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The couple entered the lobby of the hotel they were gonna stay in for the next few days. Namjoon was still in his headspace and was clinging onto his caregiver's side. On the other hand, Seokjin had passed a protective arm around the little's waist and was walking confidently towards the main desk.

While Seokjin was paying for the room, Namjoon noticed some people staring at him with disgust. They probably saw the pacifier in his mouth along with the onesie he was wearing. The little tugged on his caregiver's shirt and took out of pacifier when he saw he had his attention.

"Daddy, why they looking at me w-weird?" The younger was looking at him with doe eyes, completely confused. Seokjin turned around to see what he was talking about and glared at them, while tightening his grip on his boyfriend. The caregiver turned his attention back at him as he smiled.

"See baby, they aren't looking at you. You're just a bit tired that's all." He ruffled his baby's hair and looked back at the receptionist so he could have the keys. Out of curiosity, Namjoon once again glanced around and saw that none of them were paying attention to them. He shrugged and popped the pacifier back in his mouth.

After he finished talking with the woman at the front desk, the two boyfriends climbed into the elevator, along with a man who was carrying their suitcases. 

The doors finally opened on the fourth floor and they stepped into the hallway, where Seokjin proceeded to look for their room. The number 417 finally appeared and The caregiver entered with his little close by his side. Seokjin took their baggages from the man and gave him a tip before returning his attention towards his boyfriend.

"Do you like it sweetie?" Namjoon had jumped onto the bed and was laying on it like a starfish. He hummed in satisfaction as he sat up. 

The older approached him and tackled him on the bed, before tickling his side with his slender fingers. The little was letting out melodic giggles as he tried to squirm out of his grip. On the other hand, Seokjin was grinning like a fool while he enjoyed the reaction he got from his boyfriend.

After a while, both of them fell back onto the bed as Namjoon tried to catch his breath. The caregiver brought the younger into a tight hug as the both of them slowly fell into a deep slumber, exhausted from their long flight.

Seokjin's eyes fluttered open and was really surprised to see his baby's face right on top of his. The latter was grinning widely with his dimples poking on each corner of his mouth. He giggled and rolled on the other side of the bed upon seeing the funny expression on his daddy's face.

"What were you doing my little monster? Trying to scare Daddy huh?" Namjoon jumped out of bed and tried to hide behind the curtains of the window when he saw his caregiver coming closer.

"Hmm, I wonder where he is..." The older was silently approaching him with his arms extended in front of him. You could see the younger's feet poking underneath the curtain along with muffled giggles.

"Gotcha!" Seokjin grabbed Namjoon's frame, which made the latter shriek in surprise.

"No~!" He finally managed to get out of the plain beige drape and tried to ran away again. Unfortunately, Seokjin was quicker and once again grabbed his waist before spinning him in circles. 

"Daddy!", the little laughed, "Let Joonie go~" 

The caregiver carried him back to the bed and caged him into his strong hold on top of his chest.

"No can do sweetheart." The latter's cheeks gradually turned red and he huffed in frustration. While Seokjin was still laying on his back, he kissed the top of his boyfriend's head.

"Wuv you Daddy." The older was grinning like an idiot at the confession.

"I love you too baby."

A few hours later it was already late in the evening, and the couple was walking in Central Park. The older was glad that he could spend some time with his boyfriend before he was gone for his meetings. He couldn't stop looking at Namjoon, his angelic face seeming to memorize every single detail of the place, as if to engrave it in his mind.

The younger even got the chance to pet a dog, who's owner was a lovely old man. Seokjin almost cooed when he witnessed the animal licking Namjoon's cheek, which made the latter giggled.

The lights of the lampposts were illuminating the path of the young lovers while they walked hand in hand, sometimes raising up their heads to look at the stars. 

The two young men stopped on a small hill of grass which had an opened view on the night sky. They laid down on the ground, Namjoon putting his head onto Seokjin's chest as the latter had pass an arm around his back. 

The stars were reflecting back into their dark orbs as they observed the world with large eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. The little slightly turned his head to look at his caregiver.

"Daddy, why does the skwy have h-holes?" Seokjin showed a fond smile before he thought for the moment. The younger's question was innocent, but it somehow awoke his imagination and he wondered if there wasn't more to the phenomenon than it seemed. 

He snapped out of it when Namjoon whined. "Daddy!" 

"Oh, hum. Maybe it's because the sky has been here for a long time, and it got so old that holes started to appear." The little listened to him talk with doe eyes, obviously not understanding a single word the older just said. The man noticed this and laughed a little.

"Never mind sugar, let's just enjoy the view." And that's just what they did, as Seokjin showed the different constellations covering the dark sky. Eventually, the long day caught up to them and the couple fell asleep under the numerous little dots, not having a care in the world.

I'm so sorry for my late update you guys! I hope you liked the chapter at least! Anyway, leave a vote or comment if you did. Have a nice week and see you next time!


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