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Namjoon groaned as he threw different tops on his bed, not finding any of them suited for a date. 

Yep, it was the big night.

He didn't even know if he needed to wear a suit, or just dress in a casual style. He stepped back from his closet, gripping his hair while subconsciously bitting his lip.

'What should I wear?' 

After a few moments, he settled on a pair of black skinny jeans, but he was still hesitating on what shirt to wear. Anxiety was creeping on him, practically eating his insides. Let's not forget that this was Kim Namjoon's first date, ever.

Besides, he didn't even want to go on a date in the first place, even more a blind date. His boss would surely make him work overnight tomorrow because he asked to left early today. He paced back and forth in his bedroom, bitting his fingernail. 

No longer able to stand it, he grabbed his phone and called Hoseok who claimed to, along with Jungkook, know the unknown man. After a few rings, he answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Jung Hoseok, how can I help you?"

"Hoseok, can you please explain to this man that I can't meet up with him tonight?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because! I have a lot of work to do, and it's just impossible! I don't even know the guy, yet you want to leave me alone with him for a whole night! That's nonsense!!" At this point, Namjoon was hysteric, ragged breath leaving his lips. Sensing his distress, Hoseok spoke up in a soft tone.

"Joon, I've known you for almost two years, and me and the boys think It's time for you to take a breather. You're overworking yourself. You don't eat enough, sleep enough and you're always worried about work. I know you don't enjoy meeting new people, but I swear to you me and Jungkook wouldn't have approved if we knew he was a bad guy. We only want what's best for you."

The anxious man was left deep in thoughts as Hoseok continued.

"Now, listen to me. Take deep breaths, in and out, okay?" Namjoon followed his instructions and took deep breaths, slowly starting to calm down. 

After a few minutes, He finally came back to his senses and thanked him.

"Don't worry about it. Now, enjoy yourself okay?" Namjoon promised to try and ended the call, feeling more confident.

He finally decided to choose a white stripped flannel, loosely tucked into his pants. He then got into the bathroom to apply a little bit of skin tone to cover the bags under his eyes. He walked out to look at himself in the full length mirror placed beside his closet, admiting that he didn't look so bad. He passed a hand through his silver colored hair, a light smile playing on his lips.

'I can do this.'

He closed the door behind him.

'Or maybe not.'

He looked at the restaurant in front of him. His mouth would be open like a fish if he hadn't got a hold of himself. This was definitely where the rich people were eating. Anyhow, he gulped before entering the place.

A word you could use to describe this place would be luxury. Above each tables, there was a chandelier hanging, crystals almost blinding your eyes with their reflection. A small band was playing some Jazz on a small scene, on the left of the entrance. Waiters were moving smoothly through the tables, wearing black pants and a white jacket along with a black bow tie.

His attention was drawn to a waiter that was approaching him. The man welcomed him before speaking up.

"I assume you are Kim Namjoon?" He nodded, confusion written on his face.

"Follow me please."

Namjoon obeyed, his eyes wandering on the tables were people nicely dressed were chatting quietly. They finally arrived at a retreated table, where a man was sitting, a glass of wine sitting in front of him. He almost choked on air when he recognized the man with broader shoulders.

The waiter stepped aside before bowing his head.

"Enjoy your evening, I will bring the menus shortly."

Immediately the man stood up to pull the chair so Namjoon could sit. Once they sat comfortably, he could finally let his surprise show.

"How...? I don't understand-" Kim Seokjin cut him off with a charming smile.

"My father's company does some business with Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook, and we became quite close since then. I told them a while ago that I was ready to be in another relationship, and they told me about you, saying that you were a charming man. Indeed you are."

Seokjin took a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving the man before him, making Namjoon sightly squirm on his seat. His eyes held something that made him feel small under his gaze, and another feeling he couldn't explain.

"But, What I didn't expect was for you to work at my newly acquired business. That was a surprise."

The conversation was interrupted when the waiter came back with the menus, distracting both of them. While Seokjin looked at the choices, Namjoon took the chance to speak.

"I hope you're not disappointed, you probably were expecting a man of your status." The wealthy man looked up, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't say that, I would rather make acquaintance with normal people than snobby rich who only care about what shoes to wear." His words made him relax considerably.

They finally decided to order seafood, Namjoon deciding to trust Seokjin on this as this was not his first time coming here. The evening went by quite nicely, the two getting to know each other, and Namjoon was grateful for coming to this date.

At one point, when they were both finished with their meals, Seokjin's attitude went serious as he put down his fork.

"The boys told me that you were getting stressed with your work, is that true?" Namjoon was taken aback at the question.

"Well... a little. But it's nothing that I can't handle." He nodded in understanding.

"I think you're aware of what lifestyle your brother Yoongi is in right?" Namjoon grew confused with all these questions.

"Yes, and I'm okay with it. But what's with all these questions?" He sighed.

"I'm in the same lifestyle, and I'm currently looking for a 'little boy'. Your brothers and their boyfriends thought that it would be good for you, to relieve your stress." His eyes grew wide at the confession.

"But, why haven't they told me about it? I-"

"They knew that you wouldn't have agreed to this, never mind listen. It's for your own good, please consider it. I would be taking care of you, and cherish you-"

"Stop please." Namjoon looked at him with a pleading look. "This is a lot to take in, and I don't know if I'm the right person for you." He sighed before continuing.

"Let me think about it."

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