Chapter 12: What do you want? (Part 4)

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(A/N: I know i know! I know you are wondering why is there a part here! Well, its because it is kinda go to thing. You will know it sooner or later! ^^)

[3rd person POV]

After Towers' mysterious death, Sonic still works for Eggman. Right now, she is just chilling with her team talking about random things. Dark Shadow had finished drinking ice tea and so the others.

"Hey." A voice said, Sonic groaned as she saw the two criminals— Sally and Fiona. She glared as she stood up, "What do you want, Sally and Fiona?" Sally smirked, hands on her hip and so Fiona.

"We are just wondering if you could join our singing battle, we were bored so, we are asking you." Sally said as she bragged about her singing talent. Fiona sighed, "Look, we dont take no as your answer."

Sonic was about to kill them but gave a death glare that could kill, "I will join, if you stop bragging your girly stuff. Says the one whos always plastic to attract boys." She seriously want to kill those girls, heck she really do.

Sally had her two blue eyes lit up in excitement, "Really?! Then at your mom's club then!" and so Fiona. Sonic had a sinister smile shot on their view, "Talk about my mother and you are dead when you know it." She didnt really want to have her mother mentioned by anyone, she crossed her arms, "Are you talking about Club Rouge, that was used by that stupid team and you know i hate them." Psycho Shadow sighed and glared at the two criminals, "You better leave or else you are dead the more you annoy us." And with that, Sally and Fiona ran off to who knows.

Sonic was fixing her blue silky hair/quills, she then let out an annoyed sigh, "Lets go visit the club in the night, probably more guys are going to block my way." She walked with the others, Dark Blaze was pissed off being annoyed and so the others.

(P.S: Sonic looked different, if you remembered "The Innocent Stalker" chapter, thats what she looks right now.)

As they arrived, Sonic sighed in annoyance. It was literally nighttime and everyone was in here, drinking alcoholic drinks and some dancing on the dancefloor, and lastly, a karaoke place just in the corner, it was obvious because it had stage.

She groaned, "Guys can you go to the roof, i have some buisness to do." Psycho Silver obeyed and walked out with the others, Sonic walked to the Karaoke Center, "Alright you bastards, i know you are hiding. Come out or i will kill you before you know it."

Sally and Fiona got out of their hiding place, Sally had a microphone. "I will be first." Sally said as she tapped numbers and 'Dollhouse' was in the screen, Sonic leaned against the wall as Sally sang with Dollhouse with a bit of failure to the tone.

(Play the song... above, yes it has music involved now shut up.)

Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
When you walk away, it's when we really play

You don't hear me when I say,
Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis

No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains

I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)
Hey girl, look at my mom, she's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back she pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains

I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)
Hey girl (hey girl, hey girl, hey girl, hey girl)
Hey girl, open your walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains

I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)

As Sally finished, Sonic rolled her eyes as few people in crowd clapped in amazement. Fiona snatched the microphone from Sally, and Team Shadow was in there.

Shadow was shocked and surprised, "What the hell are they doing?" then got ran over by few males to the corner where Sonic is, obviously the males was attracted to her, Shadow looked at the stage and saw Sally and Fiona had a jealous face staring at someone, but couldn't make it out who it was. But there was a female voice in the corner, obviously telling the males to leave.

In the corner, Sonic was obviously cornered by the males, she was cursing in her mind. She didnt put on plastic's thing but her appearance and looks made her to be the rarest thing in the world, but she didnt have time to be in a relationship with someone.

She had no idea how the hell she is gonna slip out of the boys, she felt like she was a thing to be stared at. She lose her temper and Sally and Fiona was calling the boys and it distracted them, and managed to slip out of them. She flew to the construction metal structure and sat there, and looked down. Obviously rolled her eyes in seriousness, Eggman let her have a break and so is he.

"Hey! Get down here!" Knuckles shouted to Sonic, Sonic was obviously avoiding any males. She glared at Knuckles with her ruby eyes, "No and never!"

And still, Fiona and Sally was jealous to Sonic having all males trying to get her down.

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Me: I woke up late, and my sausage fingers sliding on the screen, i managed to get the spellings right. Since i finished the action plot... there will be romance plot on some chapters. AND YES I PASTED THE DAMN LYRICS! Dont ask but some chappies has some music, and some random musics to get you entertained, or listen to your own music while reading.

Tails: I swear, why didnt you add Sonic.exe?

Me: *Facepalm* Sonic.exe is Sonic's EXE side/form, anyway this story is mostly having a heavy editing since it is the only Female Sonic out of my stories.

Sally: And we are in this! Yes!

Me: That was i was talking about... anyway dont get excited too much or you will be losing in the few chapters you lovers.

Fiona: HEY! We're no lovers!

Me: YES YOU ARE! because Sally and you are together! ISNT THAT OBVIOUS!?!

Everyone: .....

Me: THEN I TAKE THAT AS YES! Now i apologize for yelling, see you on the next one, readers.

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