Best Friend's Brother Part One

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A/N: Damonlover81 Requested this one and also I'm since I'm going to make it Halloween and the pictures of Thea and Barry in their outfits are going to be there Halloween costumes and I'm making it like the DC vers isn't real just tv and comic books and that oh picture Oliver as Hercules but the outfit will be from the Hercules movie with Kellan Lutz.
It's the day before Halloween Barry and Thea who are best friends and graduated high school last year they decided to take a break before they go to college next year they are at the store buying their Halloween costumes Barry bought a Flash costume and Thea bought a Speedy costume once they have their costumes they go out to lunch.

After lunch they go back to Thea's house cause Barry is staying the night Thea knows that Barry is gay and doesn't care he's still his lovable adorable and nerdy self and her  best friend they tell each other everything and she has told him about her crush on Eddie Thawne
but little does she know is Barry is scared to tell her that he has a crush on her brother he has had a crush on Oliver since he and Thea became friends in high school and every time he came over he would always see Oliver shirtless and the one time he seen Oliver in his underwear it was their ninth grade year and he was spending the night with Thea he was thirsty and she was sleeping so he went to the kitchen but when he got their he seen Ollie in just his underwear as he was drinking milk from the jug he tried looking away from Oliver and all his muscles and Oliver give him this look like he was caught but all he said was do you want some milk as he gives him his Oliver Queen cocky smile then Oliver walks away knowing that Barry was checking him out as he walked away that was the night that Barry realized he was gay and had a crush on Oliver Queen.

Barry says Eddie is a hottie and those abs Thea says you've seen him shirtless Barry blush's as he says yeah when he was changing in the locker room or when he would work out in the school gym as he rememberers watching Eddie work out or helping him work out he then say do you ever miss high school? Thea says yeah I do sometimes but also not while she's answering he finds the courage to tell his best friend about his crush as he looks down he says speedy I have something to tell you before she can say anything he says I have a crush on your brother but it doesn't matter because he's your brother and also he probably doesn't even care cause he more than likely is straight and even if he wasn't he can get any guy or girl he wants and he wouldn't want to be with a nerdy guy like me cause I'm just some loser who's his little sister's best friend.

What Thea didn't tell Barry is that Oliver will be home because everyone knows that the Queen kids throw the best Halloween party's and Oliver told her he would come back to help with the party actually he is downstairs getting everything set up and getting the kegs and drink stations set up they have the kegs and then they have the liquor areas and then you have the normal drink area for those that are the designated drivers Laurel comes up and says this is going to be the best party tonight as Oliver says of course it is its a Queen Halloween party.

Thea gets woken up by the nosie downstairs she looks over and sees that Barry is still sleeping as she says you could sleep anything she then goes downstairs and sees Oliver she runs to him and hugs him as she says everything looks great as she then says is this your costume who are you supposed to be and is this your whole costume? He looks at her as he says yes I'm Hercules from the movie before Thea can say anything he says and not the Disney version the Kellan Lutz version cause he's hot and made it work but I ware it better Thea laughs as she says Barry would agree with you Laurel looks at her as she asks why would your boyfriend agree with Oliver? One he's not my boyfriend he's my best friend and he's gay and has a crush on Ollie before Ollie or Thea can say anything Laurel laughs as she says like he stands a chance with Oliver.

Thea says what's that supposed to mean as Oliver looks and says yeah what is that supposed to mean? She says come on Ollie I know you're bi but seriously you can't tell me that the nerdy little geek has a chance with you when you can have anyone who is hotter than him before anyone can say anything Barry runs back up the stairs Thea looks at Laurel and says you're a bitch then she runs upstairs to talk to Barry as Oliver says she's right your a bitch and for the record Barry maybe a nerd but he's a hot nerd and he's kind and smart and very beautiful oh and you're uninvited from the party what you can't be serious all I did was call out the nerd who has a crush on you but I am serious so you can leave on your own or I can have you escorted out and I'll make sure that you aren't on the guest list after she hears this she storms out.

Oliver runs upstairs to Thea's room he knocks on the door and Thea opens it and he says can I talk to him alone? She says if you make it worse I will hurt you he throws his hands up as he says I won't just let me talk to him please she walks out as Oliver walks in and shuts the door as he says Barry can I talk to you?

To Be Continued

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