Chapter 10: The Innocent Stalker (Part 2)

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[Sonic POV]

I just need to track that bastard end... AUGH! Everyone knows me at this! God dammit! I faced myself in a mirror, clearly. I turned around again and looked up at my closet. I grinned and just opened the closet, i looked down and just cursed myself, heck is there even a fitting clothes... for disguise! Obviously!

(A/N: The image above is what she looks like, i was lazy and had to finish this.)

[3rd Person POV]

The azure female was about to go mad but saw her normal outfit, she decided to wear it. Since walking out to the city with the famous villain clothes on would be a bad idea, she just mumbled what eye color she would change into. (She can change her eye color thanks to her unknown power)

Sonic walked out of the room and facepalmed, she only crossed her arms and tapped the white floor with her different red and white short heels. "Can you tell me what color is the best?"

"I think light blue aqua color will do." Dark Tails suggested, his two soft light yellow tails lazily swishing in the air.

Sonic only agreed and changed her eye color, she made her blue quills halfway long, but more silky and soft. For her identity, she groaned, "I need Tails to come with me to search that bastard, hey Shadow ya alright to be the co-leader while im gone?"

Dark Tails nodded, of course best friends need to stick together. Dark Shadow nodded as yes, both Sonic and Tails walked out of the room.

Dark Tails' new name was Miles.

(A/N: Dark Tails' Appearance is exactly Sonic Boom Tails but light yellow, same goes for his light blue eyes. Jesus, i cant put a image, sorry! It was the error! T_T')

As they walked out, every male immediately stared lovingly at the short sapphire female, obviously had fallen in love with Sonic.

Sonic only groaned, heck this was her problem. 1) She wear her villain outfit and get seen by the GUN Agents and Police. Or 2) She wear her innocent outfit and have all the guys stare at her for all enternity.

Miles growled at the males, to of course keep the males away. Miles huffed and walked in a sidewalk with Sonic.

"So Sonic, do you need to control someone's mind to get you something?" Miles asked, concerned at his friend.

"Well well, look what i saw, a little cute girl." The same green hedgehog with Ice blue eyes stared lovingly at Sonic.

Inside, Sonic REALLY wanted to kill him, but all she had to do is to get him to do anything. Miles nodded, they can talk via Telepathy.

Sonic only acted cute, "Can i ask you a favor? I'm looking for Mr. Towers' address..."

The green male nodded, who was known as Scourge, he would do anything.

Scourge replied as he cleared his throat, "Yes i know where he is. Do you want me to escort you there, miss?"

Miles only stepped in Scourge's view, he say in overprotective tone, "Tell us your name, if you do anything to my friend you are surely dead."

Scourge scanned Miles' appearance, what!?! Is it Tails!? Wait no Tails' fur cant be that light! Scourge only nodded, obviously afraid of his harsh threat. "Scourge's the name."

Dark Tails only crossed his arms after he stepped aside, "Im Miles, nice to meet you."

"Im Sonica, nice to meet ya!" Sonic faked smiled, Scourge was obviously blushing as hell as Sonic did a cute smile.

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now