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In the living room of a small modest apartment, Namjoon sat sobbing on the floor, hugging his knees close to his chest. His favorite plushie was laying on the floor across the room, his lifeless eyes staring back at the silver haired man.

A cellphone sat beside the crying mess, where the screen showed an ended call with a certain 'Seokjin'...

A few hours ago

Namjoon was currently looking for a job on his cellphone. He may have quitted his employment at the office, but he still needed to pay the rent. He had a fair idea of what he wanted to do, since he was always interested in books.

After finding a library where they were hiring and making a promise to himself to go visit the place later, he allowed himself a little break and started scrolling the internet.

While doing so, Namjoon's mind drifted to Seokjin. So, with a smile etched on his face, he decided to look into littlespace to know a bit more about the subject. The man looked into forums where people were asking questions about the topic, and it really helped Namjoon.

Somehow, Namjoon ended up looking at comments made against littlespace and the DDLG community. They were saying that these people were only doing it for sex and that it was disgusting to sexualize children like that.

As a young adult, he knew not to care about what they were saying. They probably weren't informed a lot on the topic. 

About an hour later, a little Namjoon was laughing while watching a kid's Tv program, clutching the koala plushie in his arms. Because half an hour before, he had found the koala in a bag inside his bedroom. The stuffie was brought to his apartment when Seokjin told him to keep it with him in case he wanted to fall into littlespace at home.

Currently though, his laughter was interrupted when his eye caught the sight of his phone laying on the couch. So, the mischievous little grabbed the calling the device and started to explore the different apps on it. Unfortunately he fell upon the last page that Namjoon opened on safari a while ago.

Now, beside his young state of mind, ranging about 4 or 5, little Namjoon could still comprehend a little bit what the comments were about. In his mind, he was a disgusting human being at the moment.

Slowly, silent tears started to stream down his cheeks as he continued to look at the bad words. 

"Namjoonie sowwy", he hiccuped while he rubbed his tears filled eyes,"J-joonie so s-sowwy!!"

In a fit of rage directed to himself, he threw the plushie across the room while he let out distressed cries. Somehow he thought of his daddy, and managed to find the calling app. He remembered vaguely from Namjoon's previous calls how to do it.

The phone rang a couple of times before a voice was heard from the other side.

"Hello? Namjoon?", immediately, the little started to sob.

"Daddy!! Dwady!" Seokjin was sent on panic alert and he tried to ask him what was wrong, but the latter was only screaming for his caregiver to come.

"Don't worry baby boy, daddy's coming okay?" And with that he hanged up the phone, sprinting out of the office.


A couple of minutes later and multiples missed red lights, Seokjin latched onto the front door of his baby's apartment and unlocked it with his spare key that Namjoon gave him a while ago for emergencies.

He came in only to take in the sight of a crying Namjoon rocking back and forth on the floor. Snot was covering his nostrils and running down his chin as his puffy eyes finally noticed his Daddy.

The little crawled toward him but Seokjin was quick to reach, scooping him into his strong arms. He pecked the top of his head a couple of times while the younger was clutching his shirt, still crying a river. 

After some time, the caregiver slowly lifted the man's chin to make him look up.

"What happened baby? Can you tell Daddy?" The latter let out some hiccups before finally being able to speak up.

"M-mean words Dada, J-joonie d-dwiggwust-ing!" 

"Hold on baby boy, you're not disgusting, you're daddy's cute little flower!" The little sniffled a bit before he looked up at his caregiver with sparkles in his chocolate orbs.

"R-rweally?" Seokjin blew a raspberry on his plump cheek, making the other let out cute giggles.

"Of course my little pumpkin. Now, can you tell Daddy who said those mean things?" Joon rubbed his eyes with his fists before answering.

"P-phwone." Without a word, and with his left arm holding Namjoon on his hip, he walked up to the phone left on the floor. 

They settled on the couch and Seokjin started to look through his phone. He finally found the website where they were posting mean comments about littlespace in general. The thought of his baby seeing this made his anger cloud his senses.

Fortunately, Namjoon's hand tugging at his shirt brought him back and he offered the little a sad smile.

"Daddy is so sorry that he couldn't protect you from those bad people, baby boy. Let me make up for it okay?"

That evening, Seokjin let the younger choose what he wanted to eat, with turned out to be nuggets in the shape of different animals. At some point, Joonie requested to play hide and seek, which made the exhausted man groan. Nonetheless, he couldn't refuse anything from the bubble of cuteness in front of him.

In the past months, Namjoon had went through a lot. From having a mental break down at work to finding the best caregiver the world could offer. He just hoped that the universe will make up for all the bullshit it gave him until now.

Hi Hi! I'm so sorry for the late update :( But on another, I just wanted the tell you that the sad bullshit is put on a pause for now. I just needed to set up the plot a little. 

Anyway, don't forget to vote or comment your opinion, and as always, don't hesitate to leave suggestions for the story. Have a good week!


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