What If

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It's been a month since everything that has happened with Barry and Jay but Oliver feels like he and Barry will never be like they where back in high school but he won't say it out load cause he loves Barry and knows that he's lived with all the abuse and the rap since they left high school and they are going out but he can't even hold or touch him with so Oliver goes and talks to Caitlin Snow to talk to her about it Caitlin says that she thinks it would help Barry to have someone to talk about what he went through so she says she will give him the number of the psychiatrist named Felicity Smoak Oliver goes home and tells Barry and Barry says he'll try cause he wants to be able to lay in his boyfriends arms and his bed as they are talking Barry hears about the trill on the tv and Barry shutdowns Oliver calls Ms. Smoak and sets up an appointment with her for Barry to meet with her the next day.

The next morning he takes the day off and takes Barry to see Ms. Smoak Barry talks to Felicity about everything he's been through and he's really opening up about everything till time runs out she says I would like for you to come back tomorrow and we will spend more time talking Barry says thank you and I'll be back tomorrow when he walks out of the office and Oliver says ready to go Barry says can we go get food? Of course baby any where you want to go with that they go to Big Belly Burger as Barry says I think Felicity is going to helpful as they walk out of the building and to the car they go get food and take it home and watch movies while they eat and to Oliver's surprise after the food is gone Barry moves towards Oliver and snuggles up with Oliver as he puts his arm around Ollie's waist and his head on his shoulder he then falls asleep on him Oliver wants to move him cause his legs and arms are falling asleep but he doesn't want to move cause his bear is finally sleeping peacefully and cuddling with him so he moves to lay down without waking Barr as he slowly lays down and pulls Barry back to his chest as he kisses his hair.

The next morning Barry wakes up and is watching Oliver sleep when Oliver wakes up he says how long have you been wake not long and you were watching me sleep? You looked so peaceful and happy as he says I know dealing with a boyfriend who you can't touch or can't kiss or have sex with isn't your idea of a great boyfriend he starts to cry as he looks down Oliver gently pulls Barry up to him and lefts his chin with his finger so he can look into his eyes as he says hey I love you and you have been though something no one should have to go through and I can wait no matter how long it takes and look last night you fall asleep on me and we ended up sleeping together all night and I got to hold you the whole night and that's a start he says with a smile.

Oliver looks at the time as he says we have to get you to see Ms. Smoak and I have to go to work but I will pick you up for lunch when you're done with Ms. Smoak they get dressed and Oliver drops Barry off at Ms. Smoak's office and Barry kisses him on his cheek then leaves when Oliver gets to the office he's happier than he's ever been as he waits for the elevator he's smiling once he gets to his off Sara says what's got you smiling cause last night I actually got to hold and sleep with him and before you say anything not like that he fell asleep cuddling with me last night and I moved him so we could be comfortable and we slept like that all night and this morning we talked and before he got out the car he kissed my cheek Sara smiles as she says that's great Ollie.

Two years later Oliver and Barry are still going strong and Barry is getting better as he and Oliver can actually sleep in the same bed and kiss and hold hands they haven't had sex yet but that was more Oliver saying that he wanted to wait till Barry is completely better as he still has some times where he has a break down and has nightmares of everything that's happened to him but Oliver has asked Nora if he can have Barry's hand she told him he didn't need my permission to ask my son to marry you but yes he loves you and thank you for loving him he also asks her to help him pick out the ring Oliver then asks Sara if she will help him cause he's going to sing what if before he proposes to him and since it's a two person song he's going to need help she says yes she'll help him and Oliver invites Nora, Leonard, Mick, Sara, Eddie, Joe and his family he told them to meet them at Barry's favorite restaurant Cazuelas  at eight tonight he has the whole restaurant they say ok and they're meet there.

Oliver goes home and says baby how about we go out for dinner tonight at Cazuelas Barry is in just a towel as he says what's the occasion? Oliver says why do I need an occasion to take my boyfriend/best friend out to dinner? He walks up to him as he as he warps his arms around his waist Barry says no I guess not as he kisses him passionately as he deepens the kiss the towel falls off him and Oliver says god your so sexy as he says get dressed and we can go watch a movie till we go to dinner Barry kisses him passionately again then says are you sure you want me to put clothes on? Mr. Allen you don't play fair I never said I played fair and I want this I know this isn't like anything with Jay your not him I love you and trust you and I want this just as much as you do Oliver says if your sure he looks at the time as he says I'll make love to you after dinner tonight as he kisses him passionately then says now please get dressed so we can go get food.

Once they get to the restaurant Barry walks in and sees his mom and all his friends before he can asks what's going on he hears music in the background and then he sees Oliver singing one of his favorite songs then he sees Sara join in as Oliver sings the last line Barry sees him get down on one knee and pulls out a ring as he says Barry Allen will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world? Barry is in tears as he says yes I will marry you Oliver gets up and he kisses him passionately.

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