Chapter 9: Death is coming (Part 1)

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(A/N: So, if theres a part 1, 2, 3, they are most likely to have some... sneak peak, i mean their lines. So you can just guess who said/ what are they doing. Anyway begin~)

[3rd person pov]

As always, Sonic and her team was causing a destruction, not to mention it almost killed some people. But thats what Sonic wanted, she was wearing her new appearance; The Blue Fighter. (That one like from Ch 6.)

Soon enough, Shadow and his team had arrived in scenario, Shadow was getting ready while his team was shocked— their metal counterpart wasnt in there!

Psycho Amy smirked at her non-evil counterpart, "Shocked? Oh well. Looks like we have more game to play!" She cheerfully exclaimed, like a kid does.

The albino hedgehog with pitch black eyes and red pupils, groaned while staring at his childish teammate, "Ames you are literally gonna mess this up.."

Then the leader butted in, instead of having glowing bloody eyes, she had ruby eyes, matching to a red ruby jewel. She had her hands in her hips, looking sassy enough. "Thats enough." She commanded and her team obeyed, ruby orbs sternly staring at the opposite team, "You are wondering who is these, these people behind me? Of course... i expected you to ask me that question. Ha ha ha." She said, now her facial turned into serious along with her position. "If you want to, then fight."

The replicas and the opposite team started clashing to each other, the only thing that shocked them was they have unknown powers that they dont have. Their evil replicas were obviously doesnt have something they wield, but besides, they DO wield their powers in half.

"Who... WHO ARE YOU!?" Tails yelled while backing away from his evil counterpart, soon enough his counterpart stopped and stood there. It only let out a deep chuckle, "I am Dark Tails, nice to meet you." Tails was absolutely shaking on his boots, afraid what his counterpart is capable of.

Tails scanned his counterpart, No way! Thats not even a machine! But HOW!? He panicked as Dark Tails got near him, but stopped by a punch from Knuckles. Dark Tails was sent flying to the wall and immediately flew up without his tails, and chuckled, "You think i will let you? No! Because you are THE FAKE!" Dark Tails yelled as he hit his counterpart with a hard wrench, Tails has now a big bloody gash on his forehead, bleeding badly.

Amy on the other hand, just attacked without thinking— she forgot that her counterpart isnt a machine anymore! She kept swinging her hammer but ended up being dizzy. "H-how...?"

Amy's counterpart let out a deep chuckle, "I am the Psycho Version of you." Then turned back into serious and continued to fight, but Amy dodged it and some landed a hit. "Just what are you!?!" Amy shouted as she tried hitting her psycho self but dodged before it hit. "Just your psycho version, nothing more." Her counterpart and her continued to fight, and so the other versions, except Shadow and Sonic.

"SONIC! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" Shadow shouted, Sonic's had her full attention to him. "Why should i? Your commander killed my mother, so what? Any reasons?" She snapped at him, completely pissed off, at the same time she felt like she was shy but it wasnt.

"BECAUSE Your mother wont like this! It was just a misunderstanding!" Shadow tried to explain, Sonic didnt listen, well. Except about her mother.

Now Sonic had lost it, she was mad and glared at him, "You are one of them, why should i believe you?" She said, crossing her arms, "My mother told me they were thinking me as a threat, so what am i? A threat! I dont know my father and i dont even trust you!" She yelled, while her team dealing with Shadow's.

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