A/N: 1K... reads?

252 5 8

Me: *Comes in the room and lazily checks notification* Wait a minute... *Sees a 1K reads of da book* WHAT?! *Almost thrown the phone*

Flames: What happened?!

Me: *Dramatically fall down the floor* Arceus save me.


Me: This lil' cringe book.. why everyone wants me so bad? Clearly its written by a 9 yr old kid...

Alex: What?! *Snatch phone and also DRAMATICALLY FALLS DOWN*

Me: Since when it reached so bad? I didnt even ASK to reach it yet you guys still read this?

Aqua (From UL, OC Version): For Naryu's sake... SINCE WHEN THIS HAPPENED???!!!

Me: .......

Me: ...keep scrolling...

Me: ..why read it when i do all bad?....

Me: ....why stay here?...

Me: ...but thank you.

Me: ...f..o..r..

Me: 1k reads... thats enough to say thank you... but hey,

Me: I noticed some of you lil' readers want me to update for what will happen to Shadow... is it you want to ask?

Me: ...slow update will occur, i still have to take a bit of break.. not like im leaving immediately... and i still cant put a image, but hey later.

EDIT: Here it is, yeah yeah i use Android Smartphones. Btw i had to screenshot it again cause the first wont work.

Edit 2: And before you get mad at me, YES I NOTICED the other book to have the same reads except its 1

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Edit 2: And before you get mad at me, YES I NOTICED the other book to have the same reads except its 1.16K Reads? I mean, if you know me from last year you know the "Second" Book i completed. That was the only book i completed with PC.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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