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A/N: This is the squeal to stay and I didn't say but in stay but for that story and this one story Oliver since Ollie is married to Samantha they live in Central City.
Barry has been at his moms house for two weeks as he had vacation time that he hasn't use and needed to use up and since he give Oliver the ultimatum and he left him he's been a mess and Nora has been there for him as she says my sweet boy it hurts right now but as time goes on it will hurt less and in time you can move on and it's Oliver's loss that he left you as he says he said he loves me and I love him and why did I have to give him the ultimatum? Nora says my sweet boy it was the right thing to do you couldn't keep it up in the long run it would have been more messy and it could have been worse for everyone if you let it go on longer than it had.

Meanwhile back at Ralph Dibny's office Samantha is there to get her answers Ralph give her the photos that he knew she couldn't see Barry's face but could make out that it's a man that Oliver was fooling around with as she looks as the pictures she says I knew it Ralph looks at her as he asks your not even surprise that he cheated on you with a man? Not really I knew he was bi and I knew that us getting married wouldn't last cause we won't really in love with each other it's just we got married cause he got me pregnant and his mom and dad was told him he had to marry me and we where young and we both tried to make it work but we fall out of love I just wish he would have told me and not been sneaking around but he looks so happy when he's with who ever this guy is after she says thank you Mr. Dibny and she pays him the rest of his money and then she leaves.

Samantha goes home and calls for Oliver he comes down and says quite I just put William down for his nap she says we need to talk he says okay what's up honey? She doesn't ask him about the photos she wants to try and find out who the other guy is she says so I was thinking about what we should do for our anniversary I was thinking we could let your parents watch William and we can have a date night we can go to a movie and then dinner and then come back here and and have some us time Oliver says that sounds great honey as she sees that hurt look in his eyes as he walks into the kitchen.

Samantha follows him she doesn't want to put it off so she says look Oliver I know about your affair with that guy he looks at her as she says no let me speak please I have known for awhile that this isn't working we tried to make this work but we were young when we got married and we only did it because I got pregnant and you're parents told you if we didn't then they would cut you off and we got married and it worked but neither one of us was in love with each other we just did what we and your parents thought was right and I've known before you started your affair that this wasn't working and that we were both lying to ourselves and when you started coming home happier then I've seen you in the past so this is my anniversary present to you go be with the person who makes you happy and I won't keep your our son away from you but I do have one request. Oliver looks at her as he says what's that? I want you to make sure that this guy Oliver says Barry she that Barry is the one that you want to be with before he meets our son cause I don't want him to get attached to him and you two break up or something Oliver says deal as he's smiling then remembers how he walks out of Barry's life and maid him feel like shit so she gets a sad look on his face as he says he probably won't ever talk to me again he give me an ultimatum and when he did I walked out on him Samantha says look if he really loves you he will understand and if you think it will help I'll talk to him I don't know Ollie says.

Samantha and Oliver are at CC Jitters when they hear the barista call out Barry's name he Oliver looks up to see that it's his Barry Samantha sees the way Oliver looked at him and she walks up to him as she says hey I'm you don't know me but I know you were having affair with my husband Barry looks up at her as she says please just listen to me I'm not mad at you Barry says really she says yes and she goes into the conversation that she had with Oliver and she says with that being said I just want him to be happy and if that's with you then you two deserve to give it a shot afterwards she goes to Oliver and says go get your man.

Oliver walks over and talks to Barry and says hello look I'm sorry about the last time before he can finish Barry pulls him in and kisses him passionately then says I understand and I could have been Oliver kisses him passionately again as Barry then says can we just act like that last time didn't happen? Oliver says I would love that then kisses him again as Barry says how about we go back to my place? Oliver says god how I've missed you yes just one minute he goes over there and hugs Samantha as he whispers in her ear thank you she says you're welcome now go have fun with your man and with that Oliver goes back to his bear as he says let's go and they walk out holding hands.

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