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Seokjin was woken up by the sound of a ringtone. It was faint, but the man himself was a very light sleeper so it was no surprise when he heard the electronic device ringing. He got up to follow the sound until he arrived in the kitchen. Turns out that it was coming from Namjoon's coat.

Without a second thought, he answered the call as his squinted eyes were still adjusting to the light in the room.


"Namjoon-ah you pabo!! You decided to leave early without finishing your work huh?! Well in that case-" 

"Sir-" He groaned in frustration when the man interrupted him again.

"You won't receive your paycheck!! Don't expect-"

"Sir!!!" Seokjin yelled through the cellphone, shutting him up. He took a deep breath through his nose. If he wasn't awake when he answered the phone, he was now. He had figured out who was on the other side of the line by now and was fuming in anger.

"It's not Namjoon who's talking right now, it's his boyfriend, Kim Seokjin, do you recognize me?"

He could hear Namjoon's boss breathing shakily on the other end.

"Y-yes sir, I remember you-"

"Well you won't have to anymore, because I will ask my father to cut the ties with your company right away. Also, don't expect Kim Namjoon to work for your company any longer. We're done here."

"Wait, please sir!-"

Seokjin ended the call with a smirk showing on his face. After that, he quickly made a call to his father's office, which stumble upon his voicemail. He still left a message explaining the situation and hung up the phone.

A few moments later, a tired looking Namjoon entered the kitchen while he rubbed his left eye with his fist, still dressed in his onesie. Seokjin could almost swear he felt his heart swell at the sight of the man. With a groan, the younger greeted him before speaking up.

"I don't remember coming here last night. I was finishing the papers and...", The older pushed him while he put his hand on his shoulder, leading him to the dinning table. Once they were sitting comfortably, he began to explain himself.

"Last night, once I saw that my watch showed six hours and forty-five minutes, I knew that something was wrong since I had the feeling you would call me if you couldn't come. So I went to your working place, and the security guard recognized me and let me enter. That's when I found you crying on the floor", He took a pause to take a look at the latter's face, which was filled with confusion.

"When I reached you and you recognized me you fell into littlespace, and I decided to take you to my apartment. I wasn't gonna leave you there."

When he finished, he let Namjoon process the information. After some time, the younger put his face into his hands.

"I don't wanna work at this place anymore, I'm done." His voice was muffled by his palms but the older still managed to understand what he said. He left his chair to crouch beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. I already took care of it." With that said he told him what happened this morning, and Namjoon was quick to lift his head while he gaped at him.

"And you didn't think that you should discuss it with me before telling that to my boss?!" 

"But, I thought that-" But Namjoon didn't let him finish his sentence as anger filled his mind.

"You thought that since I was miserable at my work that you had the right to take care of the matter into your own hands?! Well it was not your decision to make!" They looked at each others for a while as Namjoon breathed heavily through is nose and Seokjin had a guilty look in his eyes.

The younger finally stood up from his chair before grabbing his coat and slamming the door on his way out. Seokjin sighed deeply before slowly standing up, dragging his hand down his face.

A few hours later, Taehyung opened up the front door of his and Jungkook's apartment only to reveal Seokjin standing with a bouquet of rose in his right hand. He let him with a slight smile.

"He's in the guest room."

With that said, Seokjin removed his coat and made his way towards the room. He knocked lightly on the door before a voice was heard.

"Go away Tae!" A light chuckle escaped his lips as he entered the room and a shock look appeared on Namjoon's face.

"Wait, what are you...?" Seokjin sat at the end of the bed while Namjoon sat the edge on the left side. The older gave him the roses and he looked briefly at them as he stood in the scent a bit, before putting them away.

"I called both of your brothers. Look, I'm sorry. I should've discussed it with you instead of making the decision on your behalf. It's just that I know that working there makes you so stress and miserable, not to mention your boss who is always on your back. And seeing you so broken at the office made me really angry."

A sight left Namjoon's lips as he looked down at the floor before bringing his attention back to the other man. 

"I had time to think about it, and I admit that what happened last night was the last straw for me. But it doesn't make it more right. In the future, I would appreciate it if you would talk to me about it beforehand." Seokjin came to sit beside him.

"Does it mean that I'm forgiven?" Namjoon groaned in annoyance before sighing.

"Yes, yes. You're forgiven." Seokjin let out a cheerful 'yes' before pecking his cheek lightly, making the latter blush. 

That evening, the two of them went on a date at a fancy restaurant where Seokjin hadn't been before, and they finished by walking in a nice park where they could see the stars through the trees.

And that's where they shared their first kiss, under the moonlight while the stars were watching over them.

Hello, here is an other update! Thank you so much for 3k reads, that really cheers me up! Don't forget to vote or comment your opinion on this chapter. Also, if you have any suggestions for this story be free to comment them. 

And if you are wondering why the plot is kinda slow, it's because I don't wanna rush it and I wanna do it justice. Have a nice week!


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