Chapter 15: What's that? / A little chat

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(A/N: Cringe title... but be get used to it SINCE IM BUSY LOOKING FOR SONGS TO BE FINE AT.)

[3rd Person POV]

--+--Team Shadow's Home--+--

Shadow arrived on his home, like always. Tails was in there drinking a water, Tails noticed Shadow and waved hi. And Shadow waved back, he walked and closed the door as he took few steps in. Shadow was curious what emotion it is.


Shadow lazily sat on the black couch, "Hey Tails," He asked, Tails whipped his head up to his direction, "Yeah?"

"I have this feeling... i dont know what it is."

"Shadow... its called... 'Love', i know you are uncomfortable hearing that word. So who's the lucky girl?"

"I think its Rouge's kid... i swear to chaos why does it have to be so cute..."

"Haha! So you are! Let me set it up just for the Hero and the Villain!"


Tails was excited to hatch a matchmaking plan, of course he does. So he left the room heading to his room, leaving Shadow alone.

"It will be fine up here! You can just have a nice walk!" Tails yelled as Shadow stood up, and left the house. Everyone is on their houses, well... except for the azure villain (aka Thief) on the park just thinking what is she going to do. Either she just relax and do nothing or just stand here and sing, or even. She was on her trace that long she didnt noticed Shadow walking over.

Shadow snapped his finger at Sonic's face and immidately got on alert stance, and when she saw that it was her annoying rival.

Sonic crossed her arms, "I thought you are going to sleep." She said sternly as she stared at her ebony rival.

Shadow just groaned and yelled, "Hey! I dont sleep! Im the Ultimate Life Form!" Sonic just rolled her eyes, obviously not caring what he is saying. "Sure sure, whatever hedgehog."

"Hey! Your a hedgehog too! Why saying that!?"

"I swear to god cant you even tell a difference?! Like are you blind seeing my angel wings instead of bat wings!?"

"Well like thats fake!"

Sonic's white-teal faded wings turned into Razor Wings in a split second, making the ebony one jump a bit at the sudden appearance.

"Hmph, touch the razor if you dare. Not my fault if you get hurt. Right 'Ultimate Life Form'?"

Shadow just mumbled something and since Sonic has a hedgehog ear, but able to hear ANYTHING. She just rolled her eyes as her wings go back in normal and hide.

"I heard that Hedgehog. Im absolutely going to murder you if i get dragged by Fiona and Sally."

Shadow laughed, "Oh really? I pretty much prefer to get to know you-" Sonic had her guitar in her hands and smacked his head, the guitar didnt broke or anything.

"If its about the music, forget it. I would kill you by just a crazy melody making your ears bleed." Sonic said as she dusted her guitar off, Shadow was shocked and yelled, "IS that even a GUITAR!?"

Sonic glared at Shadow and sarcastically made a posture that every Tsunderes do, "Yes it is you idiot, if you had a good taste of music i pretty much to let you know i can kill one object by just playing my guitar or my vocal."

Shadow had a artificial Chaos Emerald, "Then destroy this fake emerald."

Sonic tuned her guitar in heavy metal considering it will break anything with any tune, she just rolled her eyes, "I will say cover your ears." She started to pluck one string and Played "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC. And it just had a booming melody, in a split second the Emerald broke and stopped, Shadow had his ears covered like he was gonna die. Sonic laughed as she stopped, "You do have not have a good ears to even let music go in your ears."

Shadow yelled in defense, "Just because you can play guit-" And was cut off by the Communicator, Sonic groaned and answered her communicator.

Italic- Eggman
Bold- Sonic

"What doc? Cant you see im busy doing my buisness!?" Sonic yelled like she just got pissed off from being annoyed.

"Well sorry, i have a new mission for you tommorow and it is not by that Idiotic Shadow."

Shadow was taken in surprise and yelled as he grabbed Sonic's wrist and face the wrist communicator, "SAYS THE ONE WHOS A IDIOTIC EGGHEAD!"

Sonic groaned, "Let go, Anyway the hedgehog was just annoying me."

"Oh i shouldve known! Be in my base around 3:30!"

And with that, the call had ended.

Sonic gave an annoyed sigh, "3AM, why..."

Shadow was now curious about 3am, "Why is that Special?"

Sonic had a blank face and replied with montone tone, "Its because its where my allies go alive." She said, and turned around, giving her back to Shadow. "My advice, if you see anything with dark aura, thats my allies. Talk to you later." And with that, Sonic had disappeared in the thin air.

Shadow had enough talking today and went to go back to his home.

--+-- --+-- --+-- --+--

Me: Someone kill me, naw.

Shadow: Feeling suicidal arent you?

Me: I swear to god writing Romance Plot is no joke, for a emo like me yes but easy for you to say that i dont expercience love. LIKE IM TRYING MY BEST IN HERE T^T

Sonic: Now your worst than sonica62.

Me: OH THATS IT. IM CHOOSING Shadow x Reader in the future! *Slaps Sonic*


Me: Nope.

Shadow: *Put on black shades* Im the coolest~ My fans do love me~

Sonic: PLEASE AUTHOR-DEV!!!! *Hugging Alexa's leg* T^T

Me: No. I will do Sonic x Reader next now stop hugging my leg. But Shadow x Reader is first i will remind you hedgehog. =^= Get off me!

Sonic: No and never in million years!


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