Chapter 17: The Storm

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(A/N: Ok to tell you, Sonic can play ANY string instruments and even... a "Ocarina". Any Ocarina.)

[3rd Person POV]

The lapis-colored hedgehog was just admiring the storm, she loved the storm, sitting in the bench and admire the beautiful Storm Scene. Right now, she is in the park.

Her fur turned into a clear white with her original hair look, her blue silky hair now a white sliky hair, she was almost identical to Silver except her Ruby Red eyes, white air shoes (Shadow's Shoes), light peach muzzle, and her outfit was the same she used when she was a mobian, but it was on white/cyan/red color.

Sonic was just sitting on the bench and stood from the bench, her mother would call her Silvia since she look alot of a fluff of cloud and silver-ish.

Silvia, or Sonic adjusted her jacket and walked to the city a bit. Some people stared at her like she just killed a person, Silvia just rolled her eyes and eventually... bumped into someone and rubbed her head, and so the person.

Silvia opened her eyes only to look at the pair of crimson eyes, she immediately knew it was her rival and walked away, but whispered 'Im sorry' to her rival and went to the Downtown Square— where Team Shadow lives.

Silvia was obviously acting like a harmless person, since she did this multiple times she got used into faking. Tails saw Silvia and waved hi as he walked up to her.

"Hi! You alright? You must be lost." Tails said as he stood in front of the white female, Silvia shook her head no but said, "I was heading to my home which is just the end of the town and the storm is way too strong for me to go through.." She (fake) sighed in dissapointment.

Tails feel bad and had a idea, "Hey! You can stay on our house, to get the storm pass by you know."

"But i will be a burden to your home, plus i dont think its fine.." Silvia made a (fake and real) sad expression, but in the inside she was faking it and trying to go to the Downtown Park.

Tails insisted, "Cmon! It will be fine! Plus, i got you covered up." He grabbed Silvia's hand and ran to the Team's house.

--+--Shadow's House (TS' House)--+--

The door slammed open by the yellow kitsune, while Silvia awkwardly entered in. The females gasped while the males stared at her.

Amy jumped up in excitement, "Yay! New friend!" She ran into Silvia but Silvia stepped aside making her hit the door. "Ooowwww...." Amy rubbed her head.

Silvia was quiet and waved hi instead of using her voice.

Tails cleared his throat, "Guys this is Silvia, Silvia this is Knuckles, Silver, Amy, and Blaze... wait where is Shadow?" He said as he pointed Knuckles to Blaze, but had his hand on his chin as if he was suspicious about something.

Blaze paused her phone and said, "Shadow went to the Town Square few minutes ago."

As Blaze finished, the door was opened by none other by the ebony hedgehog himself.

Silvia had a red stripes like Shadow's but blue faded, Silvia just walked in the corner and leaned her right foot to the wall and so the back.

Shadow had his eyes widen, "What the hell is she doing here!?"

Tails walked in the ebony's way, "Calm down Shadow, its just a person i just wanted to help! You see..." He explained everything while Silvia adjusting her jacket, it was wet but it got dry in seconds.

Shadow sighed, "Name and buisness?" Tails again facepalmed, it was his 'famous' line.

Silvia narrowed her eyes and shook her head saying 'No, im not going to say'. But Shadow got dragged by the theory that the person was one of Eggmans spy, or even worse. A Enemy. Silvia noticed this and groaned, "Silvia is my name you jerk, why forcing me if i cant just let my voice cool down a bit..." She rolled her eyes and closed her eyes, only chiiling in the wall.

Silver was in shock, "Are you my sister?" Then out of nowhere Blaze threw her hands up in the air, "Please make it be!"

Silvia found it funny that she looked like Silver, she is a villain but how can she be a hero's sister? She only said, "No. Im not your sister Silver, its just my appearance is identical to yours."

Shadow found himself blushing as Tails smirked, "Guys i think Shadow is falling in love with Silvia~"

Shadow snapped into reality and yelled, "No! No! Im not falling for her!"

Tails only continued on, "Yes you do~ Have a date!"

"No! How can you say that, your just a kid!"

"Its a secret!"

And like the versions of Team Dark, they argue. Silvia slipped out of the house and walked to the street and arrived at the park, she looked up and noticed the storm had ended. She huffed and sang with her, male voice.

(A/N: I cant put the lyrics since it DOESNT exist, but theres lyrics on a video if you want to. Sorry readers ;w;, i seriously use phone all day)

During the mid-duration, the storm has returned but with some thunderstorm. The storm came back again by the Song, well its the song she made with a ocarina.

As she finished, she can only see water drops falling to the ground, well she was even happy. Who knew someone can be so happy seeing some storms?

Then triangular ears flickered as if they heard something, she was still on her 'Cloudy Look' though. She turned around to see Shadow looking VERY mad at all.

Silvia tapped her heels, obviously wanting to know why is he here. Shadow groaned, "Tails is worried about you but then you do look fine."

She only replied with, "Im fine, that is why i dont wanna be dragged by the kitsune. Plus, im fine out here. Seeing some thunders and stuff.. you know your leaving your friends... right?" She got uncomfortable saying 'friend', like Shadow, she doesnt mention anything involved with the word "L".
Shadow only gave a 'psh' groan, "They are not my friends, just a team."

Silvia narrowed her eyes again at Shadow, "I dont know about you, but i love Storms. I know its weird, but yeah..." She noticed it was night, she can only see Shadow's red stripes and so Shadow seeing Silvia's red-blue faded stripes.

(A/N: Sorry if hes out of his character! Its a fanfic and everything happens in here, right?)

Silvia had her hand on his shoulder, "Until we meet again, Shadow. Dont tell anyone or i will never appear here, again..." As she finished saying it, Shadow got chaos controlled just right at the house while Silvia on her mansion. Silvia turned back in her blue look. She put alot of effort to not to get pissed off or even, kill anyone.

--+--The Mansion--+--

Sonic just sit on the single blue and white sofa. And as always, her team minding their own buisness.

--+-- --+--

Me: Well BEFORE you start to protest its V-Day and i dont usually celebrate it. I hate every holiday, very weird hm?

Blaze: Oh cmon please!? Just go with us!

Me: *Cross arms* Oh hell no! Never! I already told you i dont expercience those feelings god dammit!

Blaze: Fine....

Me: Anyway i will explain to you WHY i hate V-Day alright? Dont question why at all.

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now