Chapter 11: The Nightmare and The Dream World (Part 3)

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[3rd Person POV]

Sonic had arrived on her world, but there was two sides, on her left, there was a black background with a withered flower field, a fog scattered on the sky, and a bloody red moon in the sky. On her right, there was a peaceful rainbow background, white clouds scattering in the sky, a yellow sun spreading sunshine all over, few flowers in the field.

Both of the left and right was her world, and she trapped all Towers' dream into the Nightmare World. She sighed and facepalmed, she had been wondering if she could get rid of Towers. She walked into the Mansion, the mansion was always between the sides. She sat on the hammock tied up between the two trees, she missed how happiness feels. She always feel the evil happiness, it would be weird.

Meanwhile, the team had arrived on the world. What shock them that there was two sides, Tails looked at his communicator, "I think this is Sonic's Dream..." He say staring at the mansion.

Silver was curious, Shadow walked up to the mansion and to see a blue figure on a hammock laying there. Shadow took a better look, it was Sonic.

Sonic felt another presence above her, her eyes were closed. "What do you want Hedgehog." She sternly say as she opened one eye, revealing a teal-emerald orbs.

Shadow cleared his throat, "Your not attacking us?" He asked, Sonic got off the hammock and crossed her arms, "Let me guess, you want to get Towers free from the Dark Lucid Dream? I am surprised you managed to get in here." Sonic said as she snapped a finger, a light blue barrier covered both sides to the worlds. Shadow was taken by surprise that she guessed it, he got on his serious posture.

"You did controlled his dream, did you?" Shadow looked at Sonic. Sonic on the other hand, groaned, "I did, but if you want to free him. Then go to the left side." She said while saying in stern tone.

Tails was shocked, "T-that scary place?! N-no!" But Sonic glared at him with stern hint on her eyes, "Even you like it or not, you will be facing me in the Shadow Mansion. But try not to get hurt, you get hurt and you will be injured when you wake up. After all, the dream has 30 seconds." Sonic said, "But enough of that, if you really want the key to that bastard's dream, then you have to find me." She said with a hint of sassyness on her tone and eyes. She flew to the left side, followed by the team.

--+--Nightmare World--+--

As the team entered, it sent shivers to Tails. Because he was absolutely afraid of lighting and clinging onto Knuckles for his dear life, Shadow entered the simillar mansion but dark, lucky of them there were few flashlights, and a few rooms that had a working lights. They grabbed each for themselves and began to split, but like in the horror movie, one of them gets to be lost.

Sonic, appearently on the master Room, but the door is hidden somewhere on the rooms. Sonic decided to call her team over and the team on the master room.

Dark Shadow arched a brow, "I thought you will face them alone?" Sonic facepalmed, "I changed my mind, right now its hide and seek. Towers will be staying here. You all are the guards, im the one whos the hider." Sonic explained and they nodded, left the room and Sonic turned to face Towers, "You do know i can still hurt you, right?" Sonic sarcastically said as she locked him up in some kind of purple void.

Sonic chuckled evily as she made the void hidden in the walls, actually, blended within the walls. But Towers was having trouble breathing and so the reality. Sonic slyly said, "Oh i wonder if i could find the graves of your family, but of course they will not recognize you." She said as she leaned against the wall with one foot leaning to the wall.

Meanwhile to the Team, they were desperately trying to find Sonic. Shadow got mad and ran around like a madman, Tails slowly walking in the hallways, Knuckles on his guard as he check the living room, Amy looking around, Silver looking at the hallways with Blaze.

Silver and Blaze was the first to encounter their Dark Replicas, Dark Blaze and Psycho Silver were glaring at them, as they blinked they were gone. The Replicas' plan was obviously scaring the hell out of the team.

Soon enough, Tails had so many creepy jumpscare he almost died! He let out a girly scream and ran off.

(A/N: Skip because im lazy, but yeah here is that they found Towers and Sonic.)

--+--The Master Room--+--

Shadow's eyes were widen as he saw the commander, dead, laying down on the floor. Sonic was snickering, "You didnt found me before he died, guess you lose." Shadow growled and stared at Sonic, who's snickering.

Sonic rolled her eyes, "I really had fun playing, so if you dont mind you cant go to the Dream World, oh yeah have i forgot to tell you?" Sonic sarcastically said the last part, Shadow wasnt moving so she took it as yes. He didnt know. "You see, this world we are currently in is Nightmare World, which is why Tails had been screaming like a kid." She rolled her eyes as her team giggled like a japanise cat, Tails was blushing madly and yelled in defense, "No i wasnt!"

Psycho Amy started laughing and wiped a fake blood tear, "Anyway, you are leaving now wake up before you will have a jumpscare."

At this point, the dream ended and they woke up. Same thing to Sonic's team.

--+-- --+-- --+-- --+--

Me: You really wanna know what is the sides of Sonic's Worlds, arent you? Anyway, the next chapter will be either about The Nightmare World or The Dream World.

Sonic: Now im liking this. *Eating chilli dog*

Me: Aaannndd, each of the two HAS their own Music Theme. I swear i apologize for the misspelled words, i killed the AutoCorrect, you might say you should say "NW" for Nightmare World if you want it to be next, or "DW" for Dream World if you want it next. I respect any readers who loves Sonic Fanfiction/Stories.

Tails: I say DW! NW is scary!

Me: If i mentioned this, i am writing the Action Plot before the Romance Plot, you may notice there will be a Romance Lines in the future chapters. Just a heads up, and i dont know what to call readers so i normally say "Enjoy the chapter Reader." or "Later readers!", anyway enough of it, once again i apologize for the damn misspelled words. ^^'

Shadow: You woke up late again?

Me: *Facepalm* Well sorry because there were weird noises in my room so i had to sleep in my dad's! LIKE SHIT IF ITS KILLER IM DONE.

Tails: Y-you sure? A serial killer?

Me: *Glare at everyone* YES IM SERIOUS! I dare you ALL to stay in my room till the next day, then tell me if you hear scratch noises or anything! *Walk away to living room*

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now