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Namjoon was currently looking out of the small window, watching in awe the soft clouds hanging in the air. Sitting beside him, Seokjin was watching his boyfriend fondly before returning to his book with his reading glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

The couple were currently on their way to America, where Seokjin had an important meeting with the subsidiary firms of his company which were located in the wealthy country. To say Namjoon was trilled was an understatement when his boyfriend asked him to go with him.

The latter had never traveled in his entire life, and he couldn't wait to see an other part of the world. Of course, the excited man couldn't stay put any longer and slipped in littlespace just before they climbed onboard. Luckily, Seokjin had planned everything and had brought a bag filled with pacifiers, two of the little's favorite plushies and coloring books for the flight of almost 20 hours.

The younger turned to his caregiver with his thumb in his mouth.

"Lookies Daddy! 'otton candy!" The little pointed towards the white clouds contrasting with the clear blue sky. The caregiver chuckled a bit before searching in the bag for a pacifier. Once he got one, he gently removed Namjoon's thumb out of his mouth before replacing it with the blue sparkly pacifier.

The little was taken aback before he let out a cute giggle through the pacifier. Luckily, they had taken the company's private jet to fly to America, so the only people onboard were a flight attendant, the pilot and Seokjin's assistant, who was busy typing away on her computer.

After a while, Namjoon got quite bored of looking out the window and started fidgeting on his seat.

"When we arrive Dada?" Seokjin paused his reading to search for an answer to give him. He couldn't tell him they still had 19 hours to go. 

"You'll see baby, we'll arrive in to time. Now, why don't you draw daddy a pretty picture hm?" The little nodded eagerly at the proposition. Seokjin let him choose which coloring book he wanted before handing him his pencil case. 

Namjoon was sticking out his tongue as he was coloring between the black lines since he wanted to draw the bestest drawing ever for his daddy. Unfortunately, beside being extra careful, there were still some spot where the younger had gone beyond the lines.

When Seokjin took a peek at his boyfriend, he was confused to see tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Hey~, what's wrong little one?" The older came closer to put a warm hand on his shoulder. The little sniffled a bit before speaking up in a small tone.

"I-I wanted to make the bwest picture for Dada, bu-but is ugly now!" He put his face into his hands while crying. Seokjin looked at the drawing, finding it quite beautiful. He removed Namjoon's hands from his face and lift up his chin to make him look up.

"Sweetie, don't say that, I find it beautiful. Daddy is very proud of you baby." Sparkles appeared in the little's eyes as he looked at his caregiver with wonder.

"Rweally?" The man sent him a warm smile before nodding. "I love it"

One hour later, and after finishing a coloring book, Namjoon was once again bored. He kept asking Seokjin questions and was constantly leaning over to see what he was doing. The caregiver had already figured why the little kept moving around and came up with an idea.

"Baby boy, why don't we watch a movie hmm?" Namjoon quickly agreed by nodding his head profusely.

"What do you wanna watch sugar?" The latter blushed a little after hearing the new nickname before proceeding to think by forming a pout.

"Zoo-Zoo..." Seokjin showed a fond smile.

"Zootopia?" The little gasp before shouting a loud 'Yes', forcing Seokjin to reprimand him for shouting in the small space. This concluded in a short 'sorry Daddy' from the younger. 

The caregiver proceeded to search for the movie on the big enough screen installed on the wall in front of them. It wasn't difficult to find since he went to the kid's section on Netflix. 

As soon as the movie started, Namjoon shuffled closer to him since there weren't any armrest between them. The flight attendant passed by them and Seokjin asked her to bring them a blanket, and a few seconds later the couple were snuggled together. To be honest, Seokjin didn't really enjoyed this kind of movies but he sucked it up for his precious little, who currently had his eyes glued on the screen.

While the little was absently sucking on his pacifier while watching the characters interact, Seokjin silently slipped out of his seat to make him a bottle. He returned a few moments later with the warm milk and replaced the pacifier with the nipple of the transparent bottle.

At this point, Namjoon didn't even notice the difference, expect the warm liquid sliding down his throat every time he sucked on the nipple. The older guided once again Namjoon's head on his broad shoulder so he could rest his head.

Towards the end of the movie, the little's eyes were constantly dropping since he was quite sleepy. It was quite fair because they had to climb onboard at two in the morning, and it was currently 10 am, so the younger hadn't had much sleep. But of course, it was Seokjin's plan all along to put him to sleep.

"Go to sleep little one." The caregiver said gently. Namjoon slowly shook his head despite the fact that he had practically his eyes shut. 

"Not... tired." As he was saying this, the little exhaled while his lips parted, letting the bottle fall out of his grip. Seokjin grabbed the empty nursing bottle and managed to put his pacifier back between his plump lips. The older quickly snapped a picture of the adorable sight before sending it to the guys since they asked for some photos of the 'trip'.

After gently petting Namjoon's bed of hair for a couple of minutes, Seokjin allowed himself some sleep and rested his head back on the seat.

Here's another update for you, my lovelies! You can always send me your requests for future chapters if you have any ideas. Don't forget to vote or comment what you liked in this chapter. Have a nice week!


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