Chapter 16: The Drama / Meeting Infinite

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(A/N: For the last hours i just decided to make Infinite as the... erm... you might wanna read about it...)

[3rd Person POV] (Time: 3:30)

--+--Eggman's Lair--+--

The azure villain had arrived with her team, metal doors automatically sliding open revealing the waiting doctor on the center of the room.

Sonic sighed in annoyance being called multiple times if HE COULD just call Scourge. Heck she really want to kill Eggman not only for calling multiple times, but also being annoyed.

Sonic crossed her arms, as usual, "Whats the mission now doc?" Eggman let out a chuckle as if he was smart, "Now now dear, the mission is to kill the criminals since they stole my USB just few hours ago."

Sonic just facepalmed and was gonna kill him with her guitar, refused to kill and just hissed in anger and Eggman swore he just saw a glint of flames in her eyes, he sweatdropped a bit since he didnt want to die. Sonic had said her famous "Lets go" tone and left, and as they exited the lair, she saw her Ally, Infinite. An EXE friend that she met after Mephiles' death.

"Hello Sonic." An yellow orb scanned Sonic's Appearance (Her appearance is from Chapter 7/6.).

"Hello Infinite. Hows the life on Nightmare World?" Sonic said casually, she only allows her team and allies talk to her.

Infinite gave a nod, "Very well if i say, so what mission you going to do?"

Sonic and her team walked as Infinite floated next to them, she groaned, "Just killing the stupid girly girls just for his USB."

Infinite only gave a chuckle, she never change even a heart to anyone except to the allies and team. "You never change Sonic."

Sonic only rolled her eyes, she saw her "Worst Nemesis" she ever had.

Dark Tails looked around the place, clearly they are on the alley, he saw the two criminals laughing as if they were idiots, they were pissed off, especially Sonic and Infinite.

Sally adjusted her blue jacket and tossed the USB on her hand not too high, laughing as she toss the USB, Fiona only giggled as she sat on the huge rock. Fiona stopped giggling, "Thought the serious girl was smart, guess she isnt."

Now Sonic was clearly mad, it was obvious because of her glowing ruby red eyes, her team backed off, even Infinite considering Sonic's Angered power is unimaginable, including the other.

Sally rolled her eyes as she stopped laughing, "Of course she is! How pathetic!"

Sonic already had her guitar on her hand, ready to kill them with music. Since the EXEs got used to the melody, they dont have to worry about having their ears destroyed.

Sonic had a creepy smile that only a psychopath does, "Oh well, im afraid you will die." She started to play "Thunderstruck", but this time louder and a bit, evil.

Sally and Fiona suddenly became weak from the melody, of course Sally dropped on her knees, and so Fiona. The USB was on the ground and Dark Shadow went to get it, Sally tried to move but wont budge. The melody made both Fiona and Sally weaker and weaker every single second.

Dark Shadow had the USB and held it while crossing his arms, Psycho Silver smirking like a maniac, Dark Blaze narrowed her dark gold eyes to Fiona and Sally, Dark Tails had a death glare to the two criminals, Psycho Amy snickering as she watched them slowly die, and Dark Knuckles had the serious posture.

The Agent and The Villain (SonAdow) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now