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The dinner that took place earlier this evening was still bothering Namjoon. He had a great time with Seokjin, but once he learned about his lifestyle and his proposition, he had mixed feeling. 

First, he was angry at his brothers and friends for interfering with his life like that. He admitted that the date was not a bad idea after all, but the fact that they thought he couldn't handle himself was frustrating.

Second, He grew quite fond of Seokjin throughout the evening. His charming smile and his almond eyes where engraved in his head. Also, his laugh was a bit unsetting with his shape, but Namjoon quickly grew to like it, maybe too much. He couldn't help but want to see the man again.

But did he really wanted to try this?

Sure, his brother living like that was a thing, but trying it himself was another. Also, he was used to taking care of himself, and he found it difficult to seek help from other people. 

Namjoon rolled on his bed where he was currently laying and groaned, laying his arm on his head to shield his view. He peeked at a photo that was standing on his bedside table. The three brothers had big smiles plastered on their faces, dressed to go hiking, and the mountain standing in the background. That was two years ago.

He sighed, deciding to go prepare himself to go to sleep. After putting a white t-shirt with grey shorts, he put his reading glasses on his bedside table before putting the covers over his body. He spent a good hour overthinking before finally being able to go to sleep.

The next day, dressed with a jean jacket and some skinny jeans, he was knocking on Yoongi's door. This morning, he figured he could use some advice from his younger brother and decided to go visit him later in the day.

The door revealed a tired-looking Hoseok, with what was looking like jam covering his left cheek. You could hear giggles and Jimin yelling inside the modern apartment.

"What happened to you?" A confused Namjoon tried to look inside to find an explanation.

"Yoongi happened," Hoseok said with a monotone tone.

The two men came inside to go to the kitchen, where Yoongi was sitting in what seemed like an highchair for adults and Jimin was trying to feed him, making plane sounds while slowly approaching a spoonful to his boyfriend's mouth.

Jimin soon noticed Namjoon's presence and was about to greet him when something, or rather someone interrupted him.

Yoongi had thrown a slice of banana at his caregiver, the sticky food slowly sliding down his cheek while the man kept a calm facade.

Namjoon let out a laugh before ruffling his brother's hair while Hoseok went to start washing the dishes, not before giving a peck to both of his babies. The tall man expected Yoongi to greet him, and was surprised when only incoherent words escaped his lips.

Jimin saw his confused expression, inviting him to sit down at the table.

"So this is how it's like?", Namjoon asked him, still watching his brother stuffing food in his mouth carelessly.

"Yep, and we can't lie and say we don't like every part of it."

Jimin started to explain him more in details the way they were living, Hoseok joining sometimes in the conversation. He learned that Yoongi wasn't always in this state of mind, and when he was, he could relax completely and feel totally refreshed the next morning to continue producing songs.

During the day, Namjoon was able to play with a 3-year-old minded Yoongi, who presented him his stuffies. He was amazed by this and he could see how happy his brother looked.

Around the evening, the three adults were sitting in the living room while Yoongi was playing with his toys on the carpet, a pacifier between his lips.

"How did my brother discovered this?"

"Well," Hoseok started,"I was introduced to this lifestyle by Seokjin actually. He trusted me and Jungkook well enough to tell us about it, since we are close friends. I told Jimin about this, and we took some time to think about it before introducing the idea to Yoongi, since he has difficulty to deal with stress. Turns out it changed our lives for the better."

The three men watched the little play for a while, a comfortable silence surrounding them. After some time, Namjoon finally decided to ask the dreaded question.

"Do you... Do you really think it would be a good thing for me to try out?"

The two lovers couldn't help but smile, Hoseok putting an arm around Jimin's shoulders before answering.

"I think you should, Joon. You can always pull out if you don't like it, don't stress yourself with that. I also think that Seokjin would take great care of you, and thats you need at the moment."

"But, my job-"

"No, no and no. Don't start again Namjoon, or I swear I will slap the shit out of you," Jimin pull out his serious face on, "It's time for you to let go and let someone take care of you. The stress is slowly eating you alive, we can all see it. If you don't do it for you, do it for your brothers and us. Please Namjoon."

The sound of the clock ticking was filling the silence, along with Yoongi's occasional snores, since he settled on Hoseok's lap to take a nap. Namjoon was weighing the pros and cons of the opportunity, while the caregivers went to put their little to bed.

When they came back, Namjoon was putting his coat on, ready to leave. The two boyfriends accompanied him to the door.

"I made my decision." 

The sound of the door closing when he left was somehow meaningful to him, announcing a new chapter in his life that would change him forever.


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