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It was yet another busy day at work for Namjoon. 

He finished the last paper before getting out of his chair, stretching his sore muscles before heading for his boss's office. The said man had called him earlier, claiming that he had an important task for him.

He knocked at the door twice before hearing a short 'come in'. He opened the door to reveal a tall, broad-shouldered man sitting in front of his superior's desk. From the way he sat in his chair, Namjoon could tell he was an important man.

"Ah, Namjoon! This is Kim Seokjin, but I'm sure you have heard the name before."

Namjoon could barely hide his surprise. The man was the heir of  Kim incorporation, a big enterprise who's headquarters was based in Seoul. Although their business was mainly in Korea, they had recently expended their activities in China and The United States.

"Of course, it's an honor!" Namjoon bowed lowly, expressing his respect for the young adult.

"Well, our company is now under their name since they bought it a few weeks ago." The gentlemen could hear the ringing of the telephones in the work place, has Namjoon grew confused.

"Why did you ask for me sir?" His superior cleared his throat before speaking up, clearly annoyed by something.

"Since you've been here longer than most of my employees, I thought that you could give Mr.Kim a tour of our offices and workplace, along with explaining how we do things."

To say he was confused was an understatement. His boss hated his guts, so why would he give him the task to escort mister Kim? He didn't have much time to think when the tall man stood up, straightening his suit and speaking up for the first time since Namjoon entered the room.

"Well, shall we start?"

"There is about twenty employees for each department, also-"

Namjoon couldn't help but be uncomfortable around the young heir, for he held a dominant aura, that was making him feel some type of way, although he could not explain why. More to that, the man hadn't stop staring at him since he started talking, and the normally calm Namjoon, slowly grew impatient.

"Do I have something on my face sir?"

He turned himself to look at the intimidating man. He hadn't taken a good look at his face since now, and he couldn't help but admit that he was really handsome. His dark hair laying on his forehead complimented his face really well, and his plump lips made Namjoon gulped. Yet he didn't mention his entrancing dark eyes, that was holding nothing but confidence in them.

His running thoughts were interrupted when a hand waved in front of his face.

"Seems that there is something on mine too, since you keep looking at me."

Namjoon shook his head slightly, clearing his throat and looking down at his shoes. He quickly apologized to the man.

"I'm so sorry sir, I got distracted, that's all."

He felt two fingers under his chin, making him raise his head. The heir held a kind smile on his lips, and Namjoon sweared he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Don't worry about it. Let's continue the tour, I would like to see the other offices upstairs."

Namjoon sheepishly ran a hand on the back of his neck before leadings the path, as Kim Seokjin shamelessly checked out the lanky man's ass.

The door of the small apartment slammed shut, as an exhausted man walked into the living room, putting his suitcase down on the couch. The clock on the grey painted wall showed 2:30am, as Namjoon removed his coat from his tired figure.

He went to the kitchen to warm up some instant noodles, since he couldn't be bothered to cook at this hour.

He ate his quick meal while watching a reality show on TV halfheartedly. His mind wondered to the tall, handsome man he met at work. 

Namjoon never had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, for he never had the time to invest himself to this kind of commitment. Also, since he didn't have any experience in the 'dating' department, his brothers and friend wouldn't stop pestering him about it.

But maybe he could give this man a shot? He seemed pretty interested in him, from the way he looked at him...

No. He couldn't afford that. He was far too busy with work, bills, checking up on his brothers, going grocery shopping, and the list could go on and on.

Beside, Namjoon could never measure to this man, he wasn't on his level. The man couldn't possibly think of him as a possible lover, could he?

He groaned in frustration, letting himself slide down the couch to sit on the floor, putting the empty cup of noodles on the side table. He looked up to the ceiling, wondering what he was doing with his life. His daydreaming was interrupted by his ringtone.


"Hey Nam! I didn't expect you to answer at this hour!" He rolled his eyes before responding.

"What are you doing up?" He heard Taehyung chuckling nervously.

"Well you know, Jungkook and I had some fun and-"

"Ok, Ok, I got it! Why did you call me?"

"Well, me and the boys discussed, and we think it'll be good for you to go on a date, since you practically never have fun-"

"Are you kidding me Tae! You know how busy I am, I don't have time for that!" His brother sighed in frustration before continuing.

"You can't refuse anyway, it's already arranged! And this guy is a good friend of Jungkook and Hoseok-"

"Wait, wait, wait! Are you telling me you set me up for a blind date?!"

"If you put it that way..." 

A few minutes passed as Namjoon practically growled in frustration, not believing what they had  done. He finally settled down, running a hand down his face.

"For Christ's sake, alright! It would be rude of me to let him down anyway..." He heard Taehyung cheering at the other end, before telling his boyfriend the good news.

After another minute of discussing the details, Namjoon hung up, already dreading the event that would take place Friday night, two days away from now.

What am I doing with my life?

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