T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"I am Moana!!"

Seokjin couldn't help but chuckled as he listened to Namjoon sing along with the main character of the animated movie in the living room. He didn't complain though, since he loved the movie as much as his little boyfriend.

The microwave dinged beside him, signaling that the dinosaur shaped nuggets were ready. The caregiver proceeded to put them into a carton plate before placing on the counter island. 

"It's time to eat baby", he called from the kitchen. The little whined, not wanting to put the movie on pause.

"Daddy plwease~, wanna finish it!" Seokjin shook his head and walked up to him. Namjoon had his eyes glued on the screen, not paying attention to him. The man stood beside the couch and stared at his boyfriend with a stern look.

"Baby, if you don't put your movie on pause when I count to three, you'll have no dessert." The younger frowned and crossed his arms on his chest, stubbornly looking in front of him.

"One" He fidgeted slightly in his seat, but kept his head high.

"Two" He glanced at his caregiver who met his eyes, and Namjoon knew he would not back down. He grabbed the remote beside him but still felt frustrated as he held it.

"Three" The sound from the TV was cut short as the little pressed the triangle button on the rectangular shaped remote. He pouted as he followed his Daddy to the kitchen where his dinner was waiting for him. 

Namjoon was still a little grumpy about what happened earlier, so he didn't thank Seokjin for the food and went straight to his room after he finished eating, the movie long gone in his mind. The caregiver decided to let it slide and go talk to him after he had time to cool down, so he walked up to his room to finish some work on his laptop.

Two hours later, Seokjin shut his computer and rubbed his eyes, since the blinding light of the screen had tired them out. He then proceeded to make his way towards Namjoon's room since he wanted to check up on him.

The older slowly opened the door, and saw his boyfriend laying down on his bed seemingly asleep. He came closer towards him and saw that his cheeks were covered in dried tears. His heart clenched in his chest and gently shook the little's shoulder.

The latter groaned a bit and let out some sniffles before he opened his tired eyes. He immediately saw his daddy and latched onto him, clinging on his shirt like a koala. Sobs racked his body as he buried his face into Seokjin's chest.

Namjoon muttered some words but they were muffled by his caregiver's shirt, so the older gently lifted his head so he could properly speak.

"What did you say baby?" the younger chocked on a sob.

"J-Joonie so sworry~ Daddy! No mean to be bad~!" Seokjin smiled sadly upon hearing his boyfriend's words. He didn't think it would left such an impact on him, but then he remembered that Namjoon had woken up quite early this morning and didn't sleep well.

Seokjin crouched in front of the little, making him feel much smaller, and gently removed the latter's thumb from his mouth, a habit he had picked quite recently. His big watery eyes looked down at his boyfriend.

"Don't worry baby, Daddy isn't mad at you. Of course, you should always listen to Daddy, but I think you were feeling a bit sleepy, huh?" Namjoon slowly nodded, resisting the urge to suck on his small digit. 

"C-Can I have pacy, please~?" The latter's mouth stretched fondly and he rose from his position to search inside a drawer from the bedside table. He got a cute baby blue pacifier with yellow sparkles on it.

Namjoon instantly opened his mouth and his boyfriend inserted the small object, the little starting to suck contently on it.

Eventually, Seokjin carried him to the living room, where the younger requested that they started the movie over. The latter complied and the couple snuggled into the expensive fabric of the couch. 

Surprisingly, Namjoon was still awake when the credits started to roll down the screen, but they were not ready to get out of the warm embrace so soon. Seokjin continued to pet the little's soft hair for a while, humming a tune as the latter had his head buried into the crook of his neck, his legs set on each side of the older's lap.

A couple of minutes later, Seokjin patted Namjoon's butt, signaling him to scoot over so he could get up and make the supper. But the little was having none of it, and only hugged his daddy tighter. His actions made the caregiver chuckle.

"Baby, Daddy has to make supper, unless you want your little tummy to start growling."He enforced his statement by dragging his long fingers on Namjoon's belly, tickling the younger. Melodic giggles echoed into the penthouse while Namjoon trashed into Seokjin's lap, trying to escape his malicious hands.

The caregiver finally stopped when the little was starting to find it hard to breath, and rubbed his back to soothe him back into a calmer state.

The older proposed to go fetch his coloring books and supplies so he could draw in the living room while he fixed something to eat. The younger agreed eagerly and followed him to his littlespace room, where they got what he needed.

Seokjin settled the supplies on the ground, and gave Namjoon his blanket which he had brought since the little had asked for it. Namjoon pecked his boyfriend's lips and thanked him before sitting on the floor and opening the first coloring book.

The older ended up feeding his boyfriend some pasta half an hour later, using the airplane method make him comply without a fuss. 

They got to bed quite early since Seokjin was working tomorrow and Namjoon was quite tired from the lack of sleep. The two of them laid on the same bed that night, Seokjin taking up the role of the big spoon.

"Love you Daddy." The little mumbled softly. The man pecked the back of his head before responding.

"I love you too baby."

So, so sorry for the late update! I've been caught up in something and my mind was elsewhere. Anyway, vote or comment if you liked this filler chapter, and I hope you have a great weekend. Till next time! 


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