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It has been two weeks since Seokjin became Namjoon's official caregiver, but the latter wanted to live at his apartment, so it's been a week since they saw each other. The reason why is because Namjoon didn't want to quit his work, but he still got video calls from Seokjin in the evenings mostly. 

The older was strongly against him still working at the same company, because he could see how stressed out it made the younger. Plus, he hadn't slip into littlespace since he came at his apartment and it made him feel helpless.

It was Friday morning, and Namjoon was preparing himself to go to work when he received a phone call from Seokjin. Unknowingly smiling to himself, he grabbed the calling device before answering.


"Hey, I just wanted to know how you were doing." The man looked at his watch, noticing that he had the time to talk with him for a bit.

"Oh I'm doing fine. I have a lot of paperworks to do these days but beside that it's all good. What about you?"

Seokjin told him a bit about the new contract he signed with the businessman in Japan, allowing him to expend his activities in other countries.

"Also, I called because I wanted to know if you would go out with me this evening. It's been a while since I last saw you and I'm starting to miss you."

The last sentence made Namjoon blush, not used to this kind of attention. Nonetheless, he agreed. They talked for about fifteen minutes, asking each other how they're week had been, but eventually Namjoon had to leave for work.

He hung up, dread filling his mind. Since he took a couple of days off to meet Seokjin last week, his boss was always on his case, making him work overtime every night now, but he didn't want to bother anyone by telling them about his problems.

That's why he skipped his dinner at work to finish more documents so he could meet up with Seokjin this evening. He believed he would be finished by six, but luck wasn't on his side when his boss came to see him at his desk, with his assistant carrying a pile of paperwork.

The sound of the pile hitting the the hard surface echoed in his ears as his boss approached his face close to him.

"If you thought that skipping your dinner would allow you to finish early, you had been strongly mistaken. You won't leave until one that's for sure."

A lump formed in his throat as he left. He laid his head on his crossed arms, taking deep breath to chase the anxiety away. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to continue his work.

When the clock on the wall showed seven p.m, Namjoon sighed in frustration, his thoughts drifting to Seokjin, who he was supposed to join at the restaurant an hour ago. He looked at the pile of papers that laid on his desk and let out a single tear roll down his cheek.

He had finally reached his breaking point.

Loud sobs escaped his mouth as he let himself slide off his chair, rocking himself back and forth on the carpeted floor. He let out all his emotions that he had bottled up until now, tears streaming like waterfall from his eyes.

He didn't hear someone open the glass doors of the working place, his footsteps approaching the sobbing form on the floor. It was only when a warm hand was placed on his shoulder that Namjoon looked up, only to discover a worried Seokjin hunched over him.

This triggered something in the crying man and he threw himself at the older, his sobs growing louder.


The said man quickly embraced him in his arms, whispering shooting words in his ear, rocking them back and forth.

Since now, it seemed that Namjoon only fell into his headspace when he was distressed and the thought saddened Seokjin. He wished the younger could be more carefree and he promised himself at that moment that he would do anything in his power to help him achieved that.

With much struggle, Seokjin carried him in his arms while walking out of the building. This caused Namjoon to let out a whimper.

"B-but, pwapers-" The latter shushed him as he opened the door of his car.

"Don't worry about it, just relax for now. Daddy will take care of everything."

On that note, the older drove them off to his house, his right hand laying on Namjoon's thigh while he held the wheel with the other. The little let out occasional sniffles and sobs, but he seemed to have calmed down a bit.

Seokjin walked inside the penthouse as Namjoon was still laying securely in his arms. He sat the little on the couch for a brief moment as he locked the front door before he joined him in the living room. The caregiver immediately opened his arms for the man, the latter jumping into his safe embrace. 

The older kissed the younger's forehead while he rubbed his back, Namjoon letting out hiccups from time to time as he buried his face deeper into the crook of his neck. This stayed in this position for about half an hour before Seokjin finally raised his chin to look at him.

"I promise that you won't have to live through that again, okay little one? Daddy will do anything in his power to protect you."

With that said the two of them headed out for Seokjin's bedroom since Namjoon requested to sleep with him. After changing into an onesie and a white t-shirt with joggers for the older, they climbed into bed as the said man held the little in his arms, pecking the top of his head before closing his eyes shut.

That night, all Namjoon's worries became a blur as he slept comfortably in Seokjin's arms. 

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