Chapter 14: The Harem / The Discussion

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(A/N: If you guys dont care, my hand slips and even make a mistake. ITS HARD TO TYPE WITHOUT ANY MISTAKES AND I EDITED IT! BE LUCKY! (oT-T)尸)

[3rd Person POV]

Sonic was obviously pissed off being dragged, just because of girly stuff she joins that fast. She despises ANY girly personality, she takes missions seriously, unlike her mother to herself, she doesnt do make-ups or anything. She crossed her arms and glared at Fiona, "How many times do i have to tell you to not ask me every year to go with your useless stuff, i have enough since youve begged enough, way too far than enough."

"Well we were bored..." Fiona said in defense.

Sonic even glared at her harshly than before, she used psychokenisis to get her guitar, it was blue with red streaks with yellow details. Sonic rolled her eyes as the guitar was on her hand, "I may be not seen using my vocal, but consider it being the first seeing the villain in the club." She said as she tuned the strings and adjusted it, the two criminals was shocked seeing Sonic having a guitar. And so the people in the whole club, the loud music was off.

"But i pretty much prefer to do the alternative one than the modern." She said as she put away the microphone, her vocal is obviously sounded like angelic whenever she sang even one word.

Shadow was EVEN more shocked, he heard her singing before, heck he was even wondering how the hell she can nail the tone without any failure. His train of thoughts was cut off when he heard a guitar sound, the sound was even, rather peaceful and soft melody he had ever heard.

(Yeah yeah SonAdow fans won... kill me now, play the song above now reader... φ(^∇^ )

He is a hustler, he's no good at all
He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable
He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun
I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart And even I know this ain't smart
But mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy

He is a villain by the devil's law
He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun
That man's a snitch and unpredictable
He's got no conscience, he got none, none, none
All I know, should've let go, but no

'Cause he's a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart
But mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright

All reason aside I just can't deny, I love that guy
And he's got my name,
Tattooed on his arm his lucky charm
So I guess it's okay he's with me

And I hear people talk
Trying to make remarks keep us apart
But I don't even hear
I don't care

'Cause mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy

Mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy

As Sonic finished, Fiona and Sally was even shocked. For the males, they were even falling hard for her, Females getting jealous, and Shadow blushing because of the song (He uses guns thats why xD).

Sonic only rolled her eyes as the guitar faded in the thin air, she flapped her white-teal wings that everyone will see. Unlike any Bats' wings, it looked like the fluffiest wings you could ever touch, it also looked like angels'. Her mother sometimes mistook her for a Angel Hedgehog because of her wings.

She just flapped it casually and now in mid-air flying above the crowd, only gave a wink and all males except Shadow immediately fainted, but Sonic smirked because when every male faints as they see her wink at their view, they will lose their memory seeing her and even... defend her, in intimidate way.

Shadow followed Sonic to the Park, but as soon they were at the park, Shadow was immediately pinned against a wall. Only to see the azure hedgehog (Aka Hedgebat or Angel Hedgehog) in his view, Sonic growled as she let go of him, "Why did you follow me here, agent?" She said in harsh tone as she said his GUN's nickname.

"Look i was gonna ask why did you come in the club?" Shadow said, dusting himself off because he was pinned against the cold wall. Sonic rolled her eyes, "You know the stupid girly girls who first sang? They begged me to come every year and i had enough, and you know the rest." She said as she hid her wings, practically not letting anyone see a clue of them in there.

Her team was near her— well, BEHIND her. Watching them, but it was normal for Sonic because it was obvious they are waiting for new orders (aka what they are going to do). She crossed her arms, "You heard me sang twice this year, you really want me to sing once again hm?" She teased as she made a serious face and posture.

Shadow was even blushing tint rose and looked away, Sonic took this as 'yes' or so, she rolled her eyes as she turned around, pretending to leave. "Well too bad Mr. Bad Boy, but i think you can do better to beg to a Villain like me. But anyway, talk to you later with your precious guns~.." She had her tone a bit... flirty on her last part, she enjoyed messing around with males (She only flirts to mess around with guys while Rouge REALLY flirts and not messing around). She looked at her team, her eyes telling 'Lets go' and her team nodded, without wasting any second, they left. Leaving the midnight hedgehog blushing a bit at the sudden seduction, now he was confused at what he was feeling now, he feel his face burning and a bit nervous. He never felt that emotion, and again he forgot to ask what the feeling is.

Stupid me, im asking and not asking, what the hell? Shadow skated to his team's house, his team should be in there by now.

--+-- --+-- --+-- --+--

Me: I fucking apologize for NOT updating... but here is this chapter to make it up. I was FRIGGIN BUSY FINDING A SONG SO IT TOOK ME A DAY TO CHOOSE ONE! (There was alot)

Shadow: *Faints*

Me: *Rolls eyes* If you didnt know, if you have read the tagged book, i do have YouTube account which was my name (not the account name), welp lets see if you can find it or so. I upload GL videos once in there... as a writer and a bit of animator (for images), yeah. Thats all, but you might see some videos in one of the playlist that might be added on stories... i warned you. So anyway, later!

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