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It's been a couple of days since Namjoon moved in with Seokjin, and since the latter was still off work, he was in his headspace most of the time. The older couldn't be any happier to have his baby by his side.

Today, Joonie was practically jumping on the walls. Seokjin had told him that both of his brothers would come for a playdate along with their boyfriends. The little couldn't stop rambling about it to his caregiver during their breakfast, listing the things they would do.

Although, since he was really excited, the man had a really hard time dressing him into a blue and white stripped shirt with some shorts. He was finally able to put the socks on, which had sharks on them, fifteen minutes later.

Even though Seokjin settled his little on the couch with his favourite blanket in front of the TV, Joonie couldn't stop fidgeting and was constantly looking back to the entrance to watch any signs of his brothers arriving. 

After thirty long minutes for little Namjoon, the door finally opened on the caregivers holding the littles hand. Yoongi had been dressed in overalls while a pacifier was bobbing between his lips while Taehyung was wearing a green long-sleeved shirt with a dinosaur on it along with joggers. 

Namjoon practically jumped off the couch when he saw them and was about to run to them if Seokjin hadn't told him not to do that. The three littles formed a big hug in the entrance while the caregivers watch them fondly and catching up with each others. 

After the reunion, Joonie approached his caregiver with a little bounce, a grin forming on his plump lips.

"Daddy, could we color in my room please?" He asked while stretching the 'please'. A smile appeared on the other's face as he ruffled the little's bed of hair.

"Of course baby boy, let me help you get settled." 

The oldest caregiver, gestured for the two other little to follow them as they reached Joonie's room. He searched through the closet for the coloring supplies while Joonie showed his plushies to his two brothers. Seokjin finally found the coloring supplies and dropped the box on the ground, which the littles quickly surrounded.

"Alright buddies, Your caregivers and I are gonna be in the living room if you need anything okay?" A chorus of 'yes' echoed in the room and Seokjin pecked his little's forehead with a satisfied smile. He let the door slightly opened on his way out.

The four men where sitting in the living room while chatting about the recent events in their lives. It has been quite sometime since they saw each others and reunions like that were rare with their busy lives. You could say that their three boyfriend had brought them much closer.

"So Jungkook, how is it going with Tae?" The attention was brought upon the youngest who took a sip of his coffee before answering the question. 

"Well I had to do a lot of research to find out how to take care of him properly, not to mention that he got embarrassed when I found him in our room with a pacifier between his lips. I'd say that it took at least a week for him to be comfortable around me in littlespace." His gaze turned to Seokjin who was listening to him intently."What about you Jin, how'd it go with Namjoon?"

So, the man told them about what had happened at Namjoon's old work and his breakdown at his apartment. The others were shocked to hear about it but they were glad to know that Namjoon was in good hands now.

Meanwhile, the siblings were coloring on the cardboard floor, lying on their stomachs. Namjoon had his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he drawn his Winnie the poo. At the same time, Yoongi was coloring with a pacifier bobbing between his lips and Tae was rambling about what he did yesterday while absently coloring a cloud in a light blue.

"And-and you know what! My daddy brought me a new stuffie!! It's a-" In fact, it's been long time since the two others had stop listening to what he was saying, to concentrated on filling their pictures with random colors. 

After some time, Namjoon reach out for the small box containing the coloring pencils for the red. At the same time, Taehyun was grabbing the same pencil only to make contact with Namjoon's hand. The extroverted little gave Namjoon a look.

"Can you give me the pencil please, I grabbed it first." If he hadn't been in his headspace, he would've said yes to his brother in a heartbeat, but this was little Joonie we were talking about, and the little wanted the red pencil.

"No! I had it first!" He shot back in a high pitch voice. At this point, Yoonie had stop coloring and was looking back and forth at his two brothers who were staring at each other with anger. 

Taehyung pulled it towards him but Namjoon had a firm grip on it, his knuckles turning white. Then began a wrestle between the two littles who at this point didn't even know why they were fighting each other. 

Yoongi was about to call out for one of his caregivers when Namjoon shouted.

"It's mine!!" With one last effort, he managed to make Tae let go of the pencil, but instead of staying in Joonie's hand, it went flying in the air and hit Yoongi in the eye.

There was a brief moment of silence before wails echoed in the room as Yoonie clutched his injured eye, fat tears running down his chubby cheeks. In a matter of seconds, all the caregivers came running in the room as they each took in the scene before them. the culprits knew they were in deep trouble.

Surprisingly, it was Jimin who spoke up.

"What happened?" His voice had turned deep as look at the wide eyed littles. Meanwhile Hoseok approached Yoongi and held him close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. 

"I- it's not my fwault! It's Joonie-" One look at Jungkook made him shut up, as the latter looked like he was about to explode any minute. Taehyung looked down before speaking up.

"Joonie and I want the same pencil and we fightwing but pencil flywing in the air and hi-hitting Yoonie." The little had regressed in a younger headspace and kept his glance on the floor, not daring to look up. 

Seokjin let out a deep sigh, disappointment showing through his brown eyes.

He closed the door behind the caregivers and their littles and turned to his own, who had a guilty look on his face.

"I did not expect this from you Kim Namjoon."

Tears filled up the latter's eyes as he noticed the use of his full name. He quickly came running to his caregivers and hugged him tightly with his arms around his torso, sobs escaping his lips. But the older man didn't return the gesture. He let out a sigh before gently removing his arms as he took a step back.

"You'll have to be punished."

Hey hey! I hoped you liked this chapter. If you did, don't forget to vote or comment what you liked about it! Have a good week!


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