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Namjoon jolted awake as he got in a sitting position in the bed, clutching his heart while harsh breath escaped his lips. Big, fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he unexpectedly fell into a much deeper headspace than usual. 

His bottom lip wobble a bit before sobs began to racked his body. He wailed as he looked around the room for his daddy. But the caregiver was nowhere in sight.

"Dada!" Vague images of the scary woman in his nightmare appeared in his little mind and he cried even more. In an attempt to get out of bed, his legs got tangled into the sheets and he fell on the floor with a loud thump.

The little stayed still for a minute, trying to comprehend what just happened, but it wasn't long till the waterworks started again. Namjoon clutched his injured elbow as he rolled on the floor.


Unfortunately, Seokjin was currently working at his office, unaware of his little one in pain, alone in their apartment. 

Namjoon crawled to the living room as tear drops were falling on the wooden floor. He once again looked around for his caregiver, but no one was in sight. That's when his little mind realized that he was all alone.

He laid down on the floor while he started to wail once again. He rolled around while he threw his legs and arms around. Luckily, they didn't have any neighbors that could hear the little's breakdown. 

After awhile, Namjoon had exhausted himself with his tantrum. He looked up at the ceiling while small hiccups escaped his mouth. The little raised his arms slowly to hug himself. 

He missed his favorite koala plushie and his pacifier, and he wanted a bottle of warm milk so badly to soothe his sore throat from the crying. But Namjoon was too deep in his headspace to manage to do these things by himself.

So he did the only thing he could do at the moment. He hugged his knees to his chest as he laid on the cold floor, as tears where silently falling from his eyes.

By two in the afternoon, Seokjin had accomplished a lot of work and he was quite proud of himself. Taking over the business of his father was not easy since it was quite big, with affiliates all across the world. 

Talking about affiliates, he had a business trip to America next week, and he was planning on bringing Namjoon with him since he had to stay a few days in the States. The thought of his boyfriend brought him the idea of calling him since he hadn't had the chance to kiss him goodbye before he left for work this morning.

He grabbed his phone and selected Namjoon's contact, which showed the boy with a snap chat filter with the dog's ear. The picture made Seokjin smile before he called him. 

The ringtone rang for some time, and he was about to hang up with a confused face before the call was finally picked up. The voice heard at the other end of the line immediately made his heart clench. 

"Da-Dwada!" Loud cries were heard on the phone along with some hiccups. 

"Baby, what happened?" The tone of Seokjin's voice was filled with worry as he waited for his little to answer the question.

"I-I-... I scwared!! A-and bobo!" Seokjin was already placing his paperwork in his briefcase so he could go comfort his distressed boyfriend back home.

"Don't worry little one, Daddy's coming." After he reassured him a little more, he hung up the phone and headed towards the exit. He noticed his assistant of his sudden leaving and closed the door of the big skyscraper.

He climbed into his expensive car before proceeding to drive home. The fingers of his left hand were constantly drumming on the steering wheel as he thought of different kinds of scenarios that could have happened to Namjoon. Just the thought of his baby getting hurt was enough to turn his knuckles white as he clench the wheel with a firm grip.

After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally parked his car in the underground parking lot of the apartment complex and he sprinted towards the elevator with his briefcase in hand. The time seemed to pass even slower when he was waiting for the metallic doors to open. When they finally did he rushed to the front door of their shared penthouse and entered the wide space.

He immediately Namjoon curled up on the floor with a quivering frame. The caregiver rushed to his little's side after throwing his briefcase in a corner without a care in the world. Namjoon looked up to the man as short babbles came out of his mouth, making grabby hands towards him.

Seokjin quickly got down on his knees in front of him before cradling him into his arms, rocking the little back and forth. He quickly noticed that Namjoon had fell into babyspace, and he was felt even more guilty for not being here because of that. The little was attached like glue to the man as he let out quiet sobs.

"Daddy's so sorry for leaving you alone baby, so sorry." A single tear fell down Seokjin's eye while he held his baby tightly against his chest. The caregiver was whispering sweet nothings into his ear and he was not letting him out of his arms so soon.

They stayed in this position for a while before Namjoon's stomach began to rumble because he hadn't eaten all day. Seokjin let out a sad chuckle and he rose up to his feet with Namjoon attached to his hip. 

"How about we feed your little tummy, hmm?" He tickled the little's belly, making him giggle as dimples poked out of his cheeks.

The caregiver dragged a high chair to the dinning table which was set in the corner of the room, waiting to be used. He sat Namjoon in the chair made for adult babies as the latter made grabby hands towards him, with his bottom lip quivering a bit.

"Don't worry baby, I'm only going to make you a bottle." The little's eyes lit up as he heard the last word and he stayed still while watching his caregiver pour the white liquid into the blue bottle.

He came back with the warm milk before feeding it to Namjoon. The younger sighed contently as the liquid cascaded down his throat, finally filling his empty stomach.

After finishing the bottle, Seokjin carried him back into the living room where he laid the little onto his chest. It wasn't long until his sleepy eyes shut close and soft snores started escaping his mouth. Seokjin smiled down at him before pecking the top of his head twice.

"Sleep tight, little one."

Hi, here's the weekly update! We're already at 10k views and I'm so happy right now! Thank you so much for the love and support! Also, if you hadn't noticed, I have a soft spot for angst ;)

As always, if you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote or comment! Till next time!


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