There you were

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So I know the songs don't exactly go together but this is the continuation from Pony I hope you like it and please don't forget to vote.

Barry wakes up in Oliver's arms and he looks up at him as he thinks about the night before and how he's so lucky cause most people don't get to lose something as important to the person they have had a crush or been in love with since they where eleven after he thinks this his brain starts thinking about how he's not even sure if Oliver meant anything he said last night he's twenty three years old and a billionaire who can have anyone he wants why would he want a nineteen year old boy who has to be an escort so that he can pay for college cause his parents are dead Oliver wakes up and says you're Irresistible you know that and so cute cause you have your worry face on.

Barry looks like he's going to cry as Oliver says baby don't cry cause I meant every word that I said last night with that being said I want to ask you something? Will you be my boyfriend? Barry says you don't have to do this it's okay I wanted last night as much if not more than you and your this hottie with the body of a god and a billionaire who can have anyone he wants and I don't know why you would want someone like me who has to be an escort so he can pay for college he's about to get up when Oliver grabs him as says hey stop right there don't do that don't sell yourself short it's true we've only been hanging out for a few days but these past few days have been awesome and your amazing yeah you're an escort but you do it to pay for school and you are smart and funny and yes your nerdy but that's sexy as hell and it works for you and I know I love you and I maybe a billionaire but I would give it up in a second if I had to choose between you or the money cause I know deep in my soul that you are the one I've been waiting for and yes I maybe twenty three and may have had sex before last night but when I met you it's like I found the missing piece of me that I didn't know was missing and every time we hang out all the signs where there and I didn't want you to leave I wanted to find a way to make you stay he looks him in his eyes as he says can you honestly tell me you don't feel it to? Can you tell me honestly that you would give up something so special to just anyone? Cause if that was true than you would have lost it sooner but you didn't you were better than me you waited till it felt right to you he looks him in the eyes as he waits.

Barry says your right it felt right and I have had this feeling that we are meant to be more and that this is fate I've never felt this way about anyone else Oliver smiles as he says I was gonna ask you last night but you fall asleep in my embrace and you are so cute when you sleep and you talk in your sleep before he can ask him what he said Oliver says so will you Barry Allen be my boyfriend and come back with me to Sterling City you can finish college there or I can stay here so you can finish school here I don't need to be there I can run the company from anywhere with WiFi Barry says yes I'll be your boyfriend Oliver kisses him passionately then says I want to be where ever my irresistible boyfriend is who I can't keep my hands off of and I'm going to pay for the rest of your school and about you talking in your sleep which is adorable by the way you said I love you it doesn't have to mean anything yet cause you were sleeping Barry cuts him off as he says it's true I do love you I have been in love with you for a long time before he can continue Oliver kisses him passionately then says I love you to baby the next day Oliver told his dad that he was going to stay in Massachusetts and work from there as he's meet the man of his dreams his dad says that's amazing am glad I was hoping this would work out for you.

- Two Months Later-

Oliver and Barry are living in an apartment that is close to Barry's school Oliver has invited his parents and his sister Thea his mom said she would love to meet the woman who has got him to settling down as he says your be in for a real surprise then hangs up Barry has invented his friends from school who are like his family to this dinner and Oliver has rented out the whole restaurant.

He tells Barry he feels his mom will make a scene and he would rather it be just them and not a whole restaurant when she makes a scene but don't worry it won't change how I feel about you as he sees Barry looking down he starts tickling him to get him in a better mood as he says you are my baby and I don't care who doesn't like it Barry is trying to get him to stop as he laughs Oliver says I'll stop if you kiss me and stop worrying about my mom cause my dad Thea and Tommy are all going to love you and my mother will come around and if she doesn't then it's her loss cause you are amazing and i love you Barry kisses him passionately then says we have some time before we have to go to dinner as he then instead of asking he goes down and starts sucking on his member as Oliver is about to say something but he starts moaning as he's never had someone do the things Barry is dong with his month and tongue on his cock and it feels so amazing he says he's going to he can't get it out as he comes and to his surprise Barr takes it all he's never had anyone do that before afterwards he says I want to feel you inside of me also give you something that no one else has had as everyone I've been with I've been the top but I want to bottom for you Barry looks up at him as he says really yes he says as he's smiling at his beautiful boyfriend Barry says ok well then I will do it after dinner cause I'm going to take my time he says but we can still have fun as he looks at Ollie with on of his boyfriends cocky smiles.

At the restaurant all of Barry's friends are there Caitlin Snow,Cisco Ramon, Felicity Smoak, Kara Danvers, Eddie Thawne, And Leonard Snart are there and they are happy for Oliver and Barry as they hug Barry and Oliver afterwards Robert Queen,Thea Queen, Moria Queen, Tommy Merlyn and some other guy walks in Tommy says buddy I've missed you and I also have something to tell you before we meet you lovely girlfriend he motions for the guy he walked in with as he says Oliver meet my boyfriend Raymond Palmer he's very sexy and intelligent and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was gay I just wasn't sure how you would feel about it but Ray and I have been dating since College and Oliver says that's amazing and I'm sorry I made you feel that way and Ray it's nice to meet you and if you ever need anyone to kick his ass I've got your back as he laughs then says well first let's get this started as Moria says yes it's about time we meet this woman who made you fall in love and stay in this town Oliver says well then I would love for you all to meet my boyfriend Barry Allen.

Thea yells as she says yes now one day I'll have two wonderful brother in laws as she hugs him as she says welcome to the family as Robert says I couldn't agree more I'm glad that my son has met someone who makes him feel special Oliver sees his mother and whispers in his ear here it comes as she says I'm happy for you I'm glad that you finally realized who you are and that you found someone who makes you happy and welcome to the family as she hugs him as everyone looks at her like she just grow another head.

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