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Namjoon woke up to the sun peeking through the curtains. He stretched his arms while groaning, having a hard time adjusting to the light. He rolled on his side and took his phone from the bedside table. The screen showed 9:34, along with a text from his boyfriend.

He opened the message as a smile appeared on his plump lips.

Good morning my love. Come meet me at my office at 6pm, I have a date planned for us. Have a good day xxx <3

He let his head fall back on top of his pillow while he still held the phone in his hand. He laid down for a while, just staring at ceiling with the biggest grin. Life was good.

These days, since he was still unemployed, Namjoon was writing a novel. He always adored reading and being an author was his dream since he was a little boy. Altough, he hadn't talked about his current project to Seokjin because he wanted it to be a surprise.

His fingers were dancing across the dance floor which was the keyboard of his laptop. His head was filled with ideas as his eyes didn't look up from the words being written on the screen. The man occasionally took a sip of his coffee, but never did he leave his safe haven. 

It wasn't until he looked down the side of the screen that he realized he was gonna be late since it was already fifth thirty. 

Namjoon rose up from his chair and hurried into now both his and Seokjin's bedroom to rummage through the closet for something to wear for the date. Considering the fact that he didn't have much time left, he choose a white T-shirt with a grey cardigan along with a pair of skinny jeans.

He made sure to lock the door before he took the stairs and got to the underground parking lot of the apartment to climb into his car. After putting his keys into the ignition, he drove out of the parking lot before joining the main road. 

Namjoon made sure to look at the names of the road since he only went to Seokjin's office a few times, and he never drove there by himself. He let out a sigh of relief when, fifteen minutes later, the tall skyscraper of the company appeared in his sight. He parked his car in an empty spot before climbing out of the car.

He entered the building before walking up to the main desk where a woman was typing on her computer. 

"Excuse me, I'd like to know where Kim Seokjin is." He wore a timid smile as the woman looked up, only to recognize him immediately. She offered him a warm smile.

"He's at his office." Namjoon gave her a slight nod before thanking her and joining the closest elevator. He pressed the button of the sixth floor before playing with his fingers. Fortunately, they hadn't bothered to install music so it felt less awkward. 

A small 'ding' was heard before the large doors opened, and Namjoon continued his way to his boyfriend's office. You couldn't really missed it since large glass doors were providing a view inside the modern looking room.

A small graced Namjoon lips as he saw his boyfriend typing away at his computer. He hurried down the corridor before silently opening the doors. Seokjin was probably too immersed in his work considering the fact that he didn't even raise his head.

Namjoon got around the desk made of glass before draping his arms over Seokjin's shoulders and planting a gently kiss on the back of his neck. The action made the man stir before turning around to kiss the man he loved passionately. For a brief instant, the two of them forgot the world around them, only focused on the warmth of their lips combined in a delicious ecstasy.

It was Seokjin who finally broke the kiss and took the time to admire his love's beauty. Although the older was smiling like no other, Namjoon didn't miss the dark bags under his eyes. It was no secret that Seokjin needed to work a lot more seeing as his father finally gave him the position as CEO recently.

Luckily tough, the man wasn't neglecting his baby boy in anyway, in fact, he it was the other way around.

"You ready for that date baby." Seokjin planted a kiss on each of the boy's dimple before looking back at the younger. A pink hue covered Namjoon's cheeks before he responded an almost inaudible 'yes'.

The two men were walking under the street lights while laughing and chatting quietly. The love birds had eaten at a quite expensive restaurant were they choose to try the chef's menu. They had a really good time and they were now heading for the theater. 

Unfortunately for Namjoon though, the movie they were going to see was classified in the horror genre and was called 'Us'( I really wanna see it by the way, is it any good?). He didn't want to complain to his boyfriend and went along with it, hoping it wasn't too scary.

While Seokjin was getting the popcorn, Namjoon was saving the seats. He took the time to watch the trailer on his phone, and not gonna lie, he jumped a few times. When the older came back, he quickly put back his phone in his pocket and gave him a kiss on the lips.

They were an hour into the movie and by now, Namjoon was glued to his boyfriend's side with his face hidden into his chest. Seokjin was caressing his lover's back to soothe him a little, even though he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his scared expression throughout the movie.

Later that night, Namjoon wearily opened the closet to make sure no one was there and climbed into bed with Seokjin. The latter kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry love, it's just a movie. They won't get you in your sleep." The older couldn't help but find his significant other's fright cute. Indeed, he was surprised that he hadn't slip into his headspace during the movie. 

Seokjin spent a couple of minutes whispering sweet nothings into his ear before they both fell asleep, with Namjoon tucked safely into his lover's arms.

Hello, I hope you had a nice week! Here is the weekly update. 

By the way, I'd be grateful if you could check out my other book called 'The Pretender'. It's an omegaverse fanfiction and there isn't any particular ships. 

As always, don't forget to vote or comment if you liked this new chapter! Have a nice week!


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