Chapter 7: The Commander's Nightmare

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[3rd person POV, Commander Towers' dream/nightmare]

As the commander woke up, towers looked around to see wooden walls, everything. He looked straight to meet the red teal-emerald eyes staring at his soul, and the owner of the red teal-emerald eyes revealed its figure—it was Rouge's daughter!

"You will pay..." The figure say, in sinister voice. Making the commander's spine shiver.

"But how about playing a game? Your the hider and im the seeker, i win and you will meet your fear." The figure explained, there, was a azure figure wearing the thieve's dress, but the blue was red.

"H-how..?" Towers asked in fear, his body shaking.

"How? You killed my mother and you know it! If you didnt killed her i wouldnt been in your nightmares since her death! But you ignored the consequences... i am always in your nightmare, slowly threathening you to fear..." The azure hedgehog say it all in sinister voice.

"But... your future cant be changed... your grave will be here... anytime... now..." The hedgehog say in her real voice, in faint tone. Raising her hand up, she put her hand down.

"Wont you play with me before you leave..?" The hedgehog say, now it made the commander shake in fear, only nodded. Unable to speak.

"Then hide... ill find you... you have 30 seconds..." Then the hedgehog faded away after saying those words, towers immediately took action to leave the room he was in, he ran through the hallways. He can only hear his footsteps, which it made the atmosphere creepy as if a horror movie.

Then a faint laugh was heard, the commander immediately sped up and looked side to side, looking for a place to hide.

"Time is up, Towers." A demonic laugh was heard after that, scaring the hell out of towers, whos hiding in a closet, shivering in fear, he wanted to change the past, but he cant. Ever since GUN killed Rouge, her child was the one to avenge her death. And because of that, everytime he sleeps he always gets nightmare, not even a good dream. Not even once.

Then a click of heels was heard from outside of the door where towers was hiding.

"You can't hide away from me Towers, you kill her and I kill and make you suffer. You can't revive her... not even." A voice was heard as the door opened, but it was from the other.

And a few background song played, he can hear the figure sing. But in sinister and sweet femine voice.


"Ding dong
I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only wanna play a little
Ding dong
You can't keep me waiting
It's already too late for you to try and run away
I see you through the window
Our eyes are locked together
I can sense your horror
Thought I'd like to see it closer
Ding dong
Here i come to find you, hurry up and run
Let's play little game and have fun

Ding dong
Where's it you've gone to?
Do you think you've won?
Our game of hide and seek has just begun I hear your footsteps
Thumbing loudly through the hallways
I can hear your sharp breaths

You're not very good at hiding
Just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming)
Just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming)
Just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming)
Just wait you can't hide from me

Knock knock
I'm at your door now
I am coming in
No need for me to ask permission Knock knock
I am inside your room now
Where is it you've hid?
Our game of hide and seek's about to end
I'm coming closer
Looking underneath your bed but-

You're not here I wonder
Could you be inside the closet?
Ding dong
I have found you
Ding dong
You're hiding here
Now you're it
Ding dong
Finally found you dear
Now you're it
Ding dong
Looks like I have won
Now you're it
Ding dong
Pay the consequence

Ding dong
Looks like I have won
Now you're it
Ding dong
Pay the consequence"

The song ended as red teal-emerald eyes fiercing to the brown eyes, towers was shocked and now slowly waking up.

--+--Reality, Present--+--

The commander immediately shot up like a bullet and panted, but realized that it was all a dream. And once again, ignored his future awaiting for him to reach.

But little did the commander know, his nightmare was the warning... no... it wasn't a warning...

It was...
"His Death".


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