Chapter 6: The Mission / Meeting the Cyborg Version

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[3rd Person POV] (Day 21 - Sunday)

As the azure female hedgehog woke up, Sonic checked the time and it reads 5:00. She rushed off to her closet after taking a shower and wore the outfit she had, but of course she wore her inhabitor rings on. (A/N: Too lazy to describe. But the outfit she was wearing is the photo above! And pretend that there is no ring on her chest, instead a yellow neckerchief.)

"Great as a villain." Sonic say to herself as she scanned her long quills, her long blue quills now reaches her ankles, and fixed her quills into short. Who knew a young female being a villain?

After changing, she jumped off the window, and closed the window and flew to Eggman's base. She entered in as she arrived, metal doors automatically slide open. Revealing Eggman typing something on his monitor, Sonic coughed twice to get his attention, Eggman had his full attention to her.

"About the mission?" Sonic asked, tapping the metal cold floor with her heels impatiently.

"Oh yes, of course! I will send you to a mission," Eggman say, "First you need to steal at least few superchips, I need those to update the hardware of my robots. And here is your reward." Eggman threw a blue emerald to Sonic, but of course she caught it. Her first emerald was obviously the purple, she needed some to use a bit of energy.

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now