Chapter 2: The Disappearance

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(8 years later)

[Sonic POV]

I woke up and saw it is 5:30, i sighed knowing mom would leave, i didnt want attention...

"Sonic dear! Breakfast is here!" I hear mom yell downstairs, I wore a black and blue jacket and pants, and flew down slowly to downstairs.

As I hugged her, she ruffled my quills, revealing my long quills falling to ground, it reached my ankles. I whined, "Mom that took me for like ages to hide it!"

"I know dear, but you look pretty with your long quills down." She said as she pinched my cheek as i ate pancakes. In a second my pancake was gone before mom blinks.

"...I have to tell you something." She said.

"The...the GUN is planning to..." She broke down and I ran to her, looked at her. Trying to comfort her.

"T-to... k-kill you... they b-believe you a-are a... threat... I tried n-not to let them in the w-way but t-they won't stop... you have to l-leave... a-as much as I don't want to say... but..." She trailed off, my heart feels like it was shot. Shot by the bullets.

"Put your hands up, surrender right now!" I heard a deep voice say, mom shook me, "Promise me to stay strong, never trust anyone, hide your fear, and...-" She was cut off by the door burst open, "Hand me over that!" one of them demanded.

"And... be free, like me. Go, NOW!" Mom said and I immediately ran off, I got my IPad, clothes and put them into my bag, except for the IPad. I hear a gunshot, but there is no way to stay here, I need to make her proud of me. I opened the window and flew through it, I decided to fly to the forest. On its deep area, I spotted a nice cabin and I unpacked. The cabin was all hidden in here, I cleaned the insides and I sighed.

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now