Chapter 18: The Necklace

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(A/N: Who said i forgot about the necklace from the few last chapters?! Anyway its kinda the main item dont question why.)

[3rd Person P.O.V]

--+--Downtown Square Park--+--

Shadow was just walking around the park, he figured that the person he talked with the few days ago only appears when it rains, any whether that involves water.

Soon enough, it started raining and saw a bit of white figure. He immediately knew who it was, it was Silvia. He walked to the white female and greeted the female, well. In normal way.

Silvia was just a bit of mysterious person than Shadow, she does only appear during rain, storm, snow.

Shadow had a blue necklace on his hand which got Silvia's attention, "Do you know about this blue one, Silvia?" He asked, well Sonic's height was around 5's or 4's. While Silvia being around mid-5's.

Silvia mentally cursed in her head, "Yes. What do you want to know about the person Shadow?" She replied with her stern tone.

Shadow looked at the blue necklace, "Can you tell me what her full name is?" He asked, now Silvia was even MORE serious. She cant arouse any movements that she was Sonic.

"Sonic The Hedge-bat, some people name her Angel Hedgehog because of her wings, her real full name cant be said by now. Im afraid that she is watching, she will kill me if i do." Silvia said, crossing her arms as the rain continued.

Shadow stared at Silvia, "Tell me, is this her treasure?" He asked again, Silvia nodded, obviously gonna be pissed telling him that. "Thats her important thing, seems she forgot to notice, but i am sure she will get it. I dont know about her weakness, the only thing i know that she can watch anyone within the Darkness."

Shadow would want to confront her again, obviously keeping the necklace will be a good advantage, Silvia sighed, "Any last question?"

Shadow snapped back in reality, "Yes, where can i find you besides rain, storm, and snow? You know?"

Silvia rolled her eyes, "In the beach, if in the winter.. you can find me almost everywhere. In spring, simillar to winter. In Authmun, same to those three. In summer, most likely the beach."

(A/N: Does this prove that i killed my autocorrect? I cant even spell Authmun? Autmun? Dont judge me but i seriously murdered Autocorrect.)

Shadow memorized the locations, and nodded. Silvia walked away, and disappeared in the thin air. Leaving Shadow alone with the blue necklace, and the rain stopped. He walked back into his home and planned something to lure the Azure Villain with the necklace.

--+-- --+-- --+--

Me: I swear to god, im sorry for the short chapter. But yeah dont be mad at me if i forgot about the necklace. Its kinda being the main important Item, aside from Chaos Emerald... so anyway later.

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