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Namjoon was sitting quietly under a large tree, reading a book he recently started under the shade which provided protection from the hot rays of the scorching sun.

They were still in The Big Apple, and Seokjin was currently visiting the headquarters of their branch in The States. While The CEO was making sure his business was going well, his boyfriend was taking this opportunity to get in the outdoors and visit the large city.

The younger man felt at peace as he enjoyed the soft breeze and his mind wondered back to the last months.

The arrival of Seokjin in his life was really a blessing. He was now less stressed since his boyfriend introduced him to littlespace, and was now constantly showered with his love. His self esteem also grew as time pass, because Seokjin always reminded him how beautiful and worthy he was. 

Namjoon sighed contently before he closed his book, not before marking the page, and raised onto his feet. The man walked around central park, enjoying the sight of the different flowers and plants growing in the landscape.

After exiting the park an hour later, he stopped at a Starbucks to grab a drink since he was thirsty from his walk, along with two chocolate chip cookies. It was one o'clock in the afternoon by the time he got out of the café.

Namjoon got a text from Seokjin saying that he would be finished by three o'clock, and that they could spend some time in their hotel room then. Although Namjoon enjoyed some time alone, he must admit that he missed his older boyfriend and so he agreed, sending him some heart emojis.

The younger decided to make his way to the hotel room right now so he could continue writing his book on his laptop. And so, with his earbuds plugged in both of his ears, he listened to his music as he passed by multiple people on the sidewalk.

An hour later, he finally arrived in front of the hotel. After removing his earbuds and wrapping them around his phone, he entered the lobby and quickly hurried into the elevator. After some time killed by looking through the feed of his phone, the doors finally opened.

He opened the door to their room with his own magnetic card and closed it behind him. Namjoon didn't waste anymore time and removed his shoes before installing his laptop on the desk pushed onto the wall in the corner of the room.

He sat in the transparent plastic chair and let out a quiet sigh as he lift the screen of the computer. He opened the file which contained the saved draft of his project, and his fingers started dancing on the keys. It's been a few days since he worked on it, because he wanted to enjoy this small holiday with his boyfriend, and he was now filled with inspiration.

When he first had the idea of starting a book, Namjoon wasn't sure if he'd like it. Nonetheless, he thought he could give it a shot, even more so because he was getting bored alone in their penthouse almost every day.

Without him noticing, probably because he was so entranced in his writing, it was already past three o'clock, and a few knocks were heard on the door before Seokjin entered the room. He smiled and dropped his suitcase on the floor.

"What are you hiding, hmm?" He spoke with a teasing tone. The sound of his voice startled Namjoon whom jumped slightly in surprise before quickly shutting his computer.

"Oh, nothing. Just writing to Taehyung about our trip." The older smiled fondly and approached his boyfriend, deposing a peck on the top of his nose. He bent down slightly to hugged Namjoon's neck and planted multiple kisses on it.

"What do you want to do, prince?" Namjoon was enjoying the attention he was getting and closed his eyes for a brief moment, basking into the presence of the older male.

"Maybe we could...," He laughed when Seokjin blew a raspberry in his neck, taking him off guard, "Maybe we could watch a movie and... relax?" He waited for his boyfriend's response. Seokjin finally left Namjoon alone and answered.

"Of course love, anything you want."

Two hours later, they were just about to finish their movie, cuddled onto the bed while facing the TV fixed on the wall in front of it. 

One could ask why Seokjin didn't take a more spacious and expensive chamber, since his wallet could definitely allow it. Even though the young man was filled with cash, he didn't like to brag about it, and besides, most of the time they were out in the city.

The generics rolled down the screen while Namjoon was still held close to his lover's chest. Seokjin took his chin between his finger, angling his head so he was facing him. What began as an innocent kiss soon turned into a full make out session as Seokjin shifted their positions so he was on top of the younger.

Soft whimpers escaped Namjoon's mouth as Seokjin abused his plump, now red, lips. A tent could be seen in both of the men's pants as desire coursed through their veins. Namjoon tugged at Seokjin's shirt, silently asking him to take off the piece of clothing, which he gladly did. 

Their lips were mold again together as Seokjin passed his free hand slowly under Namjoon's shirt. The younger shivered at the contact of the cold digits onto his burning flesh. Whimpers were now becoming moans as Seokjin was pinching one of his lover's nipples while he created dark, purple patterns on the soft skin of Namjoon's neck.

At some point, the two men looked into each other's eyes and shared the same look, in which love for eternity was silently promised. The night was filled with sparks as their bodies molded into one, and both of their hearts beating at the same pace.

The morning was sweeter even, when Seokjin woke up to the beautiful sight of his lover curled onto his side, soft puffs of air slipping through his parted lips, and decided to wake him up with a loved-filled kiss.

That morning, a halo of comfort and love surrounded the happy couple, as they stayed into each other's embrace till noon came around.

Heyy! I know that this chapter seems a little bit shorter, but it still as more than one thousand words. Also, I'm considering starting a one shots collection of BTS in littlespace. It would not be coming anytime soon since I have other projects in mind, but I'd like to have your opinion on that.

Anyway, vote or comment of you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a lovely week. See you next time!


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