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Namjoon was currently sitting on the rocking chair, in the 'nursery', watching Seokjin rummaging through the clothes in the closet. They went from an onesie with teddy bears on it to a cute one piece that you could pair with a t-shirt with ironman on it.

He finally came up with an onesie with footsies, in a pastel green color with ducks on it. Namjoon was fidgeting nervously, playing with his fingers while Seokjin approached him.

"Don't be nervous baby," He caressed the latter's cheek with his thumb, crouching in front of him. "I'll make sure that you feel comfortable, okay?"

The man slightly nod, making Seokjin frown a bit. "Words baby boy."


A smile graced the man's lips at the response before he looked into his eyes, still caressing his cheek, making Namjoon blush slightly.

"Now, do you want me to help you dress?"

Surprisingly, the latter agreed, feeling more smaller as the time went by in front of the older man.

Seokjin began by removing his shirt, motioning for him to lift his arms up. Finally, Namjoon was left in only his boxer, feeling flustered. Strangely enough, he trusted the man in front of him, feeling safe in his presence.

After being dressed with the onesie, a koala stuffie caught Namjoon's eye while Seokjin was folding his clothes, placing them in the drawer inside the closet. When he turned around, he quickly noticed the insistent look on his face.

"Do you want to bring the stuffie with you Joonie?"

Namjoon snapped out of it to look at him, stating a quiet 'yes' before the two of them went into the living room, the younger carrying the stuffed animal in his arms, subconsciously holding it close to his heart.

The two of them sat in the living room, Seokjin draping a soft yellow blanket with patterns on it on Namjoon as he turned on the TV. The man put the younger closer to him, gently pushing his head on his chest as he switched the channels to find child's comics. 

He finally settled on PAW Patrol and he briefly brought his gaze down to observe Namjoon. The latter was subconsciously hugging the koala tighter as he looked at the bright images moving in front of him. 

Namjoon never watched the TV as a child, since during his entire childhood he was taking care of his siblings because his mother was always high and his father left with another woman, leaving them broke. The color were mesmerizing, bright forms moving on the screen and characters talking in a high pitch voice. For the first time in his life, he felt relaxed.

Since Namjoon's eyes were glued to the screen, Seokjin took this opportunity to go prepare a bottle of milk for him, hoping he would try it. He came back quickly with an ironman bottle filled with the white substance as he returned to his initial position on the couch.

"Baby? I brought you a bottle of warm milk, would you like to try it?" He told him with a soft voice.

The younger turned his attention to him as he looked down at the bottle in the older's hand. Surprisingly, he didn't utter a word and instead took it from his hand, his left arm still holding the koala as he quickly look back at the screen.

Frowning, Seokjin gently took a hold of his chin, making Namjoon look at him.

"What do we say?" The latter's cheeks went red as he responded

"Thank you." Noticing that he didn't let go, he tried again.

"Thank you, daddy."

He let him go back to his TV show, passing a hand through the boy's hair in a gentle manner.

"Good boy."

An hour later, Namjoon was fidgeting in his seat while Seokjin was doing a bit of work on his laptop. He noticed the younger moving and looked at him from the corner of his eyes, thinking that he was probably bored since the cartoon that he was watching earlier finished a while ago.

Seokjin put his work aside and turned his attention to the boy next to him, placing a hand on his thigh gently. 

"Do you want to color baby boy, I have lots of coloring book in the special room."

Namjoon quickly agreed, feeling relieved since he started to get tired of sitting, and the idea of coloring seemed really appealing. Since he started watching the shows for kids, he felt like everything was enhance, the colors, the soft feeling of his onesie and the bright colors on the screen.

Seokjin watched in amusement as Namjoon looked through the coloring books, his wide eyes examining each of them. It seemed like he was slowly slipping into his headspace, and Seokjin couldn't be happier.

With his hand clutching a Paw Patrol coloring book, Namjoon let Seokjin guide him to the dining area while holding his free hand. The older helped him install his stuff on the table and was about to go sit beside him before a phone call interrupted him. After talking a bit he looked at Namjoon.

"I need to go through some things for my work, but I won't be long. Are you okay on your own?"

The boy nodded absently, absorbed by his current activity. Seokjin let it slide this time and kissed the top of Namjoon's head.

"I'll be in my office."

Namjoon continued to color, feeling a bubbly feeling growing in his chest. He only needed to worry about what color to choose next for his drawing. After a while though, it felt like something was missing, and he quickly noticed that his koala stuffie was still on the couch, looking lonely.

He was about to stand up from his seat but somehow he entangled his leg with the leg of the chair and it fell on the side, bringing Namjoon in its fall. He was in a state of shock for a moment before an overwhelming feeling to cry enveloped him. Loud sobs shook his body as he did just that, fat tears racing down his cheeks as he called the only person that could make him feel better.


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