Chapter 19: "Play With Me!" / "You Shouldn't Done That..."

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(A/N: I swear, dont expect it to be fine or so. Anyway continue... dont ask why i changed my writing style... qwp just decided to update cause im literally 100% bored as hell. But heyyyyyyy dont you dare think im slacking off... i was busy dealing with.. my personal things. Roll ze camera!)

[3rd Person P.O.V]

{7:41 AM - Team Shadow's House}

Shadow groaned, he absolutely forgot where he could find the azure villain. I couldve asked... seriously...

Shadow walked to the front door, and see his team minding their own buisness. He walked in the forest, not knowing that it was the villain's place.

{Forest - 8:15}

The Villain was sitting one of the trees, hidden in the leaves as she played with its coin. A Lapis Coin to be exact. Since her azure ears was sensitive than a bat's, she heard a metal noise and almost fell of the branch she was sitting on.

Sonic just cursed, "Curse you, you jerk..." She managed to capture the coin with her middle and index finger, and hid the coin. She looked down to see her rival holding her blue necklace, she just remembered that she MENTALLY said it was her important treasure given from her mother. She closed her eyes in irritation and opened her eyes then she thought about using her wings to get down will be a horrible idea, since it is large, she can be easily seen.

Shadow was just looking around, already being alert.

Sonic just gave in revealing her spot, she opened her wings already in razor, and flew down to Shadow. "I am surprised you have my necklace, hand it over or you will regret it." She glared at Shadow, well, not a simple glare. A death glare which gives chills to the one who saw the glare.

Shadow immediately shook his head no, "Not until you go in our side!" Sonic growled in defensive manner, then had a stern tone, "Oh please i know who you are Shadow The Hedgehog, i dont care. I want my necklace back no matter how it costs, even if it had to be me dying!" Shadow got taken aback from this, she literally had his "Before Self's" personallity and tone.

Sonic got pissed off now, "Hand it over, Project Shadow. I know you were from Eggman's side. You betrayed your old side just to have a hero team? Ha, im not even thinking your great at saving people when you get mad. Oh how i love messing with you, Maria should be in hell, not heaven." Shadow immediately flashed a hostile glare, "Maria is not in this Sonic! She is not in this!"

Sonic returned into her hostile posture and tone, "Oh really? Then i wouldnt said that if my mother wasnt killed by your stupid G.U.N! I am glad towers is dead, but your one of them soooo.... i needed that necklace back Shadow, you will honestly regret it if you dont."

"Like i said earlier, Im not giving it to you!"

"Your the stubborn one arent you... well, too bad. Your the next, your quite a challenging target. But i am not being easy. And since i see your not giving it—" Sonic had a chaos spear on her hand, "—I just have to fight with you a little. It has been a while doesnt it?" She let out a evil laugh, now on her EXE side, her azure fur is now navy blue, black pitch eyes with glowing bloody red pupils, her appearance looked like Sonic EXE (Male version) from the game, except that her quills was more pointy and silkier and her wings being a bit... black pitch and dark red-faded.

"You shouldn't done that..." Sonic fired few chaos spears to Shadow, Shadow dodged them but some hit him.

"Oh how i love fighting." She let out a high-pitched cute evil giggle, "Wanna play with me?~"

Shadow managed to dodge all chaos spears, panting as he stopped, "No! Im not playing with you!"

{Dark Green Hill}

Another cute evil giggle was heard, "Too bad... lets play!" Sonic said in a excited yet evil voice, and everything went black. All they can see was darkness. Then they are on the same place, but the trees were dead and the water was blood. The skies being gray.

Shadow was shocked now, he looked around to find that Sonic was not in there anymore...
"Ha ha ha... Lets play! He he he he... You will never go back to Green Hill, welcome to the Dark Green Hill!" A cute yet evil voice said...

"The Game starts now... You Shouldn't Have Done That..."

(Anyone get some reference or nah? Nevermindddddd... *Goes back typing on the phone*)

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