the ground so they formed a circle on each side of him.

On the other hand, Seokjin had gone fetch the rest of the bags and carried them back into his and Namjoon's bedroom. Instead of unpacking them, he made his way towards Namjoon's littlespace room where he knew the younger was.

He opened the door and momentarily forgot why he came here in the first place, his heart swelling with adoration upon seeing him talking with his 'friends'. 

"Rweally?! 'cause I-I went to-" 

"Baby." The little almost had a whiplash as he turned towards his caregiver's voice, who was feeling slightly bad for interrupting him, but he knew it had to be done.

"It's time for your punishment." But Namjoon only looked confuse and a frown appeared on his face.

"B-but Joonie do nothing!" Seokjin clicked his tongue and showed a displeased expression.

"You were really bad during the flight baby, you gave daddy a hard time." It seems that the younger finally realized why, because his frown turned into realization. He was quick to beg for mercy though.

"Plwease Daddy, Joonie rweally~ sworry!" The older silently shook his head.

"Sorry doesn't cut it sweetie." He said in a soft but firm tone. He approached his boyfriend, who backed up against the wall, making Seokjin sigh.

"Resisting will only make your punishment worse Joonie." The little clearly noticed the absence of a pet name and reluctantly let the older grab his hand, leading him to their bedroom.

Seokjin shut the door behind him while Namjoon went to sat on the soft sheets, with his head hanging low and short sniffles coming from him. The caregiver's heart almost broke when he saw his baby looking so sad.

He came to sit beside him, slowly stroking his back with the back of his hand.

"It'll be over before you know it. Only ten, okay baby?" The little nodded slowly before Seokjin lifted him up and position him over his lap, his stomach laying on his tights with his legs hanging off.

The older slid down the sweatpants he was wearing along with his boxers, exposing his naked bum. Namjoon shivered at the cold air nipping at his bare butt cheeks. Seokjin softly caressed the pale skin with one hand as he stoked his back with the other.

"Ready?" The younger whimpered a soft 'hmm hm' and Seokjin brought down his hand for the first slap. He soothed the sore bum in between the spanks with his cold hand. The last ones were the most painful, of course, for the little as he sobbed in his hands.

When he was finished, Seokjin left shortly to fetch a bottle a lotion, which he applied on the red cheeks. Whimpers were leaving the younger's mouth as his boyfriend cradled him into his chest, rocking them back and forth. He gently petted the boy's hair as he whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

"What did you do wrong, baby boy?" The little took a deep breath before speaking up, buying his face further into his chest.

"J-Joonie, was fu-fussy a-and," he paused as a sob racked his body, "He s-spwoke up at Dada." He cried louder and fat tears soaked Seokjin's shirt.

"J-Joonie sworry!!" The older held him even tighter as he continued to reassure him, telling him that it was over now. The couple stayed in this position for a while as Namjoon slowly calmed down. Seokjin looked at him sadly and brushed a strand of hair out of his eyesight.

"How about we go watch a movie, hmm?" Namjoon lifted his head up as his eyes sparkled.

"Can we watch Nemoo?" His boyfriend chuckled and blew a raspberry into the younger's neck, making him squirm and giggle. 

"Of course, my sweet little boy."

Hi! Sorry for the late update, but as I explained in my announcement, my exams are coming up and I'm working in between, so I'm trying my best to post a new chapter as I usually do. Vote or comment if you liked this chapter and see you next week! Byeee!


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