T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Life was good.

It's been two years since Namjoon and Seokjin started dating, and they were the happiest years of their lives. 

During this time, Namjoon started to go less in littlespace because he didn't feel the need to go into his headspace, and Seokjin accepted that, knowing that eventually littlespace wouldn't be a part of their lives anymore

The younger had became a successful author after he published his first book, which turned out to be a huge success in South Korea, and was slowly becoming known in foreign countries. 

On the other hand, Seokjin had bought all the rights his father had over the company, and his business expanded all over the world. 

Whenever they had the time, the couple would reunite with Namjoon's brothers and their boyfriends, which were all close friends of Seokjin. 

The two men had moved into another penthouse closer to where the boys lived, even more expensive then the last one, and it took a lot of convincing from Seokjin to get Namjoon to agree since the latter didn't feel the need to spend so much money.

The passion and the sparks that flew the first months they were dating had now become a glowing warmth that followed the couple through each day. They were each other's home.

Namjoon whined as he stomped his foot, feeling his daddy's warm hand rubbing sunscreen on his back. He watched with envy as Taehyung and Yoongi played in the clear blue water under their caregivers watchful gazes, the men standing in retreat while they chatted quietly.

"Patience, baby, I'm almost done. I don't want my little one to look like a lobster." The picture appeared in the little's mind, making him giggle.

"Joonie lobster!" Seokjin laughed at the statement.

"Ah ah ah, not under my watch baby boy." He added a bit more on the boy's shoulders before he removed his hand.

"All done, you can go play now." But the little was already gone as soon as he no longer felt his daddy's touch, running towards his brothers. The sight made Seokjin worried and quickly shouted to warn him.

"No running!" Though it was useless since Namjoon had already joined the boys into the water, splashing them in the process while giggling. Seokjin couldn't help but smile fondly at the sight, and left the cool spot of shadow formed by the umbrella to join the other caregivers.

The group of friends had decided to go on a vacation, the idea popping into their conversation some day. They opted for the Caraïbes and chose to rent a spacious cabin for all of them, which cost quite the price, not that they had any problem with that.

They all surprised their littles the evening before they left, their boyfriends not believing what they heard. Namjoon even let out some tears of happiness.

Two hours later, the sun was slowly starting to come down, as well as the littles's energy. The three boys were currently attempting to build a castle with the sand, Jimin assisting them with the project. 

The three other men had retreated back to their towels laying on the white sand as they enjoyed the view of the day slowly seeping away to let the night appear. The sky was cloudless, the horizon a beautiful kind of orange, making it a breathtaking sight.

Later that evening, the little ones were each bathed thoroughly because they were covered with sand from head to toe, making them whine in protest, still eager to play.

It was only when the stars where shinning bright in the dark sky that Seokjin opened his arms for Namjoon to sink in, laying under the comforter of the double bed. The younger immediately complied while he still held his stuffie he was carrying close to his chest, pacifier bobbing up and down from his plump lips.

Seokjin, who had taken the role of the big spoon, pecked the back of Namjoon's head as a content smile etched on his lips.

"Did you have a good time today baby?" The older was rubbing his arm in a shooting pattern as the little lifted one of his hand to remove the small object from his mouth.

"Yes, thank you daddy!" Although happiness was clear in his tone, you couldn't miss the tiredness that was engulfing him, the exciting day having taken a toll on him. 

"You're welcome, baby boy." Before Namjoon could bring the pacifier back to its original place, a yawn forced itself out of his mouth, proving Seokjin's theory. The latter chuckled a bit and guided his boyfriend to shift into his embrace so he was now facing him, the younger's head laying on his chest.

"I think my baby is tired hmm?" Namjoon's eyelids were slowly dropping, but regardless the little shook his head. Seokjin watched as he slowly but surely witnessed the boy drifted into a much needed sleep.

The man brushed a strand of hair out of Namjoon's face careful not to wake up the sleeping beauty. After all this time, he still couldn't believe that this ethereal beauty was the man he called his boyfriend, and he was feeling forever grateful to have him in his life.

Seokjin approached his lips from the boy's ear before whispering a sweet promise of love.

"I love you Kim Namjoon, forever and ever." He stayed still for awhile, not wanting to quit admiring the man, but he eventually laid his head back on his pillow, tightening his arms around his lover before letting himself go into dreamland.


I know, I know, the update is late and it's really short, and I'm so so sorry for that, but I feel like in the end I was lacking inspiration for this book. 

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for the amazing support I received on this book along with The Pretender. I honestly never imagined that this book would get that much success in such a short amount of time. 

As for my future projects, I decided to forget the idea of a book with littlespace oneshots for now since I am lacking inspiration with the idea, but 'Rest' won't be my last book. As for Dark, I think I will change the status to complete since it's been on hiatus quite awhile and I've lost interest in finishing it.

Again, thank you so much for the support!! I hope you enjoyed reading this book!!


REST // Namjin AUWhere stories live. Discover now